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Patrick: Don't think. It's a compliment.

Imogen: I'll take the compliment, but I'll definitely think.

Patrick: Right. You are a scientist. I like Jurassic Park. Where's that leave me?

Imogen: Who doesn't like Jurassic Park?

Patrick: It's not painting scientists in the best light.

Imogen: Sure it is. People do good for science. People do bad for science. It's like anything. You should read some of the old psychology studies before there were serious ethics. They were messed up.

Patrick: Anything interesting?

Imogen: A lot interesting, but nothing sexy.

Patrick: I like interesting too.

Imogen: I'm sure you've heard of the Milligram experiments? Testing people's obedience by asking subjects to shock an unseen patient, even as they scream or beg for mercy.

Patrick: It sounds familiar. What's the verdict?

Imogen: Most people follow orders. Those who don't tend to be less agreeable in general. That's another personality metric, one of the "Big Five." (Mine is low. Which means I don't compromise as easily, but the flip side is I don't compromise my integrity as easily either). Or they don't see the experimenter as a person in an elevated position. Other scientists, doctors, professionals.

Patrick: I can see that.

Imogen: It has a certain common sense to it when you look at the history of the world. Or when you reflect on your own experience. We all feel the weight of what other people expect us to do.

Patrick: Is that an issue you've had with men?

Imogen: I don't like being expected to perform certain acts.

Patrick: Anything in particular?

Imogen: Really?

Patrick: I can guess, yeah, but I prefer not to make assumptions.

Imogen: Or… you want me to say something else.

She's so sure of herself. I love it.

Patrick: I want you to tell me what you like and what you don't like, so we both enjoy ourselves.

Imogen: Even if I don't like your favorite things?

Patrick: You don't know my favorite things.

Imogen: What are they?

Patrick: I asked first.

Imogen: I don't like being expected to do anything, period. Men usually expect one thing: head, even in situations where they'd never expect sex. It's not that I don't like it. Well, I don't really know if I like it, honestly. It was just okay with my ex. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either.

Patrick: That's fine.

Imogen: Really?

Patrick: Why wouldn't it be?

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Romance