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Imogen: Because men like blow jobs.

Patrick: So?

Imogen: So? Isn't it… disappointing?

I really like her.

Patrick: I enjoy receiving, yes, but I prefer to give. And there's plenty of other things I enjoy.

Imogen: It's not off the table. It's just it feels more personal to me. I'm not sure if I'll want to do it in a casual relationship. Maybe. But if I do, only if we're exclusive and we're both safe. I know the STD transmission risk with oral sex is low, but I'd rather not worry.

Patrick: I'll get tested this week.

Imogen: Has it been long enough you're sure?

Patrick: Yeah. But we can take it at whatever pace you want.

Imogen: Is this how these conversations normally go?

Patrick: No. Most people leave all this unsaid. But this is smarter. No crossed wires.

Imogen: People don't think it's sexy.

Patrick: Maybe it's not as sexy as reading someone's body. But it's way hotter than realizing you overstepped because someone didn't want to say no. Or letting someone overstep because you don't want to correct them.

Imogen: Has that happened to you?

Patrick: I hope not. But when I was younger, I was dumber too. I didn't see things as clearly.

Imogen: That's true. I agreed to things I wasn't comfortable with because I thought I should.

Patrick: Did someone push you?

I already want to deck the asshole. And I'm not a violent person.

Imogen: No. Not the way you mean. Only the expectations. The social pressure. Women are as bad as men. There's this sort of "Oh, you don't do that?" vibe. "Are you not cool? Are you a prude?"

Patrick: Men are like that too.

Imogen: Right. And men don't always want sex, all the time, any way, anyone, just because they're men.

Patrick: Don't spread that too widely.

Imogen: Our secret.

Fuck, I really, really like her.

Patrick: What are you into?

Imogen: I'm not sure, actually. It's been a while.

Patrick: Happy to help you find out.

Beyond happy.

Patrick: We can experiment as much as you want.

Imogen: I was actually thinking that. It probably sounds ridiculous, but it helps me to put things in scientific terms.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Romance