Page 89 of My Best Chance

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I’d never get enough of him carrying me around, caring for me. I wanted to tell him what was going on in my head, but it wasn’t smart. I couldn’t—no, I wouldn’t—open myself up to someone and get hurt again.

I’d loved my mother unconditionally, and she probably didn’t deserve it. I couldn’t give myself freely to Ryan, not when his time here might be limited.

I entertained the idea of following him to Texas, but he hadn’t asked, and there was no way I’d leave Nana. Nana kept us, even when it was clear Mom wasn’t going to come back and take us with her.

I was so grateful to have someone in my life who wanted me, I vowed never to leave her. She was there for us when we needed her, and I’d do the same for her.



“Are you ready for a weekend with the Fords?” Ryan asked when I answered the door Friday evening.

I chuckled. “That depends. What do you have planned?”

He grabbed my overnight bag, his expression boyish. “Fishing, a campfire, and board games.”

“That sounds like something I could handle.” It sounded fun and carefree. It was just what I needed to put the last week behind me.

“You can spend time in the hammock while we fish if it’s not your thing.”

Ryan worked late nights at the garage the past week to finish up his work before he took off for the weekend. I’d spent my time brainstorming ideas for my story and researching publishing. It was the first time I’d felt excited about anything in a long time.

Corey waited for us in the truck, his earbuds in and head bowed over his phone. Ryan swung my bag into the bed of the truck that was piled high with gear, bags, and fishing rods.

I nodded toward Corey’s bobbing head. “Should we tell him we’re seeing each other?”

We hadn’t discussed labels, but I wasn’t sure if we should pretend there wasn’t anything between us all weekend. I didn’t like it, but Corey was still a kid, and I’d respect Ryan’s decision.

“We can talk to him this weekend if you want. I planned on you taking one of the spare rooms.” Then he winked. “You’d better not sneak into mine in the middle of the night.”

“I wouldn’tthinkof doing such a thing,” I teased.

He pouted as he opened the passenger side door for me and waited while I climbed inside. “I was actually looking forward to it.”

I shook my head as he closed my door and rounded the hood. I was excited to be spending the weekend with both of them.

I turned around to greet Corey. He returned my smile but went back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

I threw a thumb over my shoulder in Corey’s direction. “Is this how it will be all weekend?”

He grimaced. “I hope not. I might have to confiscate his phone.”

“You’re not ready for a sulky teenager,” I said.

He shot me an amused expression. “Is anyone ever ready for that?”

“I don’t know.” None of my friends had kids yet, much less teenagers. I wondered if Ryan would want more. I’d always wanted them, but if he had a twelve-year-old, would he want to start over again with a baby?

I was getting ahead of myself. Especially with everything left unsettled with Tiffany.

“Anything new from Texas?” I asked.

His jaw tightened. “No, and I don’t want to even think about it for the rest of the weekend. Let’s enjoy this time together.”

I settled back in my seat. “I can do that.”

I was happy to push aside the worry and focus on the fantasy of the three of us together. I could almost imagine this was my real life. That it was common for us to take weekend road trips to get away.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance