Page 88 of My Best Chance

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“We’re getting lucky tonight.” I meant the empty parking spot.

“You sure are,” he said with another wink before he got out. Eating up the distance between our doors with long strides, he yanked it open. He held a hand out to me, and I took it.

Unlocking the door with shaky hands, he slammed it shut behind us with his foot.

The next thing I knew, I was lifted, and my back slammed against the wall.

He kissed my neck, the spot behind my ear, my cheek, and finally my mouth. “Sorry, I can’t slow down.”

When he paused to kiss down my neck, I said, “I don’t mind.”

The wall bit into my back as he pressed against me. I loved feeling the hard planes of his muscles against my softer ones.

Hard and soft. Gruff and sweet. We were a juxtaposition of differences, yet we worked.

When my lips were swollen, he let me down to kick off his shoes. He pulled his shirt over his head, and I did the same. Both of us were frantic to rip off our clothes. When we were naked, his arms came around me, and he lifted me against the wall again.

I sighed in pleasure at the feel of his skin against mine. His cock nudged my entrance.

“Do we need protection?” he asked while raining kisses down my neck.

Breathless, I said, “I tested recently, and I’m on birth control.”

“I’m safe, too.” Then it was like something snapped inside him.

With a groan, he pushed inside until I was full of him. His muscles bunched as he pulled out to the tip; he bent his knees to stroke back inside.

This position felt more intimate somehow. I trusted he’d support me, that he wouldn’t let me fall. I let my head fall back to the wall while I rode the high of him inside me, his arms surrounding me.

I’d never felt anything like it.

“You feel incredible.” His tone was rough.

I knew logically he was experiencing sex with me for the first time without a condom, but I took it to mean that there was something special and unique about being with me. I was different than the other women he’d been with.

We shared a deeper connection, an understanding.

I let go, giving in to the sensations of his skin slapping against mine, his muscles holding me up, and his cock growing impossibly wider inside me. He found that spot deep inside and drew out moans and whimpers that I was almost embarrassed to think came from me.

I was incomprehensible with need when I said, “Please.”

He braced an arm against the wall, thrusting harder, deeper, and everything inside me exploded. I felt like I’d never come back down to earth. I’d drift through the air like pieces of tissue paper caught in the wind.

He thrust deep and shuddered in my arms. He bit the skin of my shoulder lightly before licking it. He moved to rest his forehead against mine. “That was—”

I smiled, delirious with the aftermath of the pleasure he’d rendered from my body, and borrowed his word, “Incredible.”

“Fuck, yes.” Then he kissed me lightly, a contrast to the roughness of fucking me against the wall. Each touch of his lips to mine was a promise for more. Forever even.

I love him.

Whether it was smart or not, I couldn’t help it. He rendered me incapable of intelligent thought or reason. I was all sensation and feelings.

He gently let me down to the floor until I stood on my feet, looking at me with awe in his expression. “What are you doing to me?”

“I could ask the same of you.” My heart was pounding in my chest, but my limbs felt weak.

He carried me bridal-style to his bed and laid me down. I heard running water in the bathroom, and then a warm washcloth was between my legs, cleaning me.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance