Page 78 of My Best Chance

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I sipped my beer, wishing I’d ordered something stronger.

Brooke leaned in closer. “Is it Ryan?”

I noticed the other girls had overhead. “You can’t say anything to Jake.”

After waiting for nods and promises from everyone, I said, “When I helped him with the tire class, we hooked up.”

“In the garage?” Remi squealed.

“Shh. Keep your voice down.”

Remi slapped a hand over her mouth, then lowered her voice. “And I thought I was naughty for thinking about my juice counter.”

Brooke’s nose scrunched up. “Please tell me you and Colton didn’t?”

Remi rolled her eyes. “I said I thought about it. Geesh. I’m not that wild.”

Zoe bumped her shoulder. “You actually are that wild.”

Remi smiled as she fingered the tiny straw of her fruity-looking drink. “Colton’s tamed me some.”

Zoe rolled her eyes. “Thank God for that.”

Of all of us, Remi was the most free-spirited and adventurous.

Remi leaned closer to me. “I never thought you’d be the one to hook up with one of the mechanics.”

“My brother is one of the mechanics,” I said dryly. “And apparently, I have a thing for bad boys.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Remi said.

I waited for the girls’ laughter to die down.

“It was more than a hookup, or at least, I thought it was the start of something. But his ex, Tiffany, is causing trouble.”

“Wait a minute. Doesn’t she live in Texas?”

I nodded miserably. “She wants Corey back.”

Brooke screwed up her face. “She asked Ryan to take him because she couldn’t handle him, and now she wants him back?”

“That’s the gist. I don’t know any other details other than she’s moved in with a boyfriend, and it’s in a new school district.”

“Corey’s not a ping-pong ball,” Remi muttered.

Remi was in foster care before she was adopted, so she had an idea of what he was going through.

Brooke touched my arm. “You’re upset about Corey?”

I nodded. “And where it leaves Ryan and me. I know it’s selfish to even think about. It’s just that he left town to follow Tiffany when she got pregnant.”

“You’re worried he’s going to move back to Texas?” Zoe asked.

“Uh-huh.” I gulped my beer, wanting to feel a buzz.

“But he opened the garage. Why would he do that if he were going to move?” Brooke asked.

“Yeah, opening a business is a permanent thing,” Remi said.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance