Page 77 of My Best Chance

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He stood to his full height, running his fingers through his hair, and I wondered when he’d gotten so big. He’d grown like a weed since he’d been living with me, and I was so glad I’d gotten to see his daily transformation. I was no longer a bystander in his life, and I had no desire to go back to the way things were before.

“This is a good look for you.” Carter grabbed a broom and started to sweep up the hair around the chair.

“Thanks,” Corey said, standing taller.

I paid and followed Corey outside. He looked different, not only older but more mature. He was turning into a man, and I wanted to be present for it.

It was easy to see that I’d fell into the limiting role of visiting dad over the years. That it was harder to be the dad he needed, but it was so rewarding and gratifying when I was.



Ryan followed Corey outside, and I couldn’t help but think that the little bubble we created last weekend had already burst. Tiffany wanted Corey back, and I knew Ryan would fight her. He knew that Corey was better off with him, or at least, I hope he did.

I just didn’t know Tiffany that well. When Ryan was dating her, he never brought her around Jake and me.

But I remember thinking she was selfish when she’d moved across the country when she was pregnant, expecting Ryan to either follow her or not be involved. She didn’t try to co-parent with him then, so why would she now?

I was grateful she’d decided she needed a break and sent Corey to live with Ryan. Even though the transition had been rough, I thought he was thriving under Ryan’s parenting.

It had been good for both of them. They were forming a deeper relationship than they ever had before, and I hated that it might come to an end soon.

What would Ryan do if Corey went back to Texas? Would he follow like he did last time? I felt a sinking sensation in my gut.

Ryan moved here because Jake wanted to open the garage. I’m sure it had been a difficult decision to leave Corey behind. But he probably thought he was providing a better future financially for Corey. But now that their bond had deepened, and he’d gotten to experience being a full-time dad, there was no way he’d continue living across the country from him.

And Jake would let him go because he understands the importance of having parents present in your life better than most.

I’d have to let him go. And I would because Corey came first.

I wouldn’t be the reason that Ryan couldn’t see his son. I wouldn’t keep him here.

My heart ached. I wanted nothing more than to go home, eat a carton of ice cream, and cry until I fell asleep.

So, when Brooke texted that the girls were going out and invited me, I said yes. I needed my girls around me. Nothing had happened yet, but I knew everything had changed. No matter what was going on between me and Ryan, it took a backseat to Corey.

I closed up the shop, stopped home to change into heels and a slinky top, and walked to Max’s Bar & Grill. It was also the home of our Shops on Main meetings once per month, and our de facto hangout spot. It was nice because Max kept an eye out for us.

Opening the heavy wooden door, I pushed aside my worries, excited to catch up with my friends. I needed to talk to someone about what was going on with Ryan.

I slid onto the empty stool next to Brooke. Hugging her, I said, “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Things okay with Nana?”

I waved her off. “She’s great.”

“What’ll you have?” Max asked, bracing his hands on the bar.

“Whatever draft you have that’s light.” I wasn’t picky, and I was here for the conversation.

We waited for Max to pour me a glass and set it in front of me.

Max winked at us. “You girls behave.”

“We always do,” Zoe teased.

Max raised a brow before he moved farther down the bar to help another customer.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance