Page 68 of My Best Chance

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I circled her clit, slowly building her up. By the time I added a couple of fingers, her legs had tightened around my head.

“Ryan.” Her voice was weak with desire.

She was about ready to go off, but I wanted to be inside her when that happened. Spurred into action, I moved up her body to kiss her, and nudged my cock at her entrance.

With nothing between us, everything in my body was pulled taut, telling me to slip inside her wet heat. I wanted to escape inside her and never come out.

When the tip was inside, we both paused, taking in the exquisite pleasure.

“Ryan, we need a condom.” Her soft plea broke through my tunnel vision.

“Shit. Sorry.” I pulled out of her, scrambling off the bed to search for the condom I’d placed in my wallet earlier. I hadn’t planned on this ending to the night, but I’d hoped for it.

Finding it, I ripped off the wrapper with my teeth, sheathed my cock, and moved back into position between her legs.

With a hand on my hip, she pulled me closer.

I groaned at the contact with her pussy. My voice gruff, I asked, “You want this?”

Her hand stroked my cheek lightly. “I wantyou.”

I didn’t need any other encouragement to push inside her. Bracing my hands on either side of her on the bed, I eased inside, my head exploding with the pleasure of her walls pulsing around me.

Fuck, she was hot. Everything I’d always wanted.

I paused when I was fully inside her, taking a second to appreciate her hair spread out on the pillow, the flush of her cheeks, and the softness of her skin.

She tipped her hips, urging me to move, and I pulled out only to slam back inside. “I can’t hold back.”

“So don’t. I’ve got you.” Her hands ran up and down my back, pausing at my ass to pull me deeper inside her.

Nothing had ever felt this good. Little explosions were detonating inside my head. Somewhere, I sensed it was almost too good, but I pushed that thought aside.

I rolled us carefully so that she was on top.

She hesitated for a second, her expression uncertain before she slowly rose up and then down.

“You’re gorgeous.” I cupped her breasts, enjoying being able to see all of her as she increased her speed.

She bit her lip, her lids fluttering closed as she moved in the rhythm her body set. I reared up so that she was sitting in my lap, and I could give her breasts more attention. She gripped my shoulders as I sucked on her nipples that were conveniently in my face.

My hands tightened on her hips as I controlled the pace until whimpers fell out of her mouth unhindered, and she detonated. Her walls clamped down on me, her breathing ragged, as she threw her head back. I loved seeing her in the throes of ecstasy. No worries. No stress. Just pure pleasure. As she came down, her muscles relaxed, and she rested her forehead on my shoulder.

I chased my orgasm, thrusting harder.

She wrapped her arms around me tightly, and I never wanted her to let go. My release pounded through me.

Coming down from the high, I rolled us to our sides, facing each other on the bed. Her lips were parted, her eyes closed. I kissed her softly and murmured, “I’ll be right back.”

I took care of the condom and washed my hands. Examining my face in the mirror, I felt like something had monumentally changed, and not just what happened between me and Hailey, but within me. The dam I’d built to shore up the emotions of the last thirteen years since I found out that Tiffany was pregnant had cracked, and everything was threatening to crash through.



Alittle dazed, I rolled onto my back to stare at the slowly turning fan. I was still basking in the aftermath of that explosive orgasm, but there was something else there, too. A sense that things wouldn’t be the same again.

I wondered if Ryan was going to freak out and run. He hadn’t on Friday, but that had been sexy and fun. This had been something else altogether.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance