Page 67 of My Best Chance

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“What do you want?” I asked her.

She tended to make the safe choices, but tonight, I wanted her to be reckless with me.

“You. I want you.” There was a hint of a challenge in their depths I was happy to engage.

Cradling the back of her head, I slammed my lips down on hers with all the pent-up desire from Friday night. It hadn’t been enough. I wanted more. I wanted her naked and writhing beneath me, whimpering and calling out my name.

Her hands roamed my chest, then lower, one slipping under the hem.

Remembering the night Jake stopped by unannounced, I asked, “Can we take this inside?”

She nodded tightly, turning to fumble with the lock. I took over, easily turning the key, and pushed open the heavy door.

Closing it and locking it behind us, I maneuvered her so that her back was against the door and kissed her again.

I lifted my mouth for a much-needed breath and said, “We need a bed.”

She nodded eagerly, her cheeks flush.

I moved up the steps as quickly as I could with her doing her best to distract me, and through the doorway on the right. Setting her down on the floor, I ripped off my shirt and kissed her. I didn’t want to give her too much time to think. If she did, she’d realize how crazy this was. We didn’t make any sense together.

But when we were kissing and touching, everything fell into place like the pieces of a puzzle. The light from the street filtered through the sheer curtains covering her windows, illuminating her face. Her lips were swollen from my kisses, and her eyes were bright with desire.

She wanted this. She wanted me. Heady with that knowledge, I pushed her jean jacket off her shoulders. My fingers brushed the soft skin on her arm, and I wanted to feel more of her.

She turned, brushing her hair over one shoulder, baring her back to me. “Can you get the zipper?”

This was it. The moment I could tell her we shouldn’t do this. That the repercussions were too great. That there was no way this could work. But if I pushed back the doubts and focused on this moment, it felt good.

I moved closer, crowding into her space and looming over her. She sucked in a breath. Just my nearness, the anticipation of more, got to her. Emboldened, I lowered the zipper slowly, wanting to savor every hitch of her breath and tremble of her muscles.

When the dress sagged and fell away, I kissed her neck, lingering where the smell of lavender was the strongest. The swells of her breasts were visible above her lacy bra cups.

I pressed the evidence of my desire against her ass. She turned and wrapped her arms around my neck, her fingers tangling in my hair as she tugged me down to her mouth.

I wanted to feel her. My hands ghosted up her sides to the edge of her lace bra and pulled her closer, feeling her soft skin against mine.

Her tongue tangled with mine while she fumbled with my belt buckle. I pulled back to give her space, and she shoved down my jeans.

She stepped back slightly to look at me, which gave me the perfect view of her body.

“You’re beautiful.” I wanted to soak her in. It was more intimate than the garage. This wasn’t just the heat of the moment. This was more.

The glint of challenge in her eyes was back as she lifted her gaze to meet mine, and she reached around to unhook her bra. The straps fell down her shoulders before she let the bra drop to the floor. She kicked her discarded clothes to the side, her fingers hooking in the sides of her panties.

I stopped her with a hand over hers. “No. Let me.”

I wanted to slow down. We had all night.

I stepped closer, cupping her breasts and flicking my thumb over her nipple. The movement elicited a tremor through her body.

“Ryan.” She arched into me.

I easily lifted her, placing her on the bed and shoving my briefs down and off as I moved to kneel on the bed. In no hurry, I sucked her nipple into my mouth, laving it with attention while my fingers strummed the other one. She was writhing under me, searching for friction.

I kissed down her abs until I got to the lace of her panties, breathing in her scent and knowing I’d never been with anyone I wanted more. I slowly lowered them over her hips and down her long legs.

Her eyes were more vulnerable now with none of the challenge from before. I’d tasted her the other night, but I needed more.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance