Page 49 of My Best Chance

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“Fuck,” I said through gritted teeth. “You don’t—”

She sat up and pushed me down with a hand on my chest. “Let me.”

I threw an arm over my eyes. I wasn’t arguing anymore. Instead, I lifted my hips so she could slide my briefs and jeans down and off. She was right where I wanted her, and I wouldn’t do anything to upset the balance.

I would have been happy with a hand job. It added to the teenage fantasy, but instead, she straddled one of my legs and lowered her head to lick the cum off the tip of my cock.

My chest tightened with emotion. “You’re gorgeous.”

Encouraged, she tightened her grip and took me inside her mouth.

Her hot, wet heat surrounding me was almost too much. I couldn’t stop my hips from bucking into her mouth. She eased back, pumping me a few times before taking me inside again.

She was naked from the waist down, but I wanted more.

“Shirt off.” When she raised her head slightly, pulling off my cock, I added, “Please? I want to see you.”

She used two hands to pull her shirt over her head and reached back to unsnap her bra. Her pert breasts had my cock hardening even more. I reached up to cup them, my thumb grazing over her nipples.

Her breath hitched, and her cheeks flushed more.

“Everything you do is so sexy. So fucking hot. I can’t get enough.” The words flew from my mouth unhindered. I’d lost all filters, reason, and good sense. Or maybe I was finally seeing everything with clarity.

She leaned down to kiss me. “You make me feel beautiful.”

Then she was kissing me, and I couldn’t say what I was thinking—you are beautiful.

She moved slowly down my body, gripping my cock and taking me inside her mouth. I wanted to squeeze my eyes shut and focus on something else, anything that wouldn’t make me go off like a rocket because Hailey naked, straddling my lap and sucking my cock, was too much.

She hollowed her cheeks and gripped the base harder. All thoughts flew away, except for the slide of her smooth thigh against my hard one, the strands of her hair grazing my stomach, and the wet heat of her mouth surrounding me.

I came with a shout, the orgasm barreling through me so quickly I couldn’t warn her. Stroking her hair when I came down, I said, “I’m sorry.”

Hailey sat back on her haunches; her startled gaze flew to mine. “For what?”

I leaned up on one hand, the other cupping the side of her face. “I’m sorry for not warning you if you didn’t want to swallow.”

Her gaze cast down, she said, “Oh. I thought—”

My heart clenched. “You thought I regretted this?”

She nodded shallowly and swallowed. She moved to cover herself with her discarded shirt.

“I could never regret being with you.”

She paused her movement, her gaze meeting mine right before I kissed her again. If this one night was all I got, I was going to take advantage of every second.



The light through the window woke me the next morning. I stretched, easing my sore muscles, but I paused when I encountered a hard body.

Rolling over, I remembered inviting Ryan to my place last night. Corey was at a friend’s house, and when Ryan asked him, he easily agreed to stay overnight there. Ryan lay on his back, one hand behind his head, the other resting on his lower stomach.

Still shirtless, he was gorgeous. His hard pecs tapered to his waist and well-defined abs. The sheet teasingly covered his bottom half.

We hadn’t done anything more last night. I’d been exhausted when we came home, stopping only to change into my pajamas and cuddle in bed.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance