Page 131 of My Best Chance

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My childhood had felt empty, but my life now was filled with so much love and happiness. “It was perfect.”

“Is it time for s’mores?” Corey asked, his voice closer.

“What do you say, fiancée?”

I smiled. I was happy to be alone with Ryan and spend this time with my family. It was the best of both worlds. “I think it’s time for s’mores.”

Ryan kissed me once more, lingering for a few seconds, then he interlaced his fingers with mine and led me across the dock to the firepit where Jake, Nana, and Corey sat.

I smiled so wide I thought my face would crack.

Jake slapped Ryan’s shoulder and shook his hand. “Welcome to the family.”

I loved the feeling that washed over me at his words. It was exactly what I’d been thinking all night.We were a family.

Jake wrapped me in his arms, pulling me tight against his chest until I heard his heartbeat against my ear. “You did good.”

Jake took care of the fire while I sat in Ryan’s lap, admiring the ring on my finger. Ryan couldn’t stop kissing me. It was like he couldn’t get enough. Happiness filled me and expanded wide enough to encompass everyone.

I snuggled into Ryan’s chest, contentment filling up every nook and cranny of my body. It was the best night, and I knew we had the rest of our lives together.

Bonus Epilogue


My first book was written. It’s probably terrible, but I wrote a full story with a beginning, middle, and end. Every time I doubted myself, Ryan or Brooke stepped in to tell me I could do it.

The next step was to send it to the editor. Letting someone else read my book was scary, but if I couldn’t send it to an editor, how would I ever hit the publish button to release it to the world? Publishing had seemed like a dream when I started. Now that it was almost here, I was filled with anxiety about whether it was good enough.

“Are you still trying to send your book to the editor?” Brooke asked, her voice tinged with amusement.

My finger hovered over the send key.

Brooke stood next to me, her hands on her hips. “Just do it already, or I will.”

I knew she would. She didn’t give idle threats. She was determined, and she expected the same out of the people she surrounded herself with.

I let out a breath, hoping to dispel the butterflies in my stomach. “Here goes nothing.”

As soon as I pressed send, panic coursed through me. Had I made a huge mistake?

Brooke closed my laptop and tucked it under her arm. “No second-guessing yourself. It’s done.”

“You’re right.” I felt bereft. My baby was out in the world.

What did I do next? Everyone online said to write the next book, but that didn’t feel quite right, either.

Brooke set my laptop on a nearby cabinet. “It’s time to celebrate.”

“I’m working.” With the impending opening of our competition, Bean Rush, Brooke needed me more than ever.

Brooke shook her head. “It’s been slow, and you deserve a break.”

“Don’t you need help?” I felt useful at Brooke’s store. I wasn’t writing a book that no one would ever read. I helped with her social media presence and coming up with programs to attract and keep more customers.

She tipped her head. “I appreciate it, but you need to take this time to celebrate what you accomplished.”

“You mean, writing a book?”

Tags: Lea Coll Romance