Page 130 of My Best Chance

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“Eat before the food gets cold,” Nana chided.

We dug in, everyone quiet as they ate for a few minutes. Then Corey wiped his mouth, a smile spreading over his face. I knew a joke was coming next.

It had become our thing, him and me. He learned new jokes and riddles, and I tried to get at least one of them right. It was fun. I loved it. I lovedhim.

This time, all of us joined in, laughing and having a good time.

We ate pie before we cleaned up the dishes. When we were done, Nana settled in front of the fire in the family room, and Corey and Jake played a card game at the table.

Standing in the kitchen, looking at everyone, I felt content. This was what I’d always wanted. When I was a little girl, I thought my mom would be part of this dream, but she wasn’t. I didn’t know if she ever would be, but if not, I’d be okay. Because I had Jake and Nana, Ryan and Corey.

Ryan wrapped his arms around me from behind and asked if I wanted to go out on the deck. I agreed because I wanted some time alone with him. We’d given Nana the larger master bedroom, and we wouldn’t get much privacy on the other side of the house with Corey and Jake.

We bundled up and went outside. The air was crisp and cool. “I love that you can see the stars so easily here.”

“Me too,” Ryan said.

We wandered across the lawn onto the dock, where the wind picked up, whipping through my hair. I stuffed my hands in my pockets as we came to the end of the dock. You could see the lights of the houses across the river, but there weren’t any boats nearby.

Ryan took one of my hands in his. The bridge to Chestertown was to our left, but only an occasional car traveled over it. It was a holiday, and everyone was tucked inside, enjoying their family.

For so many years, I’d felt like I was missing out, but I wasn’t. I had everything—everyone—I needed, and I knew I had more. My heart was overflowing with love.

I felt a tug on my hand that was tucked into Ryan’s. “Hailey, I know we’ve only been together for a few short months, but they’ve seemed longer.”

I turned to face Ryan and startled when I noticed him on one knee. “What are you—”

My mind was slow to process, but when a smile tugged at his lips, my free hand covered my mouth.

“I asked you to be a part of my family, Corey’s and mine.”

I nodded, remembering the night he’d asked me that question. It was when I realized the future I’d always dreamed about was my reality.

“But it isn’t enough. I want you by my side, living with me and Corey. I want forever with you. A life. A home. Children. I want everything with you.”

“I want that, too.” A tear slid down my cheek, leaving a wet trail in its wake. We hadn’t discussed more children, but it was the one thing I’d wondered about. Did he want to do it again, this time, with me?

Ryan swiped away the tear with his thumb. “I love you, Hailey. You’d make me so happy if you agreed to be my wife.”

“Of course, I’ll marry you.” I tugged him up so that he stood in front of me, my body pressed against his. His arms came around me, warming me from the night air.

“I love you.” His words whispered over my lips before he kissed me.

Something cool slipped over my ring finger, and I pulled away to lift my hand in the air. The light of the moon illuminated the sparkly diamond on my finger. “It’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.”

“I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

“It’s not luck. We saw a chance to be happy, and we took it. There were a few mistakes along the way, but we’re right where we’re supposed to be.”

“Did she say yes?” A voice carried over the lawn. I think it was Corey’s.

“She said yes,” Ryan called back, his gaze still on mine. His eyes twinkled in the moonlight, and he looked happy.

I tipped my head to the side. “Everyone knew?”

Ryan shrugged and pulled me in tighter. “I had to tell them so we wouldn’t be interrupted.”

Tags: Lea Coll Romance