Page 27 of Kismet

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“Considering the soiree is going to be chocked full of Teague’s cousins, I sure hope so.” She hugged her bestie. “Thank you for loaning them to me.”

“Of course,” Faith said with a smile. “Do we have time for a catch-up before you leave?”

“Yes.” She set the shoes next to her purse and walked toward the kitchen. “Teague wants to leave at eleven, so we have plenty of time.”

Faith followed Tancy into the bright room. “It’s going to be quiet around Greenville this weekend. Miles is working out of town, and Dax is returning to training camp.”

“Is our lonely quarterback going to stick around?”

“Yes, for the time being. I’m working on a few options that will change the narrative and expect to have something locked down by next week.”

“I wish you luck.”

Thank you.” Faith sat at the small red kitchen table. “Are there any new developments with Teague?”

Tancy set down two jade green mugs filled with coffee and grabbed the milk from the fridge. “What are you talking about?”

“The man rode to your rescue the other day. I just wondered if you had a chance to…”

“What?” Tancy asked as she sat down.

“Thank him, properly.” Faith leaned forward. “I think it’s time to lay a juicy kiss on him and see what happens.”

A shocked laugh burst out of her mouth because a significant part of her would love to see his reaction. Squelching the urge to make a bold move, she breathed deeply.Not today, Satan. We’re going to leave that alone.

“The genie won’t stay in the bottle for much longer, and if you don’t take action, who knows what could happen.”

“That’s ludicrous.” She poured a little milk into her coffee and stirred it gently with her rooster spoon. “I’ve been known to ignore all kinds of uncomfortable truths.”

“Hah!” Faith crowed. “I knew it. Something has changed, and ignoring the mutual attraction on the verge of exploding has become impossible.”

“I think it’s more of a weird metamorphous that might ignite a small flicker.” She sipped her coffee. “He’s been acting differently lately and looking at me with less annoyance and more…”

Faith leaned forward. “Lust?”

“Not really. But I don’t think he’d immediately retch if our lips happened to collide.” She pulled the cat cookie jar closer. “Which is weird because we’ve never wavered from the friendship box we’re in.” Popping off the lid, she grabbed a cookie. “Even though our lives are knitted together in what most would consider traditional romantic ways.

“Finally.” Faith clapped slowly. “I’ve been waiting for you to lift the veil and quit ignoring an obvious truth.”

“I’m not ignoring a thing. I simply don’t allow my inner hopeless romantic to take hold.” She set the cookie down. “My committed vigilance is the only thing that has stopped me from crafting stories that include melodramatic soundtracks and golden light lancing off Teague’s sharp jawline.”

“Pretending like you don’t want someone doesn’t make you want them less.”

She broke off a corner of the cookie. “You might be surprised how well denial works.”

Faith shook out her hair. “Lord knows I’m no poster child for a wild and open heart, but don’t you think we have to take a leap of faith at some point?”

“Like into a nest of vipers or a volcano spewing lava?”

Or a sexual experience that would make it impossible to find satisfaction elsewhere?

“I was thinking more along the lines of a pair of welcoming arms.”

“That’s a lovely fairytale.” She pushed her cup away and wondered if a little dalliance would be worth the risk. She didn’t need the whole happy ever after thing but certainly wouldn’t mind a few delicious chapters.

Teague studied the fabric of Tancy’s dress billowing in the breeze and felt something spark in his chest. He wiped the back of his neck and moved in her direction, feeling the strings of his self-restraint snap one by one. “Did you lock up?”

Tancy shoved a hand on her hip. “You can answer that question since you installed that super complicated security system and can monitor it on your phone.”

Tags: Lea Hart Romance