Page 26 of Kismet

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“Yeah, I was a real ray of sunshine. Tancy didn’t accept the answers I was getting and began using her supercomputer brain to sift through research. She discovered that combat vets were having good results with psychedelic-assisted therapies.”

“No shit.”

“She found a foundation that a fellow SEAL started with his wife. It’s called VETS Solutions. They are committed to ending veteran suicide by helping us find a way to deal with PTSD and TBI.”

“Leave it to a SEAL to work the problem and come up with a solution.”

“I couldn’t have said it better.” He leaned back in his chair. “I hate to admit how stubborn I was about getting help. I resisted everything she told me and buried my head in the sand.”

“What changed?”

“She harassed me every day for six months. I finally gave in and agreed to look into it. Tancy connected me with Marcus, who runs the foundation. He talked me through the protocol and hooked me up with a therapist that was great with vets. I decided the psychedelic-assisted therapy made sense and went to a clinic in Mexico. I had treatment with Ibogaine. It’s a plant-based psychedelic used in West African ceremonial settings. Immediately after the sessions, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted. My brain started working again, and I was able to give up the meds.”

“Just like that?”

“Yes. I also stuck with the talk therapy, hung out with other veterans, and committed to a daily meditation practice.”

“So basically, the opposite of what we were taught in BUD/S.”

“Pretty much.” He finished his tea. “What we learned at NAB made us incredible operators, and I’m thankful for every second of it.” He shook his head. “But none of that shit helps when you come home. I had to get humble, learn a new language and tell my ego to get in the back seat.”

“And it stuck? You’re a reasonably well-adjusted human with no voices shouting in the middle of the night?

“Yes. But make no mistake, I continue to work at it.” He leaned forward. “There are all kinds of options, so when you’re ready, let me know, and I will hook you up with some good therapists and give you all the deets on Marcus’s foundation.”

“Appreciate it, man.”

“For what it’s worth, I’m happy that I did it and grateful that Tancy never gave up on me. If she hadn’t been insistent, I could easily be dead or wish I was.”

“I’m gonna keep this in mind.” Miles let out a long breath. “Just knowing there’s a solution makes me feel much better.”

“Good.” He tapped his bottle on the table. “Life on the other side is pretty damn good, and I’m ready to go after some happiness.”

“That sounds like you might’ve listened to what I said the other night at the bar.”

“I did.” He let a smile form. “I’m as healthy as I’m ever going to be and know it’s time to do something about transforming my friendship with Tancy.”

“You’re really going to make a move?”

“Yeah.” He blew out a gust of air. “Like you said the other night at the bar, I can’t keep her in my friendship bubble forever.”

“Good for you.” Miles slapped the table. “Damn proud of you.”

“Thanks.” He finished his drink and knew that he hadn’t come this far, just to come this far. It was time to see if boldness could still win the day.


Tancy closed her suitcase and heard the screen door scrape open. She stepped out of her bedroom and saw Faith saunter in with something in her hands. “What do you have there?”

“The perfect pair of shoes.” She swung the felt bag. “Call me your fairy godmother because these beauties will make all your dreams come true.”

Laughing, she walked down the hall. “I didn’t know footwear could make brownies magically appear on my counter.”

“The other dream,” Faith said as she handed it over. “The one that includes delicious, dirty sexcapades.”

She opened the bag and pulled out a beautiful pair of gold sandals that were a study in high drama. “Holy mother of pretty ponies. These are sure to transform me into a dancing queen.”

“Men at the wedding will be fighting for a chance to spin you around the dance floor.”

Tags: Lea Hart Romance