Page 29 of Jekyll

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I nodded.

Henry stood against the wall and held out his arms. I wrapped the chains around his wrists and up his forearms before securing them with the padlocks. I then returned to the lab table and picked up the test tube filled with a horrifying crimson liquid.

I crossed to where Henry stood chained to the wall.

I stared down at the test tube and then up at Henry. “Are you sure?”

He nodded. “I’m sure. I’ll bring Hyde back one last time. Then I’ll burn the formula.”

Not knowing what else to say, I stepped close. Before tipping the formula between his lips, I kissed him gently. I then gave him the formula and stood back.

There was a palpable tension in the room. It felt like someone was stretching a rubber band. Each time you thought it had reached the limit and braced for the snap, the person would stretch it just a little bit further. And then further still until the rubber started to crack and split and you just wanted to scream, “Snap! Snap already!”

Just as I was about to ask how long it would take… the transition began.

I dropped the glass test tube. It crashed on the linoleum floor at my feet, sending small splatters of blood-like formula over my shoes, but I didn’t even notice.

I backed away in horror. “Dear God…”



It was grotesque, fascinating, and horrifying all at once. Henry writhed and cried out as his body jerked and spasmed so strongly I feared he would snap his spine. When it was all over, it wasn’t so much a physical change as a visible metaphysical one. It was hard to explain. The figure before me resembled Dr. Jekyll but clearly wasn’t. It was as if I were viewing him through a distorted mirror.

Breathing heavily, Hyde trained his hard gaze on me. “Miss me, pet?”

Now that I was viewing everything through enlightened eyes, the transformation was astounding. Hyde’s voice was deeper than Jekyll’s, with more of a sarcastic edge.

My fists curled. “You’re a monster.”

Hyde stalked toward me. He was only able to take two steps before the chains stopped him. He laughed as he shook the metal links. “Now this is pathetic. Did you two really think a few chains would stop me?”

My frenzied gaze swept over the thick, heavy chains and secured padlocks. “Yes. Dr. Jekyll wanted me to give you a message. It’s over. After tonight he’s destroying the formula. Destroying you.”

Hyde growled, soft and low. “You don’t really want that.”

My eyes widened. “Yes… yes, I do.”

His lips twisted in a macabre smile. “I can smell your desire.”

My thighs clenched.

Like a child torturing a captured animal, he continued, “Tell me you didn’t like being dominated. Tell me you aren’t craving the feel of my weight holding you down as my cock pounds into your tight pussy.”

I swallowed.

“Admit it, pet. You like the hot sting of my leather belt on your ass. You like the intense orgasms that can only come from relinquishing all control and letting the pain herald in pleasure.”

My breath came in sharp gasps as I raised my hand to my chest.

“Look at my cock. See how hard you make me? See how it strains to be released?”

Against my will, my gaze lowered to his thighs. Resting against his right inner thigh was the unmistakable hard ridge of his engorged cock.

“Release me. I want to feel the press of your soft thighs against my cheeks as I savor your pussy.”

My cheeks flushed. “Oh, God.”

Tags: Zoe Blake Romance