Page 28 of Jekyll

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He swallowed. “After taking the formula, it was like I lost control not only of my own body but also my mind. The formula somehow split my personality. It turned me into a completely different person.”

I stared at the scrawl. It was barely legible. “You expect me to believe that you became Hyde because of a formula?”


I opened my mouth to object.

Henry stopped me. “I don’t expect you to just believe me. I’m going to show you.”

I slowly stood. My voice shook. “Show me?”

He nodded. “I’m going to take the formula and have you observe what happens.”

I backed away. “No. You’re out of your fucking mind. I can’t. I don’t want to see Hyde again. I don’t care if he’s your brother or if I even believe this craziness that he is you.”

“Please, Catherine. It’s the last thing I’ll ever ask of you.”

I was torn. On the one hand I wasn’t sure I even believed him, but on the other hand there was a small, dark, and twisted part of me that did want to see Hyde again. If only to slap him across the face and tell him that he meant nothing to me as well. It bothered me to think that he’d walked away thinking he was this God’s gift to women because of his big cock and skills in bed.

I bit my lip. “Okay.”


“Yes, okay. But let’s do this before I change my mind.”

Henry stood staring at me for a moment, as if he were stunned that I had agreed. After his hesitation, he sprang into action. He raced over to the inventory cabinet and started pulling out ingredients. He then scribbled a list of items on a piece of paper. He tore the paper from the pad and handed it to me with his credit card. “I need you to go get these items.”

I looked down at the list and frowned. “Are you sure? What on earth do you need all this for?”

He stepped close and cupped my jaw. “It’s for your own safety.”

I looked down at the list again.




Electric drill

Masonry drill bit


I nodded. “Okay. I’ll be back.”

* * *

By the timeI had returned, Henry had completed the formula. I stood close to him and looked down at his notes. I hadn’t had a chance to learn about what he was working on before now.

I looked at the complicated formula in awe. “Henry, this is impressive.”

He shrugged. “If only it had worked.”

He took the bag of items from me and got to work. We chose a brick wall on the far side of the laboratory. Henry used the electric drill to drill two holes around waist height. He then screwed the eyebolts in tight and ran the chains through the holes.

He took a deep breath. “Ready?”

Tags: Zoe Blake Romance