Page 19 of Jekyll

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In Hyde’s embrace, Catherine had melted. Her whole body had trembled with his touch. He had overridden all her natural caution and professional intelligence, turning her into a woman aching for fulfillment no matter the circumstances or cost.

She had felt none of those things with my kiss.

I looked down at my journal. I flipped to the last page and stared at Hyde’s scrawl.

After that disastrous attempt at seduction, can you really blame the woman for falling for the charms of a better man?

Anger and jealousytwisted my stomach. Hyde was not the better man! He was the more confident, arrogant, egotistical version of my own self. He was the embodiment of all the bottled-up emotion I had ever experienced, but never felt the freedom to voice. He was the dark and forbidden thoughts I had always held, but never acted upon. I was jealous of my other self, my alter ego.

Well, if it was Hyde which Catherine preferred, then I would give her Hyde.



Itwisted the long handcuff chain between my fists as I followed Catherine home.

Power coursed through my veins. Each time I took the formula, I claimed more of Jekyll’s soul. Soon there would be nothing left of him. Then I would truly come into my own. None of this hiding in the shadows, waiting for him to unlock my cage.

Her footsteps faltered as she glanced behind her.

The light was dim. I knew she could not see me, just as I knew she could stillfeelme.

It was in how she walked. The sway of her hips, the anxious looks back. The way her eyes searched the gloom in fear laced with anticipation.

She knew I was stalking her.

She knew what was coming.

And against her will, I was certain she craved it.

Craved the release that would come from being under my controlling hand. Of being given no choice but to submit. Some women just needed that final push into complete domination.

I tested the weight of the handcuffs, luxuriated in the feel of the warm metal as it pressed against my palm.

Catherine turned into the small, deserted courtyard that led to her apartment.

I leaned against the wall and waited, anticipation increasing the pleasure I felt in stalking my prey.

I imagined her turning and hastily locking the door. Leaning against the door, she’d feel safe for the moment. I could see her backing away, questioning her own instincts.

Maybe she hadn’t seen me?

Maybe it was all in her head?

Maybe she was just overwrought and needed sleep?

She would head to her tiny kitchen and pour herself a glass of wine. As the minutes ticked by, her tense muscles would loosen. Her nerves would relax. She would convince herself that it had all been in her imagination. Maybe she’d tell herself she was just a one-night stand for a man like me, a piece of ass easily obtained and forgotten.

She’d be wrong.

Jekyll thought he wasin lovewith her. What a stupid, insipid emotion. Typical of him.

I wasn’t in love with Catherine. I was obsessed with her. I needed to feel her skin against mine like I needed my next breath. She was the force that pulled me from the depths of Jekyll’s consciousness into being. Without her, without the emotions she inspired, I was nothing. She was the key to my very existence.

I checked my watch, or more specifically, Jekyll’s watch. A cheap functional thing. I hadn’t changed into one of my suits for one reason only. Fortunately, Jekyll had chosen to wear a thick leather belt with his denim trousers today. I knew it would come in handy for my plans for Catherine later.

I waited another twenty agonizing minutes before making my way to her apartment door. The lights on the lower level were out. I could see a single white light through the lace curtains of an upstairs room. Her bedroom. I approached her front door and tried the handle. Locked. I smirked. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out Jekyll’s wallet and removed a credit card. It took only a moment to break in.

Tags: Zoe Blake Romance