Page 20 of Jekyll

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I swung open the door and quietly shut it.

I stopped and listened.


Grasping the chain of the handcuffs more firmly so it wouldn’t rattle, I kicked off my boots and shrugged out of the atrocious tweed vest Jekyll favored. I then unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it over my head. I knew Catherine was likely to struggle and I didn’t want to lose my grasp on her while undressing. All I wanted to do the moment I saw her was unzip my trousers. Plus, it wouldn’t do for her to recognize Jekyll’s clothes on me.

I made my way up the ancient wooden staircase. Halfway up, a floorboard squeaked. I paused and waited. My lips twisted in a ruthless smile. I knew Catherine had likely heard my footfall on her stairs. She would know I was coming for her. Good.

At the top of the stairs were only a small hallway and one closed door.

I placed my hand on the vintage crystal doorknob and slowly turned it.

It spun counterclockwise about halfway before stopping.

The clever girl had tried to lock herself in.

I tapped on the door with my knuckle. “Catherine.”

There was no answer.

I tapped again. “My pet, I know you are in there. Open the door.”

I waited.

Finally, a hesitant reply. “I’m calling the police.”

“We both know you aren’t, because if you did, I’d be forced to show them the pair of panties you so generously gifted me after our last liaison.”

“You’re a monster.”


“I hate you.”

“Also possibly true.”

“I want you to leave.”

“Now we both know you are lying again, dear pet.”

“Please just leave.”


“I’ll call your brother!”

“You can try.”

With amusement, I waited. Moments later the mobile in my pocket rang. I let it ring several times to make certain she heard, then I called through the door, “Oh, now this is embarrassing. It seems I picked up Jekyll’s mobile by mistake.”

There was no response.

“Catherine, if you make me knock down this door, I won’t be responsible for the emotions such an action wouldarousein me.”

Again I waited, silently rooting for her to not open the door, wanting her to push me to the limit and beyond.

My little pet did not disappoint.

Tags: Zoe Blake Romance