Page 87 of In the Dark

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Nate snorts. "That’s probably why Todd is so attracted to her."

Ah, so his friend’s name is Todd. I’m sure Denielle will like to know that fact. I turn back to Nate and smile. "I gotta go. It was nice to meet you."

Nate nods at me and starts moving backward. "I’ll see you around."

When I reach Denielle,she has lowered her water bottle but still stares at me like I sprouted a third eye.

"Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?"

I shrug. "What?"

She hooks her arm around mine, and we start toward our usual treadmills. I swear, whenever Den is around, people scatter from the equipment as soon as we approach. She is the female version of Rhys, commanding the room the second she enters.

"Well, for starters, you have not had interest in the opposite sex for, um, EV-ER. Then, you score the hottest guy in school, and now this dude—what did he want?"

"Eww." The thought of her insinuating anything with Nate makes me shudder. "Nothing; he complimented me on my session with Spence and introduced himself." I have the urge to tell her that there is absolutely nothing flirty between Nate and me, but she probably wouldn’t believe it.

"He introduced himself. What’s his name?"

"Nate."Shit, what was his last name?"Hamin? No, Hamlin."

Denielle pulls her phone out and starts typing. She clicks and scrolls around until she puts her phone away, and I raise my eyebrows. "What’s the verdict?"

She shrugs. "Nate Hamlin, born in New York, grew up between New York and Los Angeles, and works at the new hotel in the city—the one that rich dude opened up a few months ago. Remember the article we discussed in journalism? Anyway, nothing juicy. Kind of a bummer; he’s so hot." Her disappointment is apparent. She’s a sucker for gossip, and whenever there is a new face around—one that is this handsome—it could mean there is an interesting backstory.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder. "Aww, I’m sorry the new guy doesn’t live up to your expectations. Now let’s go, we have a few miles to cover today." I purposefully omit the fact that I know the friend’s name. Den would totally make me search for Nate to get Todd’s last name.

We’ve reached the treadmills, and I put my headphones in, hit the quick start button, and end the conversation.

Sunday morning,I walk into the kitchen to Natty helping Heather pack a small cooler.

"What are you guys up to?"

Natty turns to me, beaming. "We’re going to the museum with Gemma and her mom."

Her excitement is contagious, and I can’t help but grin back at my little sister. "That sounds awesome. You’ll have so much fun."

"Mark is on a business trip, and Nathalie asked if we wanted to join her and Gemma since Dad is gone as well. Make it a girls’ day," Heather explains.

"He’s gone more than usual, isn’t he?" I remember Heather mentioning another business trip the other night when we cooked together, and from what I remember, Gemma’s dad is a financial advisor at one of the banks in town. Since when do they travel so much?

Heather frowns. "Yes, Nathalie is not happy."

I leave it at that. I don’t feel like gossiping about one of Natty’s friend’s parents—especially in front of Natty. Who knows what’s going on there?

I busy myself with heating water in the kettle when Heather comes from behind and hugs me around the waist. "You want to join us?"

Several things register at once in my mind. Her touch does not make me flinch. I don’t have the urge to pull away anymore. I would actually enjoy a day with Heather and Natty. We haven’t done that in a long time, even before my life was turned upside down. But the next thought is what makes me almost drop my tea mug—Rhys and I will be alone in the house. All. Day. My mouth turns dry, and I swallow several times.

"Um, uh, I think I’ll lay low at home today. I still have eight episodes to catch up on."

Not counting the ones I have to re-watch because I made out withyour son.

Oblivious to the beads of sweat starting to appear on my forehead, Heather places a kiss on my temple. "Sounds good. If you see Rhys, let him know we’ll be back around seven. It’s so nice having him home more these days."

"Will do," comes out as a squeak. Does she know anything? Oh my gosh, I might as well hold a neon sign with rotating blinking lights that readsI’m making out with my adoptive brotherover my head.

Thankfully, Heather’s attention is back on Natty. They finish packing, and I move to the living room with my tea, turning on the TV.

Tags: Danah Logan Romance