Page 86 of In the Dark

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I take a step back, breaking the contact. "There is nothing to reconsider. I told you we’re done."

I know the look in her eyes. She is set on convincing me—at all costs. What she doesn’t understand is that there is nothing she could offer me that would make me turn my back on Lilly. But I can’t tell her that.

Kat pushes forward so she’s flush against me. Her hands pushing into my jacket and around my waist, we’re nose to nose. Her lips hover over mine, not touching, but I feel her breath. The next words out of her mouth make my blood run cold. "I have no idea what weird thing you have going on with your sister, but I intend to find out. And I promise you, you will come back to me when I’m through with her."

With that, she puts her sweet but fake smile on and walks away as if nothing happened.


Chapter Thirty-Six

By the timeI meet with Spencer on Saturday, I am completely fidgety.

I’ve beenon cloud nine all week. No more texts from my psycho stalker; besides a few stolen glances, I’ve been able to keep it together at school; after almost a year of practice, I finally mastered the double back; and to top off my good mood, Rhys and I spend our nights holed up in my room—just the two of us. Wednesday and Thursday night, I fell asleep in his arms, and he stayed until the alarm went off at four a.m. It was the best sleep I’ve had in months.

The voice that initially kept telling me how wrong all this is has subsided. Being with Rhys has turned out to be more natural than anything else in my life.

Then, Friday happened. Rhys was supposed to meet me at home after school, but he didn’t show up. At five, I got a text that something came up with Wes, and he’d be home late. The whole thing felt off, but after the incident with Katherine earlier this week and me going all insecure-jealous girlfriend on him, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. He came to my room around eleven-thirty. I was half asleep when he slid into bed behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He was holding on so tight, nuzzling my hair as if I’d disappear at any moment. His behavior intensified my suspicion that my initial gut feeling was correct after all. But I have to believe that he would tell me if something was bothering him.

Spence must sensewhat I need, because five minutes into the warm-up, he announces we’re sparring instead of working on specific moves. And sparring we are. He disappears for a few minutes and comes back with body armor for both of us, including afullface shield.

"Holy cow, are you going to beat me up?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I got these babies a few weeks ago and have been dying to try them out." He sounds giddy like a little boy.

By the time my hour is up, I am a sweaty mess and riding on an endorphin high. I take the shield off, and my hair looks like I just stepped out of the shower. I grin from ear to ear, which in return makes Spence’s face shine with pride. Despite being so much older, he’s been a good friend and mentor to me for years, and I enjoy spending time with him.

Leaving the workout room, I feel lighter and more relaxed than when I walked in. I head to the general area Denielle and I always meet up at when someone falls in step beside me. I’m so startled that I trip over my own feet, and an arm shoots out to steady me. I instinctively pull away and take a step back. After the incident with Den a few weeks ago, I try to suppress my impulse to defend first and think later until I actually assess the danger.

When I turn, I meet familiar hazel eyes, and my mouth falls open. Up close, he’s even more striking than from afar or behind glass. The blond guy Denielle had pointed out to me before, and later had watched me train, is smiling down at me genuinely. "Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you."

"Uh." He is indeed an inch or two taller than Rhys, and I have to crane my neck to get a good look at him.

I compose myself and put some distance between us. "No, it’s okay. I just didn’t expect, uh...anyone." No reason to tell him that I have a psycho kidnapper stalking me, and I’m on constant high alert. I start walking again, and he matches my stride easily.

After a few steps, he says, "I wouldn’t want to meet you in a dark alley."

That brings me to a dead stop once more. "Excuse me?"

He laughs at my confused look. "I watched you sparring. You’re good."

His compliment catches me off guard, and my cheeks heat. "Oh, um, thanks, I guess?"

"I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just admire when a girl knows how to handle herself."

Is he flirting with me? I cock my head to the side and look him up and down. No, I don’t think so. He doesn’t give off a flirty vibe, just polite small talk.

I eye him skeptically, and he reaches his hand out. "I’m Nate Hamlin."

I take it. "Lilly." I omit my last name on purpose—trust issues and all.

"It’s nice to meet you, Lilly."

Still holding my hand, he glances toward the treadmills. "Your friend is staring."

I follow his line of sight, and sure enough, Denielle is standing there with her water bottle halfway up to her mouth, gaping.

I smirk. "Ha, my best friend has no shame."

Tags: Danah Logan Romance