Page 88 of Illicit Ire

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“What’s wrong with liking boys?” Monica gazed behind us at a couple of boys. “Especially these SoCal boys.” She fanned her face. “My guy will worship the ground I walk on. Like Dad does Mom.”

“Gross, Mon. You’re only twelve,” Skye replied.

“We’re almost teenagers.” Whitney tapped her finger on her chin. “In high school, I’ll get to kiss Romeo in the play. I’m sure he’ll be cute.”

“No kissing until you’re twenty-five,” Drew growled.

“Oh please, Dad.” Whitney waved him off as she stared a the boys who’d finally noticed her. She had dirty blonde hair and was taller than Skye and Monica. Her sisters called her “legs.” Whitney dreamed of being a famous celebrity someday. I was sure she’d achieve her goals if her daddy didn’t interfere. Drew wasn’t thrilled about her wanting to be a public figure. I doubted he’d be able to stop her. Our sweet girl had been in community theater since she was seven and ballet since she was four.

“For the record, I worship your dad as much if not more, sweet girl.” I kissed Drew’s lips to distract the girls and change the subject before someone’s feelings got hurt.

He cradled the back of my head and wouldn’t let me go. I loved his possessive kisses. He never held back, not in public or in front of our girls.

Skye groaned. “Please stop.”

“You stop, Skye.” Monica nudged her complaining sister. “Are you like this because of Chase? You know that bad boy is too much like his dad.”

Drew pulled back in a flash. “Hey, what’s this about Storm’s boy, Chase?” He looked from Skye to Monica.

“Skye loves Chase,” Whitney replied.

Skye whirled around. “Shut up, Whit, or I’ll drop-kick you into the Pacific Ocean. I don’t love Chase. I hate all boys.”

“Okay, girls enough. Don’t go talking bad about Chase. He’s a good boy,” I told them.

Drew snorted. “Baby, that boy is just like his dad.”

I tilted my head. “Be nice.”

“Forget about Chase, Skye. Just worry about school.” Drew sighed. “I feel a migraine coming on.”

“Dad, I don’t like Chase.”

I pointed toward the ocean. “Look, the sun is setting. Let’s enjoy this magical moment, please.”

“Listen to your mom.” He squeezed my thigh.

“Gladly.” Skye turned away from Monica. She’d pout for a little bit, then be over it.

I was a little concerned about Skye. If she had a crush on Chase, my sweet girl would probably end up with a broken heart. Drew wasn’t wrong about Chase being like Storm, short-fused and more alpha than I preferred for one of my girls.

As the sky turned magenta and orange, I gazed at my husband and daughters. Our lives weren’t perfect. We’d been through some tough times in the club, but our KLMC family had weathered every storm.

I couldn’t imagine what the future held for our girls. They had their own dreams outside of the Knight’s Legion MC. I wouldn’t be heartbroken if they went off on their own. On the other hand, Drew would be devastated, though he wouldn’t admit it. He wanted his daughters close so he could protect them. I only wanted them to be happy and safe.

And to fall in love as I had with an incredible man.

“I love it here in Southern California,” Whitney said with a brilliant smile. “It’s the place to be for actors, y’know.”

Drew growled. “It was a mistake bringing the girls here. We should’ve never let them off the compound.”

I caressed the back of his neck. “They’ll be fine. Happy anniversary, honey.”

“Love you, Ava Marie. You and the girls are my everything. But baby, I wouldn’t want to go through life without you by my side. He captured my lips before I could reply,me too.

The End

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