Page 87 of Illicit Ire

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“You’re not rushing me. I’d like us to have some time alone together before bringing a baby into the mix.” And this was why I loved her so much. She just got me.

“Yeah, let’s focus on us for a while.”

“Sounds good to me. I’m not ready to share you anyway.” She pressed her breasts against my chest and ran her fingertips down my bicep.

“Baby, you’ll never have to share me.” I crushed my lips to hers, never able to get enough of her. Everything was better with Ava. I was the luckiest son of a bitch.

“Good, because I’m possessive like that.”

I growled into her mouth. “My little warrior is a bad-ass.”



Fifteen Years Later

Their giggles and smiles were infectious. I could watch the three of them together every day and never get bored. Since their birth twelve years ago, Whitney, Monica, and Skye have been inseparable. They were more than sisters. They were best friends and shared an unbreakable bond, and I loved them to the moon and back.

“Did you ever think we’d have such spirited, protective, insanely intelligent, and beautiful daughters?” I whispered to Drew.

The girls laughed as they skipped along, eating ice cream cones. It was a gorgeous summer day, with clear blue skies and a gentle breeze. I couldn’t ask for more perfect weather.

He squeezed my hand as we followed our triplets. “Yes. With you for a mother, any child you gave birth to would be exceptional in every way.”

I stared into his olive-green eyes and absorbed the love into the marrow of my bones. Drew never spoke to anyone the way he did to me, not even our daughters. Oh, he adored our girls and would do anything to protect them, but he wasn’t soft with them the way Storm had been with Birdie. No, Drew raised our girls to spot danger and taught them to defend themselves. Tenderness came from me. Drew empowered them to be confident and in control of their lives.

“You’re the incredible one.”

The corner of his lip curled as we sat on a bench.

Our triplets had a little of their daddy in them, and they got their ocean blue eyes from me. Drew would say they were more like me than him. I’d say the girls were a perfect blend of both of us.

I curled into Drew’s arms. We were at the end of the Santa Monica Pier, waiting to watch the sunset. Fifteen years ago today, I married the love of my life. To celebrate, we brought our beauties to Southern California.

Drew kissed my forehead and tugged me onto his lap. “Why are you so far away from me, baby?” He cuddled me and kissed down my neck.

“Oh geez, Dad.” Skye rolled her big blue eyes. “Mom was like a quarter of an inch away. Don’t be so dramatic.” Skye was the snarkiest out of the trio and looked the most like me with her long blonde hair.

Monica tugged on Skye’s braid. “Leave them alone. It’s their anniversary.” Our brunette beauty always came to our defense. She was so much like Drew, protective and fierce.

“Dang, Mon. You didn’t have to pull so hard.” Skye glared at her sister. “I don’t like how mushy and lovey they are.” She made an exaggerated gagging face.

“But they’re like the most romantic couple to ever live,” Whitney told Skye as she sat next to Drew and rested her head on his shoulder. “When I grow up, I want to find a man just like Dad, except better looking.”

“Wow, Whit, thanks.” Drew nudged her.

I giggled into my hand. The girls’ antics were what I lived for… aside from Drew. My husband was my number one and always would be.

“Not me,” Skye replied. “No man will get me to cook and do his laundry.”

“Skye,” I said her name in warning. “I do those things because I love your father.”

“Yeah, not interested in anything related to love or housework. I’m gonna fight crime when I’m older.” She went to the rail and leaned against it. “There are too many bad people in the world to get caught up in my own life when I could make a difference.”

“Nothing wrong with knowing what you want, Skye.” The pride in Drew’s voice made me smile. “But your sisters are different.”

“You mean they’re boy crazy.”

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance