Page 73 of Brutal Boxer

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“You young people don’t know shit. Campbell will end each one of you. I’m going to live out the rest of my days on a beach in Mexico with my reward money.” Baldie cackled.

“The fuck you will.” I took a step forward. He couldn’t kill her if he wanted that money.

Baldie jerked Aspen in front of him, using her as a human shield. The fucking coward.

Jill remained in the hallway, still as the dead for once in her life. My sister could be brash. Had a smart mouth. No question she’d win in a catfight with any woman, but guns terrified her.

Something flashed, drawing my attention to Aspen’s left hand.Ricky. Fuck yeah. My Snow wasn’t too frightened to fight. She hadn’t frozen or given up, even with a gun pressed to her temple.

“It’s Prez,” the prospect announced over the radio.

“Son of a bitch!” Baldie hissed, sidestepping again. “Shit’s about to get messy. Campbell will be here shortly for this bitch.”

“Oh, God.” Terror crossed Aspen’s face.

I kept my gun trained on the VP’s head. “Let her go.”

“Not on your life.”

David entered the cabin behind me. “What the fuck’s going on?”

“Your VP’s lost his fucking mind,” I told him.

“Baldie, let the woman go. That’s an order, brother.” David took a couple of steps forward. His stature was similar to Storm’s. Tall and broad, but his dark hair had silver throughout it.

“Fuck you, David. I don’t answer to you. I’m finished with the club.”

“Damn straight, you’re finished. We’ll skin you like a cat, motherfucker. Let her go!” David pulled his handgun.

Aspen had my switchblade in her hand. I wasn’t exactly sure what she’d do, but something had to happen—and fast—if Campbell was on his way. I was sure those were her exact thoughts, so I needed to be ready for a shoot-out.

“I’m warning you, Larry. Let the woman go,” David said in a lethal tone.

I cut my eyes to Wolf. I trusted my brother and was confident he noticed Ricky in Aspen’s hand. After spending years in the club, working together fighting the enemy, we all knew each other as well as we knew ourselves.

“Kiss my ass, David. You’ve changed. Gone soft. It’s your old lady and son. Makes me sick how you threw out Snake. He was my best friend.”

“He was a goddamn rapist. You know I put an end to abusing the sweet butts years ago. I won’t have that shit in my club!” David’s hand trembled, holding the gun on his VP. It was fucked up, having to face a brother who betrayed you.

“They’re whores, man! Bitches. Just like this one.” He squeezed Aspen’s breast.

She yelped, jerking his paw off her.

I roared, loud and proud, seeing white. “Now!”

She reacted, stabbing my blade in Baldie’s thigh, then dropped onto her knees when he let go, covering her head.

Pop, pop.Two blasts rang out.

One from my handgun.

The other from David’s.

In slow motion, the VP’s gun went off as both bullets hit his forehead. His head snapped back. A spray of red burst from his skull, as he crumpled to the floor.

Aspen crawled to me, tears streaming down her face. I collected her into my arms, holding her close. “I got you, baby. I got you.”

She clung to me for dear life, burying her face in my chest.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance