Page 72 of Brutal Boxer

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“Do you remember how I taught you to handle one?” I’d always had a thing for blades and had shown her how to use it when we were together.

She nodded.

“Good.” I jerked my chin for her to go.

“It’s another Hummer.” Wolf peered through binoculars out the front window. “Wait. I think it’s the VP.”

If Baldie had brought us supplies, we needed a schedule, so we didn’t freak-the-fuck out like this. I couldn’t have him showing up whenever he wanted.

Baldie’s prospect’s voice came through on the walkie-talkie. “It’s the VP.”

I exhaled in relief. Adrenaline pumped in my veins. After what just happened with Aspen in the bedroom, I needed to clear the air with her. This brief scare proved life was unpredictable. Anything could happen from one minute to the next.

I won’t lose Snow ever again.

“Wait,” came the prospect’s concerned voice over the radio. My instant relief vanished. “A mile out, another cage is coming. Doesn’t look like one of ours.”

I cut my eyes to Wolf. “Maybe they followed the VP.”

“Should we have Hollywood get the truck warmed up?”

“Shit. I hadn’t thought about that.” It’d gotten down into the single digits overnight. Without electricity up here, we couldn’t plug in our engine block heater to keep the motor warm.

I pointed to the back door where we kept one of the trucks hidden. “Go start the truck.” I tossed Hollywood my keys. “Stay on alert. Prepare for anything.”

“Yeah, boss.” Hollywood ran out the back.

I turned back toward the window. The Hummer stopped. Baldie exited the cage empty-handed, stalking to the front door as if not a care in the world. Oblivious to anyone following him.

I opened the door. “Aye. The prospect saw another cage coming. Did you see anyone?”

He screwed up his face. “Naw. Didn’t see anything. Probably someone lost or something. How’s it going up here?” He considered Wolf and me for a beat. “Going somewhere?”

I scowled at his ineptness. “Fuck yeah. We’re ready to bolt. Didn’t know it was you coming.”

Baldie laughed like we were a couple of bumbling idiots, scanning the room as if looking for something. “Did you put the bitch in the panic room?” He went toward the hallway.

Goddamn, fucker. There he went calling Aspen a bitch again. I fisted my hand. “Not yet. Aspen, come here.”

She stepped out, trepidation in her eyes, glancing from Baldie to me.

“Fuck, she’s a pretty thing. Almost makes me reconsider keeping her for myself.” In the blink of an eye, he had Aspen in his grasp, a gun to her head.

I lunged, but didn’t get far when Wolf stopped me. “What the fuck are you doing?” I had my gun pulled and aimed at Baldie’s fucking face.

“Just collecting my prize.” He smelled her head, sidestepping away from the hallway like he was preparing to escape out the back door. “Fuck, she’s delicious. No wonder he’s willing to pay millions for her.”


Fucking hell, this bastard was helping Campbell. “Let her go and I’ll let you live.”

Aspen’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears. My stomach tightened, dread flooding my veins. No chance in hell I’d let this piece of shit take my woman.

“Half a mile,” the prospect announced on the walkie-talkie.

“You should be thanking me,” Baldie said, his nose still in Aspen’s hair. “You won’t need to worry about this bitch anymore.”

“You don’t want to do this,” I gritted out in a deadly tone. I’d make this motherfucker rue the day he fucked with me. Aspen was mine. Always had been, always would be.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance