Page 59 of Brutal Boxer

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Zach took a step closer. “So.”

I inhaled a deep breath. Bad move. His natural musk and cologne teased my nose and made me wet. I hadn’t felt this aroused in over a year.

“Why aren’t you in bed sleeping? Jesus, put some clothes on.” I turned away, making him chuckle deep in his throat—in a too-damn-sexy way.

“I’d just gotten up from a power nap. You barged in as I was getting dressed.”

“I didn’t barge in.” Could I die now? He was out of his mind if he thought his dick would fit in his jeans with that massive hard-on.

“Sure you did,Snow.”

I gasped, whirling around to see him. “Don’t, Zach.”

“Don’t what, Snooow?” He drew out the nickname he’d given me the way he used to when licking up my spine as he took me from behind.

“I’m not her anymore.” I blinked away emotion. Why was he taunting me?

“I bet you are.”

I opened my mouth, ready to give him an ear full when Jill ran into the room.

“Asp! Is everything—” She gaped at Zach proudly standing like a naked Greek statue on full display. “What the hell is going on in here?”

Still stunned, I backed out of the room. My eyes were locked on Zach’s cocky, you-caught-me expression.

“I meant to go into the bathroom,” I muttered, dashing into the correct room.

Zach snorted, closing the bedroom door.

Jerk. I wanted to disappear into the walls.

I relieved my bladder and washed my trembling hands, scowling at myself in the mirror, hating the reaction my body had to Zach’s. Sniffing the air, I noticed his spicy musk. It assaulted my sensitive nose, arousing me more than before.

What in the hell was that about? Why was I hot and bothered? For Zach?

Residual pregnancy hormones, maybe? Hell, if I knew.

I needed to shake this off. I took a deep breath and opened the door at the same time Zach exited the room fully dressed in jeans and a white fitted T-shirt, showcasing his muscular arms and tattoos. He stopped hard, waving me to pass before him, a stoic, almost irritated expression on his face.

I swallowed hard, darting out. Once again, totally embarrassed. No, mortified by my massiveoopsof entering the wrong room at a very wrong time.

“Well, how’s that for a good morning,” Jill teased as we appeared.

Zach growled behind me.

Yeesh, his attitude had changed dramatically.

I faked like I wasn’t fazed by anything and went into the kitchen. I’d hide in here as long as possible. Avoid Zach for however long we were in this forced proximity.

Walls up, emotions turned off. Breathe and don’t make a fool of yourself.

“Alrighty then,” Jill said with amusement in her voice. “I’ll help you in here.” She acted perky as ever, but it almost felt forced. Again, I wanted to talk to her about all that irked me. Why had she left out so many vital details? I thought we were besties. The only reason I hadn’t told her about Casso was that it wasn’t safe. But there was nothing that kept her from telling me the truth.

I didn’t know how to tell her I was upset. Instead, we remained quiet while flipping pancakes and scrambling eggs. I was starving and assumed the guys were too.

I served up the plates, handing them off to Jill to pass out. It was too soon to be in the same room with Zach after seeing him naked. My goodness, had he changed into quite the strapping man from the high school boy I used to know.

Holy hell, all those freaking muscles andhimpoking me? I flushed all over again.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance