Page 32 of Worthy

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“My panties were not ‘all knotted up’! As your financial advisor, I need to know…”

“Bullshit. Don’t fucking lie to me, little girl. A woman doesn’t send a ‘we need to talk’ text to her boyfriend unless she’s pissed about something. What are you so upset about? I would have told you about it eventually.”

Ignoring the flutter in her belly at the word ‘boyfriend’, she lifted her chin. “I wasn’t upset. I simply need to know how to categorize your expenses.”

With a low growl, he rolled off the bed and stalked to the other side of the room. She braced herself for him leaving, for never seeing him again.

So when he turned back to her, his wide leather belt dangling from his hand, it took a moment for her to process his intent. When it finally clicked, her stomach twisted itself into a knot. “Austin, you can’t spank me for asking you a perfectly reasonable question.”

“I’m not. I’m going to spank you for lying to my face and trying to dance around the question youactuallywant to ask me. Get on your knees with your chest on the mattress and your ass in the air.”

“Can’t we talk about this?”

“Sure. After your punishment. I warned you about lying to me, kitten. I’m not a big stickler for rules, but that’s the one thing I won’t allow. On your knees, unless you want to do this the hard way.”

She wasn’t entirely sure what the hard way entailed, but if the easy way was him whipping her ass with his belt, she was absolutely certain she didn’t want to risk it. Kicking the covers off of her, she moved into position, doing her best to not think about how on display she was in this position.

“Arms out in front of you. Good girl,” he praised when she shifted. “Ass a little higher. That’s it, just like that. I’m going to give you three with the belt, and then I’m going to ask you again why you’re so upset. Lie to me again, and it’ll be six. Rinse and repeat. Got it?”


There was awhooshand then a line of fire exploded across the back of her thighs. Lurching forward, she let out a shriek at the unexpected agony.

“Try that again, with a little more respect this time.”

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry.”

“Back in position.”

Whimpering, she moved back to her original position with her cheek pressed against the mattress and her ass in the air.

“Just so you know, that one didn’t count. It’s only three, kitten. You can take it, because you’re my good girl. Isn’t that right, baby?”

His steady assurance eased some of the fear slithering around in her belly and she nodded. “Yes, sir. I’m ready.”

From the corner of her eye, she saw his arm swing back, then there was anotherwhoosh, another line of fire, this one directly across the middle of her bottom. Gritting her teeth, she squeezed her eyes shut and braced for the next two.

They were delivered right on the heels of the first, covering her backside in searing pain. But the initial agony only lasted for a few moments, and the fire had already started to fade to an almost pleasant burn by the time he spoke again.

“What was it that upset you so much, kitten?”

Even though it wasn’t as bad as she’d thought it would be, shereallydidn’t want another six. “I thought it was for rent, or something. For another house or apartment.”

“Why would I need another house? The one I have is already too damn big for one person.”

The frustration in his voice might have been amusing if her ass wasn’t already wearing welts from his belt. “For someone else. Like another girlfriend, maybe.”

Silence filled the room for several long, tense seconds before he sighed. “Oh, kitten. Come here.”

She heard the clunk of the belt hitting the floor, felt the bed dip beside her, and practically threw herself into his arms. “I’m sorry. It was stupid. I know it was stupid, and it didn’t make any sense, I just… I couldn’t figure out what else it could be, and I was hurt and confused.”

“Would you like to know what it’s for?”

“You said it was a club of some kind. I don’t really need the details. Just tell me how to categorize it and I can work it from there.”

“All right. But I still want to tell you.”

“Okay. But only if you’re sure.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance