Page 33 of Worthy

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“I am. It’s a membership for a BDSM club called Black Light.”

Of all the horrific confessions she’d prepared herself for, that one hadn’t even been on her radar. “Oh.”

“See? Nothing nefarious. Look at me.” Placing a finger under her chin, he tilted her head back so she was forced to look up at him. “I don’t want there to be any secrets between us. All you have to do is ask, and I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. All right?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good girl. Now,” his lips curved up in a wicked smile, “would you like to hear about Black Light?”

Chapter 11


Did she want to hear more about the secret kinky sex club her self-professed boyfriend belonged to?


“Sure,” she replied as nonchalantly as she could with her stomach doing somersaults.

“Let’s get you cleaned up and warm up our dinner, and I’ll tell you all about it.”

“Cleaned up?” The sticky sensation between her thighs registered and she sat straight up. “Oh no! I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I forgot to get a condom!”

“Calm down, kitten. It’s my fault. I got carried away.” He smirked, then sobered quickly. “I’ve been tested, so I’m clean. I wouldn’t risk you like that.”

“Okay. Me too.” She’d gotten tested several times after her one and only one night stand a while back. “And I get a birth control shot, so no surprises.”

“So, we’re covered. I am sorry, though. I usually don’t get so carried away I forget basic safety precautions.”

Had she done that to him? Stripped him of his self-control? Turning away to hide her grin, she held that knowledge close to her, a prize she’d never in a million years imagined winning. “It’s all right.”

“Lie back down and I’ll go get a washcloth.”

She swallowed the argument that instinctively sprung to her lips. If it pleased him to take care of her, then who was she to deny him? Settling back against her pillows, she pulled the covers back up over her naked body while he disappeared into the en-suite bathroom.

When he returned and stopped beside the bed, frowning down at her, she squirmed under the blankets. “Why are you glaring at me?”

“I’m not glaring. I’m wondering who gave you permission to cover yourself up.”


“I, um, thought we were done playing.”

“Fair enough,” he admitted, though he didn’t look at all mollified by her explanation. “We need to talk about that, though.” Kneeling on the bed beside her, he tugged the blankets off and nudged her knees open so he could swipe the washcloth over her thighs and the too-sensitive skin of her pussy.

“Talk about what?”

“I already told you that I would have rules for you to follow if we were together. I don’t expect you to walk around calling me Sir all the time, but I do prefer to have a certain amount of control in a relationship.” Settling back on his heels, he cocked his head to the side and studied her with serious eyes. “Think you could be okay with that?”

“How much control? Are you going to pick out my clothes and make me crawl around naked all the time?” Need flared to life again between her thighs, but she had a feeling the reality wouldn’t be quite as sexy as the fantasy her imagination conjured.

“Just sometimes,” he assured with the flash of a grin. “You already know about not putting yourself down. No lying. No more calling me ‘Mr. Barrick’. And definitely no clothes when we’re alone together.”

“Uh huh, sure.” With an exaggerated eye roll for what she was sure must have been a joke, she sat up and reached for the bra she’d abandoned during their play. But before she got very far, a hand fisted in her hair, jerking her back against a firm, hard body.

“Did you roll your eyes at me, little girl?”

“I—I thought it was a joke, sir.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance