Page 31 of Worthy

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That got her attention. With a shocked gasp, she rocked her hips forward. He didn’t know if she even realized she was doing it, but soon she was writhing and wriggling atop him, her body instinctively searching for release.

The part of him that craved her submission crowed with delight. Normally, he would draw things out, torturing and teasing until she was begging to come. But he wanted to show his girl how fucking proud of her he was, so he went straight for the kill.

A moment later, she went rigid over him, her entire body shuddering as the orgasm hit her, his name a hoarse shout on her lips.

Hearing her call for him drove him over the edge and he rolled with her, shoving her knees wide. Bracing himself, he drove into her and nearly came when her pussy contracted around him.

“I can’t go slow,” he warned her, but judging by the way her eyes lit with excitement, he didn’t need to worry about it.

“Fuck me, sir. Please.”

There was no finesse, no perfectly timed movements, no practiced maneuvers. There was only him, her, and the primal need to claim his woman. To mark her as his own. He fucked her, hard, holding off as long as he could until her back arched, those gorgeous breasts thrust towards him like an offering, and her wet heat clenched around him. When she screamed his name again, he was lost, and he followed her over the edge into bliss.

* * *


She wasn’tsure if someone could actually pass out from an orgasm, but she’d come damn close. At the very least, she’d fallen asleep for a bit, her head nestled against Austin’s hard, warm chest.

When she came to, he was stroking her hair, and the sweet, simple gesture nearly made her sigh. It was perfect.

Except it wasn’t.

And once her mind latched on to that tiny little detail, she couldn’t turn it off. Shifting beside him, she snuggled in closer, chasing the peace and contentment she’d felt a moment ago.

“Hey there, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?”

“Mmm. Wonderful.” Physically, anyway. If she could get her mind to shut up, she could follow her liquid muscles back to dreamland.

But even if she’d been able to turn her brain off, apparently Austin had other ideas. Rolling on top of her, he gathered her wrists in his hands and pinned her to the bed beneath him. When he claimed her lips in a kiss that was brutal in its tenderness, she tasted herself on him, and her cheeks heated at the memory of him beneath her, driving her wild with his tongue.

“Ready for round two?” He moved his lips to her jaw, then down her neck, and even though she was more sexually satisfied than she’d ever been in her life, her pussy clenched at his touch.

But unlike before, when she’d managed to convince herself she deserved to experience being fucked by Austin Barrick at least once, this time his clever mouth couldn’t quiet her overactive mind.

“Actually… we still need to talk, Austin.”

He went still, and she felt him sigh a moment before he shifted back to the side, still keeping her pinned beneath him but giving them both some space. Not enough space, in her mind, for the conversation they needed to have, but when she tried to move, he simply swatted her hip and told her to stop squirming.

“You want to talk, so talk. What’s going on in that beautiful brain, Katherine?”

The use of her full name made her stomach jump, but she refused to be cowed into backing down from this. “I started going through your financials today. If you’re going to be retiring soon,” she sent him a cool look when he growled at her, “whenyou retire, however soon that may be, you’ll need to tighten up your monthly budget. I was looking at ways you could start doing that now.”

Pausing, she waited for some sign of alarm or shock, but he simply shrugged. “Sounds smart. So, what? I need to stop partying with the guys? I haven’t really done much of that lately, anyway, but I’ve never been good at budgets so I’m sure there’s plenty of places I can save some cash.”

“Well, yes. Your dining and entertainment budget is a bit outrageous,” she admitted, feeling suddenly unsure of herself. Did he think she hadn’t found the mysterious monthly payment? Or did he truly have nothing to hide? “But there’s one expense in particular, it looks like a recurring fee or membership of some kind, and I don’t know how to categorize it.” There. She’d made her point without coming off like a crazy, jealous girlfriend. All business.

“A fee? What kind of fee? For how much?”

“Twenty-five hundred dollars a month. To Cartwright-Davidson Enterprises.”

The lines on his forehead drew together in obvious confusion, then smoothed out again when he grinned. “Oh. That. Yeah, I’m not canceling that.”

“What isthat, exactly, Mr. Barrick?”

She knew he hated it when she was so formal, especially when she used her customer service voice on him. Which was exactly why she’d done it. Why should she be the only one feeling put out at the moment?

Sure enough, his eyes narrowed and his mouth thinned into a dangerous line. “What’s this about, Kit? Why are you getting all snooty on me? Is this what got your panties all knotted up: that I didn’t tell you about the club?”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance