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“Back down,” he ordered with a swat on her thigh.

She risked shooting him a glare before settling herself back into position with her bottom raised high and her thighs spread wide. Something smooth tapped against her bottom and she had a moment to wonder what it was before he flicked it against her bare skin, pulling a gasp of pure pleasure from her.

“You’re being such a good girl for Daddy. You can wiggle a bit and you can make all the noise you want, but if you break position, we’ll switch to the less fun part of the crop. Got it?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Another flick, another lovely snap of pain that quickly faded to a delightful burn. He covered her bottom with those love bites and she was very nearly floating when the next one landed at the top of her thigh.

“Ow!” she protested with a whine. “That hurts!”

“Poor little jellybean. How about this?”

The next swat was even lower, making her squeal and drum her feet against the mattress. “That hurts more!”


Excitement raced through her veins like a drug at the single growled word. He’d promised her a sadist tonight, and that was exactly what she was getting. Each blow to her thigh made her wiggle, which pressed her overly sensitive nipples further into the mattress. Her pussy throbbed in time with her own heartbeat and she wondered if she could die from being too turned on.

A particularly painful swat to the middle of her thigh broke through years of training and she rolled to the side. As soon as her eyes met his, she realized her mistake.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she chanted, scrambling back into position. “I didn’t mean to!”

“But you did. And what did I say would happen if you broke position?”

“Daddy,” she whined, burying her face in the bedspread.

“Tell me, little girl, or the first one will be right across the backs of your thighs.”

Lifting her head, she turned to rest her cheek on the bed. “You said you’d use the other part of the crop. The not fun part.”

“That’s right. I’m going to give you six across your bottom. If you move again, we’ll start over.”

Without waiting for her acknowledgement, he brought the thin rod down across the middle of her bottom. The crop seemed to slice right through her, leaving behind a deep, piercing line of pain.

Hands fisted in the bedspread, she screwed her eyes shut and focused on breathing through the pain. Just as the pain faded to bearable and she let herself relax a second line of pain exploded across her bottom.

“I’m sorry!” she wailed, wiggling her ass in the air in a desperate attempt to alleviate some of the pain. “I won’t move again, I swear!”

“Four more, baby.”

Groaning, she braced for the next strike of the crop. It caught her in that sensitive crevice where ass meets thigh and she buried her face in the comforter to muffle her shriek.

But she didn’t break position.

“Good girl. I know it hurts, but you’re doing such a good job. Halfway there.”

She didn’t know if he was taking pity on her, or if he was ready to move on, but the next three were mercifully delivered one right after another, not even giving her a chance to move out of position.

When it was over, her forehead was slick with sweat and she was panting into the bedspread. Behind her, the mattress dipped and a moment later she was lifted onto him.

Too much. It’s too much. The words formed in her mind, but all her mouth could manage was a whimper. Her entire body was awash with sensation: the plug and his cock filling her and the bells pulling at her nipples with even the slightest movement.

And then he moved, rocking inside of her, and even her mind lost the ability to form words. There was nothing but him, nothing but the overload of pleasure and pain wreaking beautiful havoc on her senses.

A sob escaped when his wandering fingers found her clit and pinched lightly. Letting her head fall back onto his shoulder, she gripped his forearm for balance as he teased and tortured the little bundle of nerves.

“Please.” It was the only word she could manage, and she wasn’t even sure she actually said it out loud until he chuckled in her ear.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance