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“You want to come, baby? You want to come on Daddy’s cock?”

“Please,” she repeated, her voice pitching up several octaves.

“Tell Daddy what you want.”

“Can’t. Too much.” Every breath was a short, desperate gasp for air. “Please,” she begged, pushing on his arm to try and force him to give her the release she needed.

“Naughty girl.” The growled reprimand was followed by a sharp swat to her clit that very nearly pushed her over the edge, but not quite.

“Please, Daddy. Please.”

“Please what, Hayleigh? Tell Daddy what you want.”

“Wanna come.” Her words were thick and slurred, but she got them out. “Daddy, please!”

“That’s my girl.”

With his free hand, he unhooked the clamps from her nipples. The flood of sensation combined with his skillful fingers playing her clit didn’t just push her over the edge.

It sent her flying.

Her scream echoed around the room and her world narrowed to the explosion of pleasure, the molten liquid rushing through her veins where her blood had been just a moment before.

And then she was back on all fours, her cheek crushed against the bedspread, his fingers digging into her hips as he fucked her. There was no other word for it, and all she could do was cling to the covers as his hips slammed into her welted ass over and over until he emptied himself into her.

They collapsed on the bed together, a sweaty mess of limbs, neither one willing nor able to move into a more comfortable position.

“Jesus,” he finally said, his voice rough, like he’d forgotten how to use it.

“Yeah,” she agreed, wincing at the soreness in her own throat. “Need water.”

“Jellybean, I love you, but water is going to have to wait a few minutes. I can’t feel my legs.”

Once again, the world fell away. Using the sudden surge of energy his words gave her, she pushed herself up and stared at him. “What did you just say?”

Flat on his back, with an arm thrown over his face so all she could see was his beard, he smiled. “That I can’t feel my legs? I’m serious, baby. You were fantastic.”

“No. Before that. Say it again.”

Moving his arm slightly, he peered up at her. “That I love you? That part?”

“Yes. Did you mean it? You can’t say shit like that if you don’t mean it, Connor.” Panic tightened like a vice around her heart. “Did you mean it?”

“I don’t say things I don’t mean, little girl.”

“Really? You promise?”

Apparently experiencing his own adrenaline rush, he rolled and pinned her to the mattress. His mouth covered hers, demanding her surrender. Surrender she freely gave as tears slipped from the corners of her eyes.

When they were both breathless again, he pressed his forehead to hers. “I’ve loved you from a distance since the first time I saw you. I thought about telling you sooner, but I didn’t want to spook you. But I couldn’t wait. And it’s okay if you don’t love me back, yet. I can wait.”

“Oh, Connor.” Lifting a hand, she brushed a lock of hair from his face. “How could I not love you? You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and a million things I never dared to dream of.”

“Thank God.” He kissed her again, sweet and slow, and a little desperate. “Thank God.”

Chapter 11

By the timeConnor had to leave for work on Saturday, Hayleigh couldn’t move without some ache or twinge making itself known somewhere in her body.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance