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Her hands and knees pressed into the cool, hard floor with each crawling step. At this rate, her knees would be covered with bruises in the morning.

And with any luck, other parts of her might be as well.

They reached the bedroom and she paused, eyeing the large bed in the middle of the room. As a person, it was easy to get in and out of. As a kitten, however, she wasn’t exactly sure how she was going to manage it.

“You can stand up if you need to. I’m going to get some things together. I want you on the bed, naked, with your bottom high in the air for me.”

Grateful she wouldn’t have to figure out how to climb onto the tall bed, she jumped to her feet and quickly stripped out of her uniform before taking her place in the middle of the wide mattress. Stretching her arms out in front of her, she lowered her torso to the bedspread and pushed her ass high in the air, as instructed.

“I don’t have a tail for you, but we should get that cute little bottom hole used to having something inside of it.”

Lifting her head, she watched him open the toy closet and gather implements. A familiar mix of fear and excitement churned in her belly.

After spreading several items out on the bed, he ran a hand over her raised bottom. “Ready, jellybean?”

“Yes, sir.”

From behind her, she heard the sound of the lubricant popping open a moment before she felt the cool liquid between her cheeks. Her training helped her bite back a squeak of surprise.

“Relax, jellybean. You’ve done this before. Breathe through it and push back for me.”

Drawing in a lungful of air, she held it for a moment before slowly letting it out as he pushed a thick finger into her bottom. There was the initial resistance, that tight ring of muscle at the entrance that always tried to keep out any foreign invaders. And the flash of sharp pain that came with him pressing past it, regardless.

Then the pain faded, and there was only the feeling of being filled. Stretched. And that sudden, overwhelming submission she always felt when she allowed someone access to this most secret, private place. It was an act of absolute trust, and she felt her mind begin to clear of the clutter and noise of the day.

There was only her and her Daddy. The rest of the world ceased to exist for her as he worked a second finger inside of her, stretching her further with another delightful flash of pain.

“Such a good girl,” he crooned, pulling his fingers from her. A moment later, something cold and hard pressed against her entrance. Her training failed her for a moment, and she whimpered quietly before she remembered herself and bit her lip against any further sounds.

“No.” The snapped order was accompanied by two crisp, hard swats to her raised bottom. “I want to hear every whimper, every whine, every scream. I love those sounds and you will not keep them from me. Understood?”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.

“Good girl. Bear down for me.”

Closing her eyes, she braced for the plug. Though larger than his fingers, it wasn’t unbearable, and it didn’t take much for him to have it fully seated in her bottom.

“Beautiful,” he murmured. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”

It was difficult to keep in position when she felt so exposed and alone, but it was only the two of them in the house. Nobody else could or would see her like this, with her plugged ass in the air and her arousal dripping down the inside of her thigh. She focused on the sound of running water, and then his footsteps crossing the room again.

“Sit up and put your hands behind your back.”

Confused, excited, nervous, she pushed up, into the requested position, with her knees spread for balance. Cupping one of her naked breasts, he ran his finger over the nipple, slowly rolling and working the bud into a taut point. Each touch seemed to send a flash of pleasure straight to her pussy. Remembering his earlier edict, she allowed herself a soft whimper of need when he gave her painfully stiff nipple a tug.

“Does my little girl like that?” His voice was thick and gravelly when he spoke, and he gave her breast another, sharper tug.

Dropping her head back, she let out a low, needy moan. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good.” Rubber replaced his calloused fingers and she lifted her head again to admire the clamp dangling from her nipple. Swinging from the clamp was a little bell, which pulled at her breast with every movement. The softdingwas almost inaudible, but it made her smile all the same.

“Meow?” she said, looking up at her grinning Daddy.

“Indeed. I can’t wait to see you with a collar around your neck and a tail in that pretty little bottom. But these will do for now.”

It was thrilling to know they were exploring something new together, and that he seemed just as intrigued by the idea as she had been. It felt like something just for them, something they didn’t have to share with anyone else. Which, living on a Ranch swamped with others in the lifestyle, was something of a miracle.

He attached the other clamp before slowly tightening them each in turn. They pinched at first, but after a bit it became more of a constant ache, with little bites of pain when the bells would swing.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance