Page 19 of Daddy's Way

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Concentrating on work was going to be hard as hell with the images dancing in his mind of the things his Livvy might need during the day. Doing his best to ignore them, at least for now, he settled back at his desk and opened up the next email in his box.

Chapter Six

As her laptop powereddown, Olivia leaned back in her chair, stretching her arms up over her head. What a crazy freaking day. Her email and phone had positively blown up, thanks to the magazine article. She picked her copy up off her desk again and grinned at it.

James was right. The cover oozed confidence and sex appeal. But it was the article inside that made her practically giddy. It was wonderful, beyond words, to be recognized for her hard work and her dedication to her clients.

She flipped the magazine open to her section and reread, savoring every word. When she’d finished, she flipped the page and giggled at the picture of Shannon beaming out from the pages. Now there was a woman who exuded sex and confidence with every breath. Olivia had wondered why they didn’t choose Shannon for the cover, but Shannon had just rolled her eyes when she brought it up.

“It’s hilarious how blind you are to your own beauty,” Shannon had said. “I’m not at all shocked they chose you.”

Unable to contain her excitement, Olivia grabbed her phone and hit the call button.

“Hey, rock star!”

Olivia laughed at the exuberant greeting. “Hey, yourself. Is it weird that I can’t stop staring at myself?”

“Hell, no! I’ve been checking out your beautiful brown eyes all day.”

“You don’t look so bad, yourself, you know.”

“I look fucking hot. But I’m not the cover model. Dinner tonight to celebrate?”

“Can’t. James is taking me out. How about tomorrow?”

“It’s a date! See you then, babe!”

After she ended the call, Olivia packed up her computer and the paperwork she wanted to work on later that night. She slung the laptop bag and purse over her shoulder and headed for the door. James was just shutting down his computer when she paused in the doorway of his office.

God, he was gorgeous. He wasn’t super buff like the men on the covers of the romance novels Patty was always reading. But he was tall and lean, with wiry muscles that belied the strength rippling underneath his smooth business attire.

And when he looked up at her, those crystal blue eyes stole her breath.

“Hey,” she said, suddenly feeling a shyness she hadn’t felt since the early days of their marriage.

“All done for the day, little one?”

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic