Page 18 of Daddy's Way

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Olivia shook her head and his heart swelled with pride. “No. Regardless of what happened, my behavior was completely unprofessional and uncalled for. Nobody ever deserves to be berated like that at work, and I’m truly sorry.”

“It’s okay. Really. I have to get back to work.” MaryAnn darted out of the office before Olivia could say anything else.

Olivia turned to him, her cheeks still slightly flushed with embarrassment. “Was that okay?”

“Yes. Thank you, Liv.” He dropped his voice so only she could hear him. “Daddy’s very proud of you.”

The pink on her cheeks darkened, but he had a feeling it wasn’t embarrassment turning her olive skin that beautiful dusky rose. His hunch was proven right when she responded with a soft, “Thank you, Daddy.”

“I have a surprise for you.”

Her eyes went wide and the color on her cheeks deepened further. “Surprise?”

He couldn’t help the chuckle. “Not that kind of surprise, my love.” But her response had the wheels turning in his mind. Pushing thoughts of her bent over his desk with a plug in her bottom from his mind, he crouched and grabbed the box on the floor and lifted it onto his desk. He took one of the magazines from the box and held it up for her to see.

Shock and delight filled her eyes seconds before she let out a high-pitched squeal. “It’s here! That’s me! Give it!” She dove across the desk and snatched the magazine from his hands. Under normal circumstances, he would have scolded her for such rudeness, but he couldn’t bring himself to ruin her excitement.

“Oh, look at it! I look good. I was worried my ass looked fat in that skirt but I look good.”

“Your ass never looks fat. And you don’t just look good, you look sexy and confident.”

Her grin was just as sexy and confident in person as it was on the cover of the magazine. “I do, don’t I? I wonder what the article says.” She flipped through the glossy pages until she found what she was searching for. “Here we go! Blah blah blah, in business with her husband, yadda yadda, oh!” Her smile softened. “How lovely.”

“What does it say?”

“Olivia Monroe isn’t just your typical cheerful, happy-to-help realtor, though she is all of those things. There is a sincerity that shines through in her conversations with her clients, and an honesty that’s refreshing to see in this business. It’s clear her goal is to find the best home for her client, not just the best commission for herself. She is a breath of fresh air in a cutthroat business.”

James walked around the desk and pulled her close. “It’s the truth. I know I don’t tell you this often, but you really are excellent at your job. Even the most difficult clients end up raving about you at the end of the day. I am so proud of you, Liv, every day for the woman you’ve become.”

As her daddy, he often told her he was proud of her. But he rarely used those words at work, and judging by the tears shining in her eyes, it meant the world to her to hear them. He’d have to remember to tell her more often.

“I’ve been at work ten minutes and this has already been the best day ever. I swear nothing could ruin this day.”

He was tempted to kiss her, but the door to his office was open and they had a strict, mutually agreed upon policy on excessive PDA in the office. “It’s definitely one for the books.”

Her lips curved up in a slow, sexy smile. “We should celebrate tonight.”

Fuck their agreement. James tightened his arms around her and bent his head to hers, taking her lips in a quick, brutal kiss. He’d only meant for it to last a second, enough for her to know how that smile affected him. But then she whimpered and her mouth opened, inviting him in. Need overrode any sense of propriety. He fisted a hand in her perfectly curled hair, holding her in place as he swept in, conquering her mouth. She melted into him, and his need for her was so great he might have taken her right there on the floor of his office if the sound of someone clearing their throat hadn’t brought them crashing back to reality.

Slowly lifting his head, he looked over at Patty O’Halloran, the first realtor he’d hired after Olivia. Patty’s clear blue eyes twinkled and her lips were turned up in a knowing, mischievous smile. Olivia pushed at his chest, but James didn’t release her.

“Good morning, Patty.”

“Good morning, yourself. Good to see you kids have worked things out.” Patty winked and walked away, her loud laugh echoing down the hall.

“Oh, my God.” Olivia pressed her face against his chest. “I can’t believe that just happened. I’m just going to hide here the rest of the day.”

“Sorry, little one. You have work to do.”

She glared up at him. “You’re a—”

James lifted a finger to her lips. “Careful, my darling little girl.” Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear, “Little girls who call their daddies naughty names go to bed with no dessert and sleep on their tummies.”

He was close enough to hear her breath turn ragged. “Sorry, Daddy,” she whispered in return.

“That’s my girl.” He pressed another kiss to her lips, a promise of things to come later that night. “Go get settled in and let me know if you need me for anything today. Anything, Livvy.”

The gleam in her eyes told him she understood the double meaning behind his words. “Yes, sir.”

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic