Page 20 of Daddy's Way

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Oh, how she loved that nickname. Everything inside of her went soft and warm whenever he used it. “Yes, sir.”

The blue of his eyes heated. “Where would you like to go to dinner?”

They had a dozen options, just within a ten-mile radius of the office. But there was only one place she wanted to be in that instant. “Home.”

His eyes locked on her, James rose from his seat and slipped his laptop bag over his shoulder. “You’re sure?”

Need rose up in her, so strong it nearly brought her to her knees. She watched him walk around his desk, her heart thundering with each step he took. He stopped just in front of her and lifted a hand to her cheek. “We could go anywhere you want. This is your celebration.”

“I know. I want to go home. I want...” The words stuck in her throat.

“Tell me, little one.”

She swallowed. This had never come easy for her, articulating her wants, her needs, her desires. “I want you to use me.”

The smile that curved his lips was slow and wicked. He moved his hand to her neck, his strong fingers encircling her throat. Her pulse beat a steady rhythm against the palm of his hand.

“Is that what you want? To be Daddy’s little plaything for the night?”

Her entire body thrummed with need. “Yes.”

“Ask me nicely.”

The heat that flooded her cheeks was a heady combination of embarrassment and desire. “Will you please take me home and fuck me hard, Daddy?”

Stroking the skin of her throat with his thumb, he nodded. “Since you asked so sweetly, little one, I would be happy to. You go on home. Take a shower and be waiting for me in our bedroom.”

“You’re not coming with me?”

“I’m going to stop at the store. I plan on working up an appetite tonight.”

Holy shit, it was a wonder she didn’t spontaneously combust right there in the middle of their office. “Okay.”

His hand tightened around her throat, and fear twined with desire in a delicious cocktail she knew oh so well. “Try again, little one. What do you say when Daddy gives you an order?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“That’s my good girl. Go on. I’ll meet you at home.”

He bent and feathered a kiss over her lips before releasing her. Flying high on that heady mixture of anticipation and need, she walked down the hall and out the front door. Across the parking lot to her big black SUV where she climbed inside and drove home as fast as she dared. She wanted to just ignore the speed limits and race home, but Daddy would whip her ass if she got a ticket and that would put a damper on the whole night.

So she pushed it as fast as she dared, beyond relieved when she finally pulled into her driveway. The car was barely in park before she killed the engine and hopped down from the car. Heart pounding, she raced inside and up the stairs to the master suite. On any other night, she would have carefully stripped, depositing clothes into the laundry basket or hanging up items that could be worn again. But tonight she simply let each item fall to the floor on her way to the bathroom. Daddy might spank her for it, but that spanking wouldn’t ruin anything. That kind of ‘punishment’ would only enhance the desire already pumping through her veins.

In the bathroom, she bundled her hair on top of her head and switched the shower on. After waiting for what seemed like an eternity for the water to heat up, she stepped inside and lifted her face to the spray. Since Daddy was taking a detour, she took a little extra time to rub her sugar scrub over every inch of her body before she ran the razor over her legs. Once she was clean and scrubbed, she flipped the shower off. Goose pimples rippled over her skin when she stepped back into the cool air of the bathroom.

Excitement and anticipation hummed in her veins as she dried off and rubbed lotion onto her soft, freshly exfoliated skin. She hadn’t had a night like this in so long. A night where she could completely surrender herself to the man who ruled her heart and her body.

He wouldn’t be fair. He wouldn’t be just or gentle. He would demand more of her than she knew how to give. He would punish even the slightest disobedience or defiance. He would give her pain, just as he gave her pleasure, but she knew she had nothing to fear.

Because he was her daddy, and she trusted him with her very being.

She finished off with a thin layer of moisturizer to her face before hanging up her towel and returning to the bedroom. For a moment, she debated if she should dress. Her daddy appreciated the lacy, silken underthings tucked away in her drawers. But she didn’t want anything between them when he came home.

As if thinking about her daddy and all the wicked things he had planned conjured him, the front door slammed. Olivia clambered up into the bed they shared and stretched out, her heartbeat counting down the seconds until he walked through the door.

By the time he did, she thought she would burst with anticipation. He stopped just inside the door and simply stared at her.

“Look at my pretty little girl, all laid out for her daddy. Did you take a shower like I told you to?”

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic