Page 9 of Touch Me

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Chapter Five


WALKING IN THE clubhouse, I don’t pay any attention to the members and Fallen girls in the common room. Music is blaring through the room, so loud conversation isn’t possible. The guys are cutting loose, and I can’t blame them after a long, hard day at work. This is the state of the clubhouse most days. Fridays and Saturdays, the place is packed to capacity and even crazier than the tame scene in front of us. I’m holding Alex’s hand, and the tension in her body as she looks around is palpable. The Fallen girls are walking around naked, a few guys are getting blowjobs right in the room without a care who sees, and Trax is fucking a Fallen Girl over the pool table—just a normal, everyday scene in here.

“Baby, where did you run off too?” Hoover questions me, wrapping her body around mine and pushing Alex out of the way.

“Get the fuck off me,” I growl, trying to separate myself from the piranha attaching herself to me.

“Baby, you were supposed to be with me, and you just ran off. Who is this slut you brought back? Why is she here and holding your hand?” she whines, still trying to attach herself to me in any way possible as I untangle myself from her clutches.

“Hoover, you don’t get to know shit. You’re not my woman, and I don’t fuckin’ answer to you. You’re here to fuck and suck. Come at me again like this, and you’ll be out on your ass. This woman is to be respected at all times,” I say, motioning for Jameson to turn down the music while stepping away from Hoover.

Hoover’s glaring at me, her arms crossed over her chest with her hip cocked out. Instead of looking sexy, or whatever look she’s going for, she looks like a petulant child who was just scolded. I have no clue how I ever let this bitch come near me with the way she’s increasingly becoming jealous and as if she belongs to me.

“Listen the fuck up,” I roar, capturing everyone’s attention. “This woman is here under my fuckin’ protection. One wrong look, wrong word, or anythin’ else I deem inappropriate, and you’re all subject to disciplinary actions. If you’re a Fallen girl, this woman ranks above you, and you will show her respect. I have no problem kickin’ all your asses right the fuck out if I find out you’re bein’ rude or mean to her. Hoover, you’re on my last fuckin’ nerve, and if you ever come at me or Alex again, you’re done here. As of now, you don’t get to party until I say otherwise. That means no fuckin’, suckin’, or anythin’ else. You all heard me, and my orders will be followed. Church in five.”

Without another word, I pull Alex’s hand, so she follows me to my room. I’ll put her in there while we’re in church, so she doesn’t have to deal with the assholes and bitches out here. She can rest, shower, and do whatever she has to do while being alone in my room. I’m hoping she goes to bed because I don’t believe she’s gotten a full night's rest since she took off on the run. I know I wouldn’t because I’d always be looking over my shoulder and wondering if it was the day those chasing me would finally catch up to me. Here, she doesn’t have to worry about anything like that. We’ll keep her safe and not let anyone get near her.

Walking down the hall past our meeting room, I lead her to the end of the hall to the last door on the left. Eagle and I are the only two members who have a room downstairs. Everyone else is up on the second floor. We need to be close to where everyone gathers to help stop trouble between members or the Fallen girls when they get in their bitch mode. If there’s a commotion going on, we don’t have to worry about breaking our necks in an attempt to get to the common room.

Unlocking my door, I step through the doorway and stop so Alex can walk through and get inside. Her body brushes against mine, making my cock rock hard in less than a second. Her soft and smooth skin makes me want to run my hands over her body even more than I already want to. If I could get away with it, I’d spend countless hours kissing, sucking, nipping, and touching her body. I want to find out what makes her tick and what makes her moan the loudest.

“This is my room,” I tell her, closing the door behind us. “You’ll be safe here while I talk to the guys. I’ll find out what’s goin’ on with the motel room and where your clothes are. Keep the door locked while I’m gone. When church is done, we’ll figure things out. Help yourself to anythin’ in the room. I’ve got a mini-fridge with water and a drawer with some snacks if you’re still hungry. Take a shower, lay down in bed, do whatever you want. The remote is here by the bed.”

“You go to church?” Alex asks, her voice full of wonder.

“Not church like you’re thinkin’. Church for us is what we call our meetin’. No one else is allowed in other than fully patched members. The Prospects remain out of the room, and the Fallen girls are also in the common room while we’re in our meetin’. That’s why I’m askin’ you to stay in here,” I answer her, my voice low as she takes in my room. “I’m headin’ out. If you need anythin’, Jameson is behind the bar with Rebel. Go to those two only.”

“Okay, Reaper. Thank you so much for keeping me safe,” she says, her voice low and wavering.

“No thanks needed, darlin’. I’ll lock the door after I leave. No one will get in unless you open the door.”

Alex nods her head as I leave the room and close the door behind me. I want to stay in my room with her, holding her and reassuring her that she’s safe as long as I’m with her. However, I’m the President of the MC, and I need to do my job as the head of this club. This means letting my guys know what the fuck is going on and what exactly we’re up against. The Garcia family might not be as powerful and connected as the cartel we deal with. It doesn’t mean they’re any less dangerous or have resources to use against us. I’m sure her husband is getting backing as I hand over my phone to Jameson along with my gun.

Sitting at the head of the table, I look around with all the club members surrounding me. These men have been at my side for years. Well, most of them. Some of the younger guys haven’t been here as long, but they’ve proven their loyalty. I know they’d give their life to protect any other man sitting in this room or anyone affiliated with the club like the Fallen girls, Rebel, the Prospects, and any ol’ ladies who come into our fold. These are the men I’ll go to war with to protect Alex or anyone else.

“Meetin’ in session,” I announce, slamming the gavel on the table before setting it back in its place. “We have an issue that’s come up, and you all need to be aware of it when you’re out in town, here at the clubhouse, and everywhere else you go. With that bein’ said, I don’t want any of you ridin’ alone for the time bein’. At least pairs every single time you leave the clubhouse.”

“What the fuck is goin’ on, Pres?” Titan questions, his voice raised slightly as he sits up straighter in his chair.

I pause long enough to grab a smoke and light up before answering him.

“Stopped to help a woman stranded on the side of the road earlier. At the time, I didn’t know who she was. Or how I’d start to feel ‘bout her. Anyway, her name is Alex Torres. She’s the daughter of Alejandro Garcia,” I state as murmurs and palms hit the table from various men. “We towed her car to the garage. She’s been on the run for however long now. I don’t even know when she left her husband. When I dropped her off at the motel earlier, I wasn’t expectin’ her to call me so soon. It appears she went to Burger Stop to get some food, and when she got back, the door of her room was standing slightly ajar. Pound, what did you find there?”

“The room was trashed. Blankets ripped to shreds, TV smashed, her clothes ripped and shredded. Can’t salvage any of her clothes. Her purse is missin’ from the room. Whoever was in there was lookin’ for somethin’ besides her. You know who it was?”

“It was her husband. Hawk, you got your laptop in here? I want as much information on this fucker as you can dig up. On top of givin’ me everythin’ on her damn dad. The more information we have, the better equipped we’ll be to handle them when they show up. It’s not a matter of if they’ll show up, but when they’ll be here. Troy is already in town. He chased us and said he was here for Alex. Her real name is Alejandra. Do it while we’re in here. I’m not goin’ anywhere until I know we can come up with a solid plan to get rid of the fuckers from our town.”

Hawk opens his laptop and furiously types away on the keyboard. He just added a printer to our meeting room so he can print shit out in here when I ask him to dig into things. It’s not as good as the shit he’s got in his cave, but it’s good enough for what he needs to do here. Hawk has so much shit in his room to do the job at hand whenever we’re going up against someone. Or someone is trying to fuck with what’s ours.

“Just from a preliminary search on Troy Torres, he’s a slimy motherfucker. He’s got eyes on him for traffickin’, the suspect in the murder of his first wife, and has been married to Alex for two years. From what I can see, he’s not been faithful to her. She’s been in the hospital on multiple occasions over the last two years, but the files are sealed. I’m guessin’ it’s not gonna take a genius to know why she was in the hospital with sealed records. Troy reported her missin’ four months ago. There has been no trace of Alex until she showed up here. I’ll keep diggin’, but that’s what I got for now, just in a quick search. Want me to bring Eagle in on the more in-depth search?” Hawk questions, looking at his brother across the table.

“Yeah, I want both of you in on this shit. I’ll talk to Alex tomorrow and see what she can tell me about why she’s runnin’ and whatever else she knows about her dad and Troy. There’s a reason she’s on the run and doesn’t want to go back to her husband. Even if he does beat on her and hurt her, I feel in my gut there’s more goin’ on. Right now, she needs to rest and catch up on the sleep she’s been lackin’. Trax, want you on her car first thing in the mornin’. Find out what’s wrong with it. Also want you to look for trackers or somethin’. There’s a reason he keeps findin’ her. She hasn’t said as much, but I fear this isn’t the first place he’s shown up for her. By the way, she’s got her purse and a burner phone. Yeah, the girl doesn’t even have a real cell phone. It’s a fuckin’ burner phone,” I tell them, knowing all this information is sinking in as they stare back at me.

“Why the fuck are we the ones worryin’ about this?” Round pipes up.

I’m not sure what the fuck is up his ass lately. Round doesn’t want to do a damn thing lately. He’s got an attitude about everything and has been a complete fucker about everything. Even the Fallen girls have been avoiding him. I’m not saying he’s hurt the women or become physically aggressive toward them. However, he’s either just using them to get off or indifferent about them. Instead of making sure they get off and feel the same pleasure he’s taking, Round has given up. I’ll be keeping my damn eye on him.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance