Page 10 of Touch Me

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“We’re steppin’ up and helpin’ her because she’s in the same situation you all just voted in to make an effort to fuckin’ help. Women who need help and savin’ when no one else wants to. Just because of who her parents are and the fucker she married doesn’t mean Alex is any less in need of help. This is a one-time fuckin’ offer. You don’t want to help Alex or any other woman who’s bein’ abused, turn in your cut and get the fuck outta my club. You won’t be out bad or anythin’ else. You’ll have to wait your year to join another club, but you’ll be free. We’re not goin’ legit by any means, but we have the money and resources to help these women and children find a better damn life than what they’ve been livin’. Alex included,” I state, letting my anger out in full force as my eyes lock on Round and the indifference he’s showing the club and me right now.

“I did vote it in. Just wonderin’ if this bitch is more under our protection because you want to get your cock wet,” Round says, a smirk on his face.

“I am still your fuckin’ President. You want to challenge me, get your shit ready and bring it to the fuckin’ club. If not, pay your fuckin’ fine and get the fuck outta my sight, Round. Figure out what the hell you want and if you still want to be in this damn club. If not, turn in your cut and give me a reason not to put a bullet in your fuckin’ skull. Alex is a woman who is scared to death of what these men will do to her. You didn’t feel her body tremblin’ in fear against you. Or hear the fright in her voice when she called me. You were among the men in her room at the motel and saw what they did to her shit. Round, you’re a brother, and we’ll all have your back. You got shit goin’ on you need to talk about, open your fuckin’ mouth about it. We can talk in private if needed. What we’re not gonna do is fuck with Alex because you got shit goin’ on,” I growl, grinding my teeth together as my hands clench into fists.

“I’m out. I’ll be back to let you know my decision. For now, do what you gotta do, and I’ll back ya, I guess,” he grits his teeth, pushing his chair out and standing from the table.

We all laugh as Round leaves our meeting room and shuts the door behind him. There’s no anger in his voice or movement, just silent defeat. He reminds me of a man who has the weight of the world on his shoulders and hasn’t asked us for help. A man suffering so much because he doesn’t know how to talk to us. I don’t make it a habit to dig into the members’ personal lives. That’s about to change when it comes to Round, though. As soon as I can make it happen, we’ll be having a sit-down and finding out what the hell is going on.

“Anyone have anythin’ else to say?” I question, looking around the table.

No one says a word in response. I wait a minute before moving on with what needs to be done.

“Eagle and Hawk, do your thing and get me all the information I need on these cocksuckers. Make it happen as soon as possible. Pound, I want you on Round. Make sure he’s good. Leave now in case he forgot to ride with someone else. For now, I’m goin’ to check on Alex. She needs rest, so I don’t want to be interrupted until tomorrow. Unless you figure out somethin’ I need to know tonight. I’m still not talkin’ to her about shit until tomorrow. That understood?”

“On it,” Pound responds, leaving the table and our meeting room.

Slamming the gavel on the table, we all head out. I don’t hesitate as I normally do because a gorgeous woman is waiting in my room. Even knowing I’m not going to get laid, I want to be in the same room with her—my room. There’s a strong as hell pull between the two of us, and I want to make sure she knows she’s not alone in this. For tonight, she can wear something of mine to sleep in. Tomorrow, I’ll worry about getting her clothes so she can have something of her own to wear.

With that thought in mind, I quickly change direction and move toward the bar. Rebel and Jameson are busy handing beer and shots to the men waiting. The Fallen girls wait for the men to notice them and start having fun. All I want is to know Alex will have things when she wakes up.

“Reb, need a huge favor from you,” I tell her, dismissing the beer she offers.

“What’s going on, Reaper?” she returns, her voice soft as she leans over the bar to hear me better since the music is loud.

“Need to see if you have somethin’ the woman who came in with me can borrow. All her shit got shredded, and she’ll have nothin’ tomorrow when she gets up.”

“I’ve got some clothes here she can use. I’ll leave them outside your door when I’m done for the night. Mind if I stay here when we’re done?”

“You never have to ask that. You’re always welcome to stay here. Same rules apply as always. Lock your door unless you want one of the guys to join you. Know you’re not usually like that. Thanks, Reb. I owe ya.”

“No, you don’t. You’ve given me more than I’ve ever given you.”

With a knock on the top of the bar, I turn and make my way to my room. I’m hoping Alex is sleeping and finally getting some rest. However, on the other hand, I hope she’s still awake so I can talk to her more. Not even about the shitshow she brought to Clinton. I just want to hear her soft, melodic voice. That’s what this woman does to me. Something I’ve never done before in my life.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance