Page 8 of Touch Me

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After thinking about it for a minute, I nod my head in response. If Troy or my dad found me at the motel after less than an hour, I’m not going to be safe here. Maybe staying at his clubhouse will ensure my safety for at least one more night. At least I’ll be able to get some sleep before I head back out on the road when my car’s fixed. I won’t have to look over my shoulder or worry about someone breaking into my room to catch me unaware.

“Let’s head out. The guys will let me know what they find when they get back to the clubhouse,” he says, grabbing my hand and leading me out to his bike.

Reaper takes my purse, storing it in the bags on his bike once again. He straddles his bike and ties the bandana around his head before helping me get the helmet on again. I slide on behind him and try to leave some space between our bodies this time. The man slowly consuming me grabs my thighs and pulls me up against his body like before. His hands linger on my legs for a second, giving them a slight squeeze before releasing my body and putting his hand in front of him to start his bike.

The smell of leather, smoke, and something that seems to be uniquely Reaper hits me and fills my senses. I rest my head against his back as he takes off from the parking lot and down the road. There’s no point in paying attention to my surroundings because it’s going to be a short trip around the corner and back to what I’m assuming is his clubhouse. It’s also too dark to enjoy any scenery that might pass us by. The plan is always to get a few hours of sleep and move on to the town. I never stop to take anything in or enjoy the current town I call home for a day or two.

As he pulls to a stop after a minute, Reaper curses. Picking my head up, I’m immediately on alert. Turning my head, I see a blacked-out car speeding up behind us. This isn’t good. We’re on a bike with nothing between us and the large vehicle approaching. None of the guys he showed up with are still with us either. It’s literally Reaper and I with nothing to separate us from getting hit.

Reaper makes a U-turn before heading back the way we came. He passes the small storefronts and continues straight ahead before making some sharp turns. We pass by a school and head out of town on the highway. No homes or other businesses exist, and he’s bypassed the school. Instead of speeding up and getting away from the assholes chasing us, he slows down and pulls over on the side of the road. He climbs off the bike. I watch in shock as he pulls a gun from one of the bags on his bike. The SUV chasing us slams on the breaks causing a horrid smell to fill the air as his tires screech in response to the sudden direction to stop fast. Whoever is driving the car, and I have a pretty good feeling I know who’s behind the wheel, doesn’t turn around and head in the opposite direction away from the man holding a gun. The driver’s door opens once the car is fully stopped, and a man gets out—my husband.

“I only want my wife,” Troy says, his voice filled with malice.

“I don’t think she wants to go with you,” Reaper answers, never taking his eyes off Troy, lowering his gun, or moving from between my husband and me.

“Do you know who I am?” my husband asks, thinking his name and the work he does for my father will save him or give him some sort of power here in this small town.

“I know exactly who you are. You don’t think I had my men run your name as soon as I met Alex? That I didn’t call my contacts in a cartel that’s much stronger and more powerful than you and your bunch of pussy assholes?” Reaper questions, his voice turning lethal and cold.

“You don’t have any contacts with a cartel,” Troy stammers, showing this news wasn’t expected.

“Really?” Reaper questions. “Are you willin’ to bet your life on that because it will only take one phone call to prove you wrong?”

“Alejandra, this is not over. You will be coming back home, and then we’ll figure out what to do with you,” Troy says, stressing my formal name before getting back in his car and squealing away from us.

I look at Reaper in astonishment. On the one hand, I’m scared to death of this man who just calmly pulls a gun out and then threatens to make his own call to a cartel. On the other hand, I’ve never felt safer than I do when I’m near this man.

He turns to look at me, and I can’t decipher the look in his eyes. It looks like he’s trying to find something in my face to let him know what I think and feel at this moment. I keep my face as open as possible to show him I’m scared, nervous, and a host of other emotions I can’t even begin to name. After a minute, he puts the gun away in the back of his jeans this time and gets back on his bike in front of me. He’s not even breathing hard as I am with the threats and altercation we just had.

“I’m callin’ my guys to meet us here. If you see anyone while we’re ridin’, I want you to pull my gun and start shootin’. Just make sure you don’t hit my guys,” he orders me.

“Okay,” I say, my voice wavering in fear.

We make our way out to the main road after he places a call to someone. Besides turning his bike, so we’re facing the direction we came from, Reaper doesn’t move to ride away. We sit on his bike as it rumbles beneath us and waits for the guys he just called. It’s not long before they show up and surround us as soon as Reaper pulls out on the road. I’m alert and pay attention to every little detail surrounding us as the night air rushes by us and the scenery passes by in a flash.

At least until our small group pulls through a tall fence and stops in front of a huge warehouse-looking building. I’m so tired that I don’t even pay attention to what’s behind the fence. All I want is to get inside and find a bed to sleep in after calming myself down as much as possible.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance