Page 7 of Touch Me

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Chapter Four


THE RIDE ON Reaper’s bike was something I’d never dreamed of experiencing. Even though I was scared and nervous about being on a motorcycle, it was the most freeing ride I’ve ever taken. The wind blowing around us, Reaper’s hair flying behind him from under the bandana, and the vibrations of his bike filling me all work together to make the rider feel free and feel one with the world flying by them. I never once let go of his body and had a mild panic attack when he let go with one hand to point out the garage my car was being towed to. Still, he never lost control of his bike.

Reaper’s bike is large and a monstrous piece of machinery. Everything on it is black. There’s no chrome or anything as I glanced at it while he talked to the guys about my car. I did notice on the back fender some red. Though from the distance and the sky beginning to darken, I couldn’t get a good look at what was in red. Not until I got right up next to it. Red skulls are painted as if they’re being sucked off the bike by the wind. It’s kind of awesome as I take in the paint job. The skulls are not only on the fender but the gas tank as well. I’m not one who normally likes skulls, but on his bike, they look stunning. Reaper would more than likely shit if I told him that. The thought makes me laugh as I walk around the small motel room.

This room is like all others I’ve been in since being on the run. It’s small and clean, though it has a slight musty smell. The bedding is scratchy and won’t be comfortable to sleep under. Beggars can’t be choosers, though. Across from the double bed, a TV sits on a dresser that has seen better days with scratches and gouges on the top and sides of it. An even smaller bathroom is at the back of the room. A tub and shower combination sits directly behind the open door. The toilet is at the end of the tub, while a small counter is across from it with the sink and pile of towels. Soap, conditioner, and shampoo sit on the counter, waiting for me to use them. I’ll shower before heading out to get something to eat after sweating in my car on the side of the road.

Sitting on the bed for a minute, I wonder what the hell is going on with me. Since Reaper showed up on the side of the road, I’ve been responding to him in ways I’ve never felt before. He makes me feel safe and secure without even touching me. Being around him makes me feel like he’ll go to the ends of the earth to protect me and not let my family or Troy get their hands on me. One look from his stunning, bright bluish-grey eyes causes tremors to run through my body. If this is how it is without him really touching me, I can’t imagine how it would feel for him to touch me when we’re naked.

The feeling of him placing his hand on my thigh when we were riding is something out of books. It felt so intimate and as if it were something lovers do. Not two strangers who haven’t known one another much longer than an hour. When he pulled my legs so my body was tight against his, I was thankful to have our clothes and his leather vest between us so he couldn’t feel my hard nipples poking him. The feeling of his calloused, roughened hands against my skin was something else. Troy’s hands are soft and weak, whereas Reapers are hard, calloused, and filled with strength. I immediately wanted to feel them running over the rest of my body in a caress. Reaper doesn’t seem like the type of man to caress a woman’s skin, though. He seems to be more of a take-what-you-want kind of guy. Rough, hard around the edges, and slightly punishing in the bedroom. Though he would never force a woman to do what she doesn’t want to or take what’s not being offered to him freely.

Between Reaper's touch, his look, and the vibrations of the bike, my panties were soaked in seconds and hadn’t dried out yet. If I’m being honest, I thought there was something wrong with me when I started having sex with Troy. Yes, he’s the only man I’ve ever been within my twenty-eight years on earth. I would never get wet or wet enough for him to slide in my body. He would force his way in and not give a shit if he hurt me or caused any damage. I don’t see the man consuming my thoughts being that way. Not at all.

Reaper didn’t leave the motel parking lot until the door was firmly shut behind me. That’s after he waited for me to register for a room and pay in cash. The young guy behind the counter couldn’t stop staring at my tits while I filled out the book with my assumed name and address. I’ve been questioned more than once since leaving Troy, but not tonight. There are some perks to being a woman, I guess. Pressing my back against the flimsy door of my rented room, I listened as Reaper started his bike and revved the engine as he left the parking lot. Thoughts of being wrapped around him on the huge beast of a machine again filled my head as I hoped to experience it all over again in the near future.

Shaking my thoughts clear, I grab my duffle bag and head for the bathroom. Placing the bag on the counter by the sink, I turn on the faucet and get the temperature set before turning on the shower. Stripping out of my soiled clothes, I leave them in a pile on the bathroom floor for now. Once I have a plastic bag, I’ll put them inside to separate them from everything else. Usually, I’d take my time and let the hot water relieve the tension from my body. Not today. My stomach is already growling in hunger. I have been on the road for over twelve hours and have not eaten since leaving the last motel. Other than water to drink because I can buy in bulk for not a lot of money—there are no extras for snacks. I’m going to have to get a job soon to get more money.

Once I’m out of the shower, dressed in cut-off shorts, a tank top, and a ratty pair of sneakers, I brush my hair, throw it up in a messy bun, and leave the motel to go in search of something to eat. Staring across the large parking lot, I take in all the storefronts. I’m not sure what anything is that I’m not facing because the back of the building isn’t lit up with any type of signage. Walking from my room after making sure the door is locked, it appears I have two options; a diner and a burger joint. The burger place, Burger Stop, is my best bet considering it’s probably cheaper than the diner. I’d love to sit down and have a somewhat home-cooked meal instead of constant fast food.

Walking across the parking lot, I pay close attention to my surroundings. Not only because of the cars coming and going from various storefronts but to ensure the goon patrol hasn’t once again managed to find me. The burger place is on the opposite side of the parking lot and catty-corner to the motel. I don’t dawdle as I make my way there to find the line only has one person in it before me. It seems someone is looking out for me today. Not only because of Reaper helping me, but with only one person before me, I won’t be out in public for very long.

Ordering a burger with the works, fries, and a soda, I step aside, grabbing extra napkins, straws, and salt packets. Shoving everything in my purse, where all of my money, important papers, cell phone, and other items I don’t want to ever leave behind, I look up at the cashier, who is grinning at me. I lean against the counter to wait for my order while looking around. It’s not because I feel as if I’m being watched. There’s just a gut feeling I have about something bad happening.

Finally, my order number is called. I pick up my food, thanking the employee before turning and leaving the restaurant. The hot, muggy air makes me feel as if I didn’t just get out of a shower. Still, I enjoy the walk back through the parking lot while paying attention to the cars, people walking around, and a few animals walking with their owners. It’s not until I get close to my motel room that the smile vanishes completely from my face. My door is pushed open slightly as light fills the sidewalk from the crack in the door.

What the fuck? I know I locked the door before leaving. Terror and dread immediately fill me as thoughts of Troy and my father finding me fill my head. I’m not going anywhere near that room as I look around even more, waiting for one of them to jump from the shadows and snatch me up. Turning on my heel, I begin walking back toward Burger Stop. There’s only one person I can think to call right now. Digging around in my purse for my phone, I pull it out and hit the only number programmed in there.

“’Lo,” the sexiest voice I’ve heard answers the phone as loud music and other noises fill the phone.

“Reaper, it’s Alex. Someone’s been in my room. I went to get something to eat, and now my door is open,” I tell him, my words feeling like they’re jumbled all over the place as I rush to get them out.

My heart is racing, I can feel my breath hitching even as I know I’m not getting lungfuls of air in my body, and sweat begins covering my body. I’m going to have a panic attack in the middle of the parking lot while on the phone with Reaper. This is not good. Black spots fill my vision as I stumble along the sidewalk, trying not to drop anything while looking all over the place.

“Okay, darlin’. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be right there,” he says, covering the phone with his hand or something as I hear muffled voices and the music begins to fade away. “Don’t go near that room at all. Where are you now?”

“I’m heading back to the Burger Stop. There is no way I’m going back there. My clothes are there, and all I have is my purse. I’m sure I don’t have any clothes left by now, though,” I tell him.

“I’ll be right there. Don’t leave the restaurant once you get back there.”

Reaper hangs up the phone before I can utter a response to him.

Walking back inside the place, I take an empty booth by the front window to watch for Reaper to show up. Pulling my food from the bag, I eat even though I’m scared to death and not hungry anymore. Why did they have to find me here? Fuck! I’m never going to get away from them and be free of the hell that’s been my life for so long.

Maybe I should just go back and deal with the fallout from my actions now and get it over with.

No! I chastise myself for even thinking that shit. Troy and my dad are not going to determine if I go back or not. Being around them isn’t good for my health or staying alive. I’m certain the second they catch me, I’ll be killed after being tortured and beaten for running away from them. Troy has told me he'll kill me if I ever attempt to leave him. I fully believe his threat.

It’s not long before I hear the rumble of several bikes pulling close to the restaurant. It sounds like thunder instead of the rumble from Reaper’s bike alone earlier. Looking through the window, I easily spot Reaper pulling into the parking lot. Four more bikes turn and head toward the motel across the parking lot. At least that’s where I believe they’re heading.

Reaper parks his bike near the door and makes his way inside. He sits across from me and looks at me for a few minutes as I continue to eat my dinner. When he sees I’ve finished, he takes care of my garbage before coming to sit back down.

“Guys are lookin’ at your room and checkin’ you out. For now, I think it’s best if you come to the clubhouse with me,” he says, his voice hard while his eyes are now a stormy grey.

“I couldn’t do that,” I respond, preparing to argue my point.

“Not an option. I want to know you’re safe, and that’s the only way I can guarantee it,” he tells me, leaving no room for argument.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance