Page 6 of Touch Me

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“No. I need my bag. It’s a small duffle bag and has everything I brought with me in it,” she says, her voice still wavering and her body shaking.

Stepping away from it, I head for the back door on the driver’s side. I saw the bag she’s referring to when I stopped at her window earlier. Her car is spotless, and nothing is inside besides the bag in the backseat and a bottle of water in the cupholder. She either just picked it up, or this is how she usually is. I’m betting that she just switched out cars to keep moving. Alex doesn’t strike me as a stupid woman and will know what she has to do to remain hidden from whoever is chasing her.

“Everythin’ good, Pres?” Trax asks, his eyes again on Alex as she waits for me.

“Yeah. Keep your fuckin’ eyes off her,” I growl out as Trax and Jameson both stare at me with shock filling their eyes.

“Okay, boss man. Just admirin’ a sexy woman,” Trax says, a slight chuckle under his words.

Shutting the door harder than I intend, I stalk back to Alex as if she’s my prey. I want to stake a claim on her and make sure every motherfucker knows she’s mine. I’ve not touched her, tasted her, or done more than look at her car and talk to her for a little while. I’m not sure what the fuck is happening right now, but it’s something I’ve never experienced before with a single woman. It’s why I’m still single and only worry about finding a release and not about finding a happy ever after. I’m not sure I believe in them anyway.

I help Alex get my helmet on her head after stashing her bag in my saddlebags. It’s not going to be a good fit, but it’s better than nothing. It’s slightly big on her as I tighten the strap as much as it will go. To keep my hair out of my face, I pull out a bandana and tie it around my head. It’s not a perfect solution, but it will help from my face being covered with hair. With everything in place, I straddle my bike and hold out my hand for Alex to take to help her get on. When she doesn’t move, I look at her to find Alex standing by my bike with a look of horror on her face. Her eyes are as large as saucers, and her body's trembling is more noticeable.

“What’s the matter, darlin’?” I ask her, trying to keep the humor out of my voice.

“I’ve never been on a bike, and I’m not sure what to do,” she answers, her voice small and weak.

“It’s okay. Take my hand and throw your leg over the seat. Each side has a peg for you to place your feet on. Don’t let your leg hit the pipes, or you’ll get burned,” I tell her, “When you get on the seat, you need to wrap your arms around my waist and hold on tight. I don’t want to lose you off the back.”


Holding out my hand again, Alex takes it and steps closer to the bike. She slides her leg over the seat with more grace than I believed she would since she’s never been on a bike before. Sliding on the middle of the seat, she wraps her arms around me but isn’t sure if she should clasp her hands or grab onto my shirt. Grabbing her legs, I pull her entire body closer to mine. I want her thighs snug around mine before placing my hands on top of hers. I maneuver her hands, so they’re clasped around my stomach.

Alex’s tits are pressed tight against my back and her breath fans across my neck. A shiver goes through my entire body as my cock perks up. This is going to be a very interesting and uncomfortable ride if I’m hard. Hopefully, the woman eliciting this response from me doesn’t slide her hands down farther on my body and discover what’s popped up. I’m not trying to scare her. Hell, I probably should have mentioned she’s the first-ever person to ride on my bike. I’ve never had a passenger because it would signify something more than a simple ride to some.

Starting my bike's engine, I let the growl of the engine and vibrations flow through her for a minute, so she’s used to that part of it. Looking behind us, the guys are finishing up securing her car with the tie downs. I’m not leaving until they do. Trax and Jameson nod in my direction as they finish up and head for the cab of the truck. Revving the engine a bit, I prepare to take off. I’d rather have them following me at least as far as the garage than the reverse.

Pulling out, I head toward the clubhouse and town. We’re going to come in on the outskirts of town closest to the clubhouse. From there, it’s literally right around the corner to get to the only motel in town. She’ll be able to walk to the garage from the motel to get her car. Alex buries her head in my back, and her body tenses up as I gain speed on my bike. I’m not going as fast as I normally would with her on the back since it’s a first for both of us. Usually, I open the throttle on the backroads and fly. Not today.

I ride past the clubhouse, seeing all the bikes and cars parked for tonight’s party. It’s still early as hell for this many people to be partying. This means tonight is going to be out of fucking control. That’s always a good time. Taking a hand off the handlebars, I point out the garage where her car will be. Alex nods slightly in response as I reach down and grab her thigh. Leaving my hand there for a second, I know it’s more intimate than I should be doing, but I can’t seem to help myself where this woman is concerned.

Turning the corner after making sure no one’s coming, I pull into the motel parking lot. I’m going to wait until I know she’s got a room. Plus, I want to reiterate that she’s to call me if anything happens or she needs help. Shutting my bike down, I again hold out a hand to help her off her bike. Alex takes it, and I don’t let her go because I know her legs will feel like jelly since she’s not used to riding.

“You good?” I ask her as she tries to take the helmet off.

“Yeah,” she responds.

Brushing her hands out of the way, I release the clasp on the helmet and remove it from her head. Alex's cheeks turn slightly pink as she looks up at me from behind her eyelashes. Reaching into my saddlebag, I bring out her duffle bag and hand it over to her.

“I’ll wait until I know for sure you have a room. I’m not tryin’ to be a dick, but you need to call me if anythin’ feels off or somethin’ happens. My clubhouse is right around the corner, so I’ll be able to get to you in a hurry,” I remind her as she nods before walking up to the sidewalk where the door is.

It takes a few minutes for Alex to come back outside. A small smile is on her face as she holds up a key. After thanking me again, she heads to her room on the first floor of the motel. I start my bike and don’t leave until she closes the door behind her. Fuck! This woman is going to be the death of me, I believe. There’s just a feeling I get about her.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance