Page 45 of Touch Me

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“More than ready. I want this fucker to realize once and for all he’s gone too fuckin’ far, and he’ll not use Alex as a damn pawn in his messed up game,” I answer him, taking the seat right next to him.

Round and Pound take my back with the rest of our guys mixing up around the room with Pedro’s men. We sit in silence as we wait for Alejandro to show up. I have no doubt he’s going to show late in attempts to play mind games. These are games I’m not willing to play. Yes, he has to still show up here, and when he does, he’ll learn he’s not in charge here— I am. He’ll meet my fucking demands, or he’ll leave here in a damn body bag.

“Comin’ in the parkin’ lot,” Trax says, remaining by the window with one of Pedro’s men. “Two cars and six men. We outnumber them if no one else is out there with them.”

“No one else got here early. Just my men who are placed outside around the bar,” Pedro answers, sitting back in his chair as if we’re having a friendly meeting instead of waiting for Alejandro to step through the door.

Still, it takes him almost five minutes to make his way inside. The six men walk in with him and stand just behind him. Not a single one of them says a word or looks around the bar at us. Alejandro sits in the seat across from us and glares in my direction. I’m not surprised. He’s going to attempt to intimidate me and get what he wants out of me. It’s not happening, and his try is funny, to say the least.

“Are you havin’ fun glarin’ at me?” I ask him, staring him down.

“You are nothing to me,” Alejandro says in his heavily accented voice.

“I’m somethin’ to you. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have tried to ambush my last run. Not to mention you wouldn’t be sendin’ the cops to your daughter’s place of business on trumped-up charges because you want to ruin her,” I state, my voice hard as fuck as I stare down the man.

“You don’t even rate on my radar, biker scum. What my daughter sees in you, I’ll never know,” he responds, his voice almost gibberish with his accent.

“Then why are you comin’ after us? You tried to ruin a run for the man Pedro works for. Is that really in your best interest, Alejandro?” I question him.

“My business is none of your concern,” he barks out, his accent going harder.

“Then stay the fuck away from my club and leave Alex alone,” I demand, slamming my fists on the table in front of me.

“Alejandra,” he stresses her full name, “is my daughter, and there’s no way in hell she’ll be with you for long. You’re nothing more than a walk on the wild side.”

“No, I’m a man who doesn’t try to sell her off to the highest bidder. A man who doesn’t put my hands on her in anger. And I’m the man Alex loves and trusts her life with. I love her, trust her, and treat her as an equal partner. Not someone who should remain hidden in the background until she’s needed to make me look better,” I state as an evil look fills Alejandro’s eyes.

Without any warning at all, Alejandro’s men pull guns and begin firing on the bar. Pound pushes me to the floor behind the table as Pedro joins me. Our men are protecting us as bodies thump onto the floor and bullets ricochet all over the place. Men are screaming as bullets hit them. Pulling my gun out, I begin firing over the edge of the table. Alejandro is nowhere to be seen. The pansy ass bitch ran when the bullets started flying.

“I’m hit,” Round grounds out, his voice filled with pain.

“Someone get Round,” I bark, still shooting at any men who came in with Alex’s father.

It feels as if hours pass before the bullets begin to die off, and none of Alejandro’s men are standing. Every single one of them is dead and lying in heaps on the floor. Standing up, not only is Round down, but Pound is also. Both men have more than one wound on their bodies. Round has a shot to his chest, blood pooling to the floor beneath him. Pound is right next to him, a bullet hole between his eyes. These two men are standing directly behind me and got hit protecting me. Fuck!

Rushing to Round’s side, I kneel next to him, not giving a shit about the blood soaking into my jeans and saturating my skin. Grabbing onto Round’s hand, he looks up at me as blood comes out of his mouth. His breathing is shallow and sounds uneven.

“Love her,” he whispers, his voice a gurgled mess.

“Love who?” I ask him, needing him to hang on.

“M-M-Marsha,” he manages to get out as his last breath leaves his body.

“Fuck!” I roar as pain fills me.

The rest of my men surround us and stare down in shock at the loss we’re suffering right now. Pedro’s men are hit, but not fatally. Pedro takes over and starts handing out orders as the owner comes out of the back to look at the chaos filling his empty bar. One of Pedro’s men walks over and talks to him in hushed tones. I watch on as he hands over a wad of cash, and the man once again disappears.

“Reaper, you get your guys out of here. I’ll make sure your men are brought to you so you can bury them. Let the rest of your club know what happened here today. We’ll get eyes on Alejandro, and when we have him, I’ll let you know,” Pedro orders, his voice not as harsh as it was when he was issuing orders to his men.

“Thank you, Pedro. I’m sorry this happened.”

“You didn’t tell Alejandro to pull guns and fire on us. For now, let me worry about him. You worry about your woman and getting a funeral arranged for your men,” he responds, shaking my hand as we begin to file out of the bar.

“I’ll have my men come pick up their bikes. We don’t have anyone to ride them back.”

“I’ll make sure no one touches them.”

With a nod of my head, we file out and head straight for our bikes. Not a single one of us is talking, and we won’t. There is nothing to say. Today we lost two men, and a baby girl lost her father. A man who wanted her more than anything else. Now, Alex and I will raise Round’s baby as if she were our own. Alex is going to be upset over this turn of events. This is not how I wanted today to go down. Alejandro is going to be a dead man as soon as I get my hands on him. Without a doubt, he’ll go into hiding, and no one will be able to find him. That’s his game plan, and I know it’s his next move. I will scour everywhere in the world until I get my hands on him. Alex’s father will not be able to hide for very long, and I know she’s not going to give a shit about me killing him; she can’t stand him and will hate him even more once she learns of the deaths he caused.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance