Page 44 of Touch Me

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Chapter Twenty-Three


HEARING EAGLE INFORM me about the cops coming in and raiding Alex’s dance studio while I’m still on the road was a blow to the gut. There is so much going on, and it’s all because of her fucking father. He called in some trumped-up bullshit reason, and there is no way in hell Alex would ever have anything to do with drugs, guns, or anything else illegal. Her father is simply trying to ensure he fucks with us as much as possible. By messing with all of us in the club, he’s trying to make her run from the club and out on her own again. This is not going to happen if I have anything to say about it. Alex will know without a doubt in her mind we’ll always have her back and not let her father make us back away from her because she’s not going out on her own ever again.

Nothing else happened on the run after we got the truck back. We’ve all been vigilant in making sure no one else will get close to the truck. Jameson has been up all night long watching over the truck. When we went out to switch places with him, he declined our offers and said he was good. He’ll let us know if he’s too tired to stay awake any longer. I’m not sure how the kid is managing to stay awake so long, but he stayed up all damn night long and still drove to the meeting location, unloaded everything, and then drove back home with not a single complaint about anything.

Alex was waiting up for me when I got home. I know Eagle told her he let me know what the hell happened at her place and that I’m pissed as hell. I’m not mad at her because this isn’t on her. It’s on her father, and he’s the one who will fucking pay for this shit. I’ve been in constant contact with Pedro, and he’s setting up a meeting between us and Alejandro. Today is the day we’ll meet up face-to-face and hopefully settle this shit once and for all. However, I have to take care of a situation with Round first. He’s meeting with his lawyer to draw up a will and appoint Alex and I as his daughter’s legal guardians. It’s his decision in case something ever happens to him; he’ll know his daughter is taken care of, and no one else can get their hands on his kid.

“Darlin’, are you ready to head out?” I ask, walking into the bedroom to find Alex putting a pair of boots on over the legs of her jeans.

“Just about. Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, with everything going on with my father. Round knows about everything and is secure in his decision?” she questions me, her voice small with her head bent down.

Alex is wearing a tight pair of jeans molded to her toned body. A pair of black boots with a small heel covers her feet. Her deep red shirt shows a small amount of cleavage as it’s tucked into her jeans. Alex’s long hair is left down the way I love it, and there’s no make-up covering her face. She looks sexy as hell, and I know she’s nervous as hell about the meeting we’ll be having in a few hours with her father. It’s something that needs to be done, though. If we don’t have it, we’ll forever go back and forth with one another.

“Round knows all about it. It’s goin’ to be a situation that’s ended today, and we’ll move on,” I tell her with promise in my voice because one way or another, this situation will be over and done today.

“Okay,” she returns, releasing a deep sigh.

Together, we walk downstairs and out of the house toward my bike. I help Alex put her new helmet on that fits her head before I tie my hair back and put my own helmet on. Straddling my bike, I hold out my hand for her to get on behind me. When she’s settled in with her body wrapped around mine, we head out for the front of the clubhouse where Round is waiting on us. I give him a nod as he pulls in behind me as we leave the compound and make our way toward McAllister’s office.

The meeting with McAllister went extremely well. Everything is taken care of, and Round no longer has to worry about who will take care of his daughter if something were to ever happen to him. Alex is still freaking out because she’s worried her father will try to use this situation in a way to manipulate her and bend her to his will. It’s not going to happen no matter what he does, but she’ll have to figure it out on her own as time passes. There is a way we can make it work because Alex is an amazing woman.

Round stayed at the clubhouse while I made my way back to our house when we got to the clubhouse. Even though the meeting isn’t going to be at the clubhouse, I want my woman to be as far away from the place as she can be in case one of the fuckers try something while we’re occupied. There is no way in hell she’ll be alone, though. Jameson, Greg, and one other Prospect will be with her surrounding the house, so there’s no entry point for someone to get in.

There’s no time for me to spend with her now because I have to get with the rest of the guys heading to the meet. It’s going to take us at least a half hour to get to a neutral bar. Pound has been here before and assured us the owner would help us ensure no one comes inside when we’re there. I don’t want innocents getting hurt in something Alejandro decides to do. He is not going to hurt anyone if I have a say in the matter, but he’s a wildcard. Even Pedro doesn’t know what the hell is going to happen once we’re all seated around a table together.

“I’ll be home as soon as I can,” I assure my woman as she gets off my bike, and I shut off the engine. “I love you, Alex. Nothin’ is gonna happen. If you need anythin’, three Prospects will be surroundin’ the house. Listen to them.”

“I know. I love you, Reaper. Let’s get the show on the road so you can come home to me as quickly as possible,’ she tells me, her voice filled with emotion.

With a nod, I watch as she makes her way inside and resets the alarm. It will alert all the guys back at the clubhouse and me if anything happens. They can get there faster than I’ll be able to. Taking one final look at the house, I start my bike again and head out. I need to leave no matter how bad I want to stay with my woman and make sure she knows everything is going to be fine. That’s just not how this works, though. I’m the President of this club and need to be there for the meeting.

Pound, Round, Kidd, Panther, Cash, and Trax are waiting for me when I get to the front of the clubhouse. We’re heading out a little bit earlier than we have to because Pedro wants us there early so we can show a united front against Alejandro and anyone who wants to come with him. We don’t want him to be able to get a leg up in this situation. We’ll be the ones to have a heads up and get an advantage any way we can. At least that’s our hope. Pedro’s had guys sitting at the bar since last night, and they haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary. This makes me happy.

“Everyone ready?” I question, shutting my bike off and looking at the men sitting on their bikes waiting for me.

“Ready,” Pound responds. “Are you sure we shouldn’t have the rest of the guys showin’ up or waitin’ outside for us in case shit happens?”

“No. I don’t trust this fucker after what he’s been up to with his own fuckin’ daughter. I wouldn’t put it past him to try and send guys here while we’re at the bar with him to get his hands on Alex,” I tell him, my voice loud so everyone can hear me and understands my feelings on this.

“We’ll follow your lead, Pres,” Pound says, nodding his head at me in response.

“Let’s fuckin’ get there. The sooner we do, the sooner we can get the fuck back home,” I say, starting up my engine with the rest of the guys.

We make our way through town and out to the highway. The bar we’re meeting at is in the next town over. Somewhere so it’s not in our town. We’ll never bring danger to our town, and I’m not about to have Alex’s father anywhere close to her. I’ll never let him get close to her if I have any say in it. At this point, I don’t believe Alex wants to have anything to do with a single member of her family. If that’s the case, she won’t have to see them ever again. They’ll certainly never be allowed here at the compound. Since our home is on the compound, they can’t get to our house. Even when we add on to the compound and start building the compound for the domestic violence victims.

My mind is wandering as we fly down the highway. I think of Alex and the future I envision us having. Of our children and what they’ll look like and spending the rest of my life with the woman who came into my world and changed it forever. I’m not going to be content until we’re married and my baby is planted in her belly. We can’t get married until she’s divorced from the fuckface who has beaten her more than anything else during their marriage. Or something happens to him. I prefer the second option because I want the asshole to suffer and find his way to an early grave. It could happen. He’s made a ton of enemies in his life, and none of Garcia’s contacts are going to want to have this fucker talk and sell them out.

When I finally see the bar we’re meeting at, I hold my hand out for the rest of the guys and pull in next to Pedro’s blacked-out SUVs. Yes, there are two here because he wants to ensure no one can tell which one he’s riding in. It’s the way he travels, no matter what’s going on. Since we’re meeting with Alejandro today, he’s taking even more precautions. We will not hesitate to think of every possible scenario regarding this douche canoe. He’s at his breaking point and knows his back is against a wall.

Parking in the lot with our bikes facing out in case of an emergency, we keep our eyes guarded and look all over the place. Pound and Round step up on either side of me as we get off our bikes and head inside. The rest of the guys are at our backs, and I know they’ll have our back if anything happens. We all have our guns on us, and there’s no way in hell we’re giving them up. I’ve already stressed this point to Pedro, and he completely agrees. His men and himself are never going to give up their weapons either. We’ll keep them hidden unless they’re needed. It’s how we always conduct business. Especially with men we don’t trust as far as we can throw them.

“Pedro, it’s good to see you,” I greet him as he stands from the tables which have been pushed together in the middle of the room.

“You too, my friend,” he returns, holding out his hand to shake.

“Are you ready for this to happen?” Pedro questions, sitting back down on the side of the table facing the door with his men spaced out around the room.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance