Page 46 of Touch Me

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Chapter Twenty-Four


FROM THE SECOND Reaper and the rest of the guys got home from the meeting, I knew something wasn’t right. They were somber, didn’t want to talk to anyone, and locked themselves away in their meeting room for hours. Shortly after they locked themselves away, a flatbed pulled up with two bikes on them. I’m not sure who the bikes belong to, but I know nothing good is happening. I also didn’t notice anyone missing because the guys were already back and locked in church when I came into the clubhouse. All I know is I got a message from my man asking me to get to the clubhouse for when they’re done. So, I let the guys watching over me know, and we headed straight here.

Looking around the main room of the clubhouse, I watch the women as they sit and continuously push their tits out, pull their skirts up even higher, and tease their impossibly high hair even higher than it already is. I’m honestly surprised the women have hair on the top of their heads with as much product as they have to have in it to keep it the way they believe the men like. I’m not sure since I don’t tease my hair like that, but I can’t see how anyone would like another person’s hair the way they’re wearing it. Especially seeing how many women are in desperate need of a dye job.

Just before turning my eyes away, a few women shoot scathing glares in my direction. I’m not sure what the hell is going on or why they’re looking at me with enough venom to put me in the center of the Earth instead of six feet under, but I can imagine it has something to do with Reaper. He would be a catch for any woman. Not only is he sexy, but he’s also caring, loving, protective, and in charge of every person affiliated with this club. Reaper’s in a position of power, and anyone would want to be tied to him for that reason alone. Well, women in desperate need of latching on to someone would. I’m with him because of how he makes me feel and the way he treats me. Not any other reason than those.

Jameson walks up to me, haunted eyes looking at me for a second.

“Do you need anythin’ Alex?” he asks, stopping just short of the table I’m sitting at.

“No, thank you. I think I’ll just sit here and wait for the guys to come out. Is everything okay?”

“You’ll have to ask Reaper when they come out. All I’m gonna say is he’ll need you right now,” he responds, hanging his head for a few seconds before moving on and helping Rebel behind the bar.

The two whisper back and forth, and I’m curious to know if she’s being told what’s going on. I’m not sure I really want to know, but it’s time to find out as men start filing into the common room and heading straight for the bar. I’ve only been here once when the men came out of a meeting, laughing, talking loudly, and being boisterous. Today there is none of that. All that’s going on today is the men slowly walking from the room, some with their heads hanging down, going to the bar, and accepting the shots being lined up on the bar. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen from the men. Under the somber mood lies anger and rage like I’ve never felt before. You could honestly cut it with a knife the mood and tension are so damn thick in here.

Reaper is the last man to enter the large common room. His eyes search around the room until they land on me. I don’t get a smile or anything from him as he walks over to me. After giving me a brief kiss on the lips, he sits down next to me and pulls my chair closer to his.

“Did you see my father?” I question him, my voice low with so many people in the room.

“I did. He’s underground now. Pedro is lookin’ for him,” he says, pausing and searching my eyes for a minute. “Not sure how you’re gonna take this, but when I get my hands on him, I’m gonna kill him. Your father took out two of our family members today. One of those men was Round. The baby is sleepin’ in his old room here at the clubhouse, and she’ll be goin’ home with us. I got McAllister puttin’ the papers through, so we have no issues with havin’ her with us.”

“What?” I gasp, shock, pain, and guilt filling me.

“Now we need to grab her things from his house so we have what we need. Anythin’ else, and we’ll buy it. I’m so sorry, Alex.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for. I do. My father did this because he wants me back. Who else was killed, Reaper?”

“Pound was. Rebel will be told in just a little bit. I’m not sure how she’s gonna take it. I need you to plan the service for them. I’ll handle callin’ in the support clubs and other chapters to show their support. Can you do this for me, dancer?”

“Of course. Do they have any family we need to contact?”

“No. The club was their only family, and we’re gonna make sure to give them a send-off they’d be proud of.”

“Okay, babe. I’ll get busy taking care of everything. Do you know when we’ll get their bodies back?”

“No. Pedro is gonna handle that aspect. Shouldn’t be too long.”

Nodding my head in response, I place a gentle kiss against his lips and hold my man for a minute. Standing up, I make my way to Round’s room. Jameson told me where it was the last time I was here, and she was taking a nap. I was watching over her while Round was at work. Now, I’ll watch over her every day for the rest of her life. We’ll make sure she knows who her father was and how much he loved her. As soon as I’m sitting in his room by her small bassinet, I pull out my phone and begin making calls to the funeral home, florist, and anyone else I can think of to ensure Pound and Round have the best funerals possible.

It’s been just over a week since my father killed two club members. I’ve taken care of every single detail for today and have checked everything so many times. Reaper has literally forced me to stop what I’m doing and just relax on the couch or head to bed. Between planning a double funeral and caring for a baby, I’ve been so damn busy. Not to mention making sure the studio has been repaired so I can open it back up again. My days start early as hell and end later than I’d like. Reaper and baby Marsha get more sleep than I do, and I’m definitely feeling the exhaustion creep in and take over my entire life.

My guilt has also been at an all-time high. I feel so guilty for the loss of these two men. Reaper and the rest of the guys have assured me they place no blame at my feet. Their deaths lay at my father's hands and the men they took out before leaving the place they had the meeting with my father. Still, I can’t help but believe this is on me because I refused to help Troy escape jail and return to my father to become his little puppet again. At least until I was sold to the highest bidder so they could fake my death and get their hands on my money. Money my grandmother never wanted my father to get his hands on because she hated him more than anyone else I know.

Rebel is a mess. The slightest thing makes her breakdown and sob uncontrollably. Reaper has pulled her from working behind the bar right now. Instead, she’s been staying in Pound’s room at the clubhouse. They had a thing, and she’s taking his death hard as fuck. More than I thought possible with how he treated her during the day. Pound wasn’t horrible to her by any means. He simply wouldn’t be with her on a regular basis or make her his ol’ lady. For some fucked up reason, they spent one or two nights a week together. Once in a while, it was more than that. When it wasn’t one of her days, Pound would spend his time fucking other women. Not the Fallen girls, though. I don’t think he ever touched them. He’d find a piece of strange in town and fuck her before coming back to the clubhouse. Rebel told me all this two days ago when I went to spend some time with her.

Today is the day we’ve been building up toward, though. In a matter of hours, we’ll be heading to the cemetery. Reaper and the rest of the guys in the club didn’t want a viewing or anything at the funeral home. All they want is to bury their brothers before heading back to the clubhouse so they can celebrate their lives. Lives that were cut way too short all because my father is a sadistic bitch who has no remorse or guilt for anything he’s done his entire life. Nothing else matters in his mind as long as he gets his way.

“Alex, are you ready to go?” Reaper asks, walking into our room at home.

“Yeah. Who’s going to watch Marsha while we go to the cemetery?”

“She’s goin’ with us. One of the men bein’ buried is her father, and she’s gonna be there with us. Marsha is now the Princess of this club, and she’ll be treated like one.”

Nodding my head, I head for her room we’ve put together at our home. It’s the closest room to ours. Reaper has spared no expense with it. Jameson painted the walls a light pink, and we’ve filled the walls with pictures of her daddy. We brought her furniture and belongings from his house here and ensured there were little touches of Round within our entire home. Packing a diaper bag with everything we’ll need for the day, I pick Marsha up from her crib. She’s just waking up as I put her in her car seat and cover her with a light blanket.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance