Page 41 of Touch Me

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“Dancer, I need to go. As soon as the other men are ready, we’re headin’ out. I’ll call and message as I can. Stay out of trouble, and I’ll be home before you know it,” I tell her, kissing her deeply as catcalls and clapping fill the air.

“I love you Reaper. Come back home to me,” she says, her voice soft and gentle as it wavers with her emotion.

“I love you too, dancer. I’ll be back in two and a half days. Your days will be filled with dancin’ around and teachin’ those kids how to move the way you do,” I tell her, watching as the other men come out.

With a nod of her head, Alex backs away from me as we all start our bikes and get ready to head out. Jameson pulls the truck up and lets us surround him as we pull from the compound. Usually, I’d use the cover of night to head out, but this morning we’re using one of the trucks for the garage. Even have crates of new parts and tools in the back if we happen to get pulled over for any reason. Though Jameson will make sure there’s nothing wrong with the truck, such as lights not working and all of the paperwork being up to date. It helps us ensure there’s no viable reason to get stopped by the cops on our run.

We’re almost ready to stop for the night, and the feeling in my gut only intensifies. I feel like I’m about to be sick from the worry seeping into every pore and filling my veins. With my hand in the air, I let the guys know we’ll be pulling over in a matter of minutes. I saw the sign for a motel just up the road, and that’s where we’ll be staying tonight. A way for us to go undetected with a pay-by-the-hour place that caters to illegal business all the time. They don’t want to bring more attention to themselves than we do.

As we begin to slow down, gunfire erupts from everywhere all at once. I can’t even begin to tell where it’s coming from as I release one of my handlebars to grab the gun in the back of my jeans. With only a general direction of where the bullets are flying from, I fire back along with the rest of the guys. Titan moves his bike faster to get in front of me as the rest of the men protect the truck. We pull to the side of the road and stop before taking up spots behind our bikes or the trucks. Firing back, the gunfire erupts and pings off every available surface in front of us for what feels like an eternity. Now I know why I’ve been feeling like shit the last few days; we’re being fucking ambushed.

“I’m hit!” Trax calls out, holding his shoulder as he still fires against the fuckers trying to take us out.

“Titan, get him and make sure he’s good,” I order him, my voice barely heard over the rapid-fire shots coming at us still.

Jameson is at my side before I know it, shooting and trying to protect me every time I poke my head over my bike. I’m not sure where anyone is, and I’m not about to look because it means taking my eyes off what I’m doing. That’s going to get me or one of my men hurt or killed. For now, we all hold our positions and aim back across the dark road where trees fill the area. Before we know it, the truck is starting up and leaving us. The men with me who were hiding behind it are now vulnerable as they scramble to find someplace new to hide.

“Fuck!” I roar as Jameson races toward Trax and Titan.

I can’t hear what’s being said, but Jameson is jumping on Trax’s bike and taking off like a bat out of hell after our truck. Immediately the gunfire ceases, and I turn my attention to the men still with me. Titan is trying to fix up Trax’s shoulder with his limited resources. Pulling my phone, I pull up Pedro’s name and wait for him to answer.

“Hello, my friend. How is the transport so far?” Pedro questions me.

“Not good. Just got fuckin’ ambushed, and they took the fuckin’ truck. My Prospect is chasin’ it down now. Pedro, what the fuck is goin’ on here?” I demand, my voice raising and growing with anger the longer I talk and stand on the side of the road.

“I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but I’m gonna find out. Let me know if the Prospect finds the truck and if everything is still intact,” Pedro responds, hanging up the phone as his voice fills with anger.

“What’d he say, Pres?” Kidd asks me, stepping up to stand in front of me as he holds out his cigarettes so I can take one.

“Call him if Jameson finds the truck and let him know if everythin’ is intact. He’s apparently gonna find out what he can on his end. I know exactly who’s behind this shit—Garcia. Alex’s dad is tryin’ to make us pay for Troy bein’ behind bars,” I tell him, my voice low in case anyone else is hiding in the dark of night.

“We got your back, Pres,” Trax says with a blindingly white bandage wrapped around his upper arm where the bullet hit him.

Before I can say another word, my phone is vibrating against my leg in my jeans pocket. Pulling it out, I see Jameson’s name flashing across my screen.

“Tell me you got it,” I answer him without pulling any punches.

“I got it, along with the man who took it. We’re about a mile and a half down the road. He fucked himself by losin’ control. Not quite sure how it happened,” Jameson informs me, his voice filled with amusement.

“On our way,” I state before hanging up.

“Let’s roll, boys. Trax, you’re gonna have to ride bitch with someone,” I say as the other guys laugh. Jonas, why don’t you ride bitch, and let Trax be in front on your bike? We need to get to Jameson as soon as possible.”

“Fuck,” Trax and Jonas groan.

“You’re ridin’ with your back to mine,” Trax orders the Prospect. “No ridin’ nut to ass with me.”

We all crack up even though there’s really no time for laughing and joking around. However, we also need to loosen the tension surrounding us at this moment. We’re all jacked up with adrenaline coursing through our veins with no release in sight, and now we have to go deal with the fucker who thought he could pull one over on us. He might be a low man on the totem pole for Garcia, but it’s a man of his nonetheless, and we’ll make him fucking crack. One way or another, he’ll spill his fucking guts, and we’ll get the information we need to take Garcia out.

Straddling my bike, we all make our way toward Jameson and our truck. It doesn’t take us long to get to Jameson, where the truck is parked on the side of the road with Trax’s bike parked right behind it. When we all stop, Jameson is beating the fuck out of the man who took our truck. Titan and Trax race up to him and pull him off the guy as I make my way up there. Taking a look at Jameson, he’s breathing hard, and he’s got blood pouring from a wound on his face. I’m not sure what the damage is with the cover of nightfall surrounding us. Turning my attention toward the asshole who was driving, I take in his battered and beaten body. Our Prospect has already done a fucking number on him, and I’m not sure we’ll be able to get a word out of him.

“The fuck you do to him?” I question Jameson as I turn to find Titan and Trax still holding him back by the arms.

“He tried to fuckin’ take me out. Nailed me in the face with the butt of his gun. He’s one of Garcia’s men. They want the shipment and to take over our runs with Pedro. Figured the only way they’d accomplish it is by makin’ us look like a bunch of chumps,” Jameson informs us, letting us know he got the information we need.

“You’re a fuckin’ savage, dude,” Kidd says, his voice almost filled with awe.

Pulling my phone out again, I call Pedro and let him know what happened and what Jameson found out. He’s happy we got the shipment back and doesn’t want us to pull over for the night. More of his guys are on their way to meet us and will make sure we get to our drop-off location sooner so another ambush can’t happen. The quicker we make this drop, the better I’ll feel. Letting the guys know what’s been said, we all mount up and head out. Shaking my head, I can’t believe what Jameson did. For now, he’ll ride along instead of driving. Titan checked his wound, and it was bleeding so bad because it was a head wound. They always bleed more than anything for the smallest cut. He’ll live to tell the tale of what happened to him. Back on the road, we’re all extremely vigilant until Pedro’s men show up and surround us to ensure nothing else happens.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance