Page 40 of Touch Me

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Chapter Twenty-One


AS I SLOWLY wake up, the first thing I notice is Alex isn’t draped across my chest. No matter how we fall asleep, by the morning, she’s draped across me, and I can’t stand to wake up any different now. However, I’ll take what is happening right now anytime Alex wants to wake up before me. She’s currently got her hot, wet mouth wrapped around my cock, sliding up and down while cupping my balls in her hand. Reaching down, I dig my fingers into her hair and pull it out of the way so I can see her gorgeous face. Alex moans around my cock, sending vibrations through my length and entire body as I fight to keep my eyes open.

“Fuck, dancer,” I groan, trying not to blow my load in her mouth.

Again, Alex moans around my length, and that’s all I can take. Doing an ab curl, I sit up and pull her off me. I’m not cumming anywhere other than in her pussy. Looking down at Alex’s body, I take in her hard nipples as she clenches her thighs together to find relief.

“Mornin’ dancer,” I tell her, pulling her in for a kiss.

“Good morning, sexy,” she replies when I finally get done thoroughly devouring her mouth.

“Get up here and ride my cock, darlin’,” I order her, sitting back against the headboard.

Alex doesn’t hesitate to straddle my thighs as I reach down to make sure she’s wet enough to take me. She’s absolutely drenched. My woman wants me more than I thought with how soaked she is. Gripping her hips, I watch as she takes my cock in one hand and raises her body higher to position herself over me. After only a second, she sinks down until I’m fully seated in her warm channel. I groan as her tight channel squeezes even tighter around me while Alex moans in response. This is a position we haven’t done yet, and I have a feeling I’m going to want it all the time with the way she feels around me.

With my fingers digging into the skin of her hips, Alex begins to slide up and down my length. Her movements are unsure but steady as she moves to some beat only she can hear. Alex is as graceful as when she’s dancing in her studio. I’ve never witnessed anything like it before. Leaning my head forward, I pull one of her nipples into my mouth. She tosses her head back as she moans loud and long. My baby is so on edge—it’s not gonna take much to push her over. Biting down on her nipple, I reach down with one hand and begin to rub and pinch her clit. Her body arches closer to me as if she believes I’m gonna let go of her nipple. The only reason I do is to move to the other side and suck her other nipple into my mouth, offering the same treatment I gave her first one.

“So. Close,” she moans as I apply more pressure to her clit.

Using my hand that’s still attached to her hip, I help guide her movements, making her slide up faster while starting to slam down on me as our pelvis’ cause my finger on her clit to rub and press against it even harder. Alex adds a twisting motion to her hips, making me groan in pleasure around her nipple. That’s all it takes for her to let go and cum all over my cock while screaming my name.

“Cole!” she screams, tossing her head back, making her hair brush against the tops of my thighs, only adding to the sensations already flowing through me as her pussy clenches around my dick.

Releasing her nipple and moving my finger from her clit, I dig my hands into her hips again. Moving her body as Alex continues to ride out the wave of her release as she keeps her eyes locked on mine. Four more thrusts, and my body tightens as my release shoots from my cock and fills Alex.

“Alex!” I groan while she collapses against my chest and presses her lips to mine.

For several minutes, we lay together with only the sounds of our panting filling our bedroom air. Rubbing my hands up and down her back, Alex traces the tattoos on my chest with her fingers. As our breathing returns to normal, I shift under Alex and stand with her in my arms. Walking to the bathroom, I carefully set her on the counter as she screeches from the cold on her ass. While I turn on the water and make it the perfect temperature, Alex sits on the counter watching me. Her eyes bore holes in my back until I turn around to face her again.

“What’s the matter, dancer?” I question, my voice gentle as I move to stand in front of her.

“Nothing. It’s just the first time you’re leaving on a run, and I’m worried. There’s still the matter of my father, and we still don’t know what’s going on with Troy and if he’ll be sentenced. I don’t want anything to happen to you while you’re gone,” she says, staring into my eyes as I press closer to her body.

“I’ll be okay, dancer. I’m not goin’ alone. Titan and the other guys will have my back, and I’ll come home to you safe and sound in a few days. I’ll be gone two and a half days at most. It’s just a there and back trip with the least amount of stops possible,” I tell her before pressing a lingering kiss against her forehead.

If I’m being honest, I’ve had a bad gut feeling the last few days. I’m not sure what’s about to happen, but it’s not going to be good. We’ll take a few extra guys with us on the run to ride ahead and make sure no one’s going to ambush us, and be as careful as we can. There’s really nothing else I can do but that.

“Let’s get a shower, and you can see your man off,” I tell Alex, giving her a deep kiss while picking her up in my arms as she wraps her arms and legs around me.

Stepping inside the shower stall, I finally set my ol’ lady down on her feet as her body slides down mine. I’ll take all the full body contact I can with Alex. As the water streams down over us, I let her get her hair wet before picking up the shampoo she loves to use and lathering it in her hair while massaging her head. As she rinses her long strands, I put shampoo in my hair. Switching places, I rinse off while she places conditioner in her hair and starts washing her body. I want to help her rub her favorite body wash onto each and every part of her body, but there’s really no time. I’m honestly pushing the time limit as we shower together. Still, I don’t want to leave my woman behind. Not with the feeling I got.

After we’re done washing and rinsing, I get out of the shower first and wrap a towel around my hips after rubbing it through my hair to soak the water up. When Alex steps out, I grab another towel and thoroughly dry Alex’s body. She wraps her hair in a towel to soak up the water as she dresses. I’ll never get enough of watching her move around a room. Every single one of her movements is done with graceful precision. Shaking my head, I begin to dress in my standard jeans, tee-shirt, and cut before pulling on my socks and boots. My ol’ lady stands in front of me dressed in a pair of jeans that hug her body with a shirt showing the barest hint of her stomach as she moves around.

Running a brush through my hair, I tie it back with a bandana and make sure my second bandana is in my pocket to secure around my face when I’m riding. Alex brushes out her hair and tosses it in a messy bun. With us ready to head out, I grab the bag I packed last night before heading to bed. It’s got my extra clothes, a hoodie in case it gets cold, and my extra guns and ammo. We never know when we’ll need more. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll have extra guns and ammo in my saddle bags, as will the other men riding out with me. The Prospects in the truck will also have weapons and ammo. Anything to ensure we’re all protected and safe on our runs.

Alex straddles my bike behind me after we lock the house up, and I place my bag in a saddle bag for now. When we get to the clubhouse, I’ll toss it in the truck with the rest of the guys’ shit. We don’t keep a lot on our bikes, and the truck carries our cargo, bags, extra weapons, and spare parts and tools in case any of us breaks down. Though we always make sure our bikes are in peak running condition in order to prevent any malfunctions on the road. All part of our daily lives if you ask me. There’s no point in riding on a daily basis if you’re not going to take care of your machine.

Pulling up out front of the clubhouse, Titan, Jameson, Hawk, Trax, Kidd, and Panther are already waiting for me to pull up. Titan makes his way over and helps Alex off my bike as I shut off the engine.

“I want you to grab Crow, Jonas, and Jay to make the run with us. Don’t ask any other members. We need guys here to watch over the clubhouse while we’re gone. The Prospects are to step the fuck up too and make sure they help Alex and Eagle with whatever they need,” I order my Enforcer.

“Okay. You good?” he questions, his voice low to not alert anyone else.

With a simple look, I let him know I’m not good. There’s no reason to raise suspicion with the other men just yet. I definitely don’t want Alex to know I have a horrible feeling about this run. All anyone needs to know is I want extra men on the run for now, and we’ll be back as quickly as we can. On the way, I can call Pedro and let him know what’s going on if anything happens. That’s how we always handle our runs.

When Titan goes in to grab the men I’ve requested, I pull Alex’s body into mine. She wraps her arms around my neck and presses her lips against mine before sucking my bottom lip into her mouth. She’s really not playing fucking fair because my cock is already more than half hard again.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance