Page 42 of Touch Me

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Chapter Twenty-Two


TODAY IS THE first day of classes at Rhythm and Grace. I’m so excited I could barely sleep last night. It doesn’t help that Reaper is gone on a run and wasn’t home with me. I’ve got a newer Prospect named Gregory as my shadow while Reaper’s gone. He slept outside the house last night—he wouldn’t come inside no matter what I said to him. Something about not wanting Reaper to murder him in his sleep or some shit like that. I get it; for the Prospect, he’s trying to earn his place in the club and doesn’t want to do anything to jeopardize his position as a Prospect. So, he ate the food I took out for him with barely a grumble about me waiting on him. It’s part of who I am, though; I want to take care of who I love and consider my family.

After barely sleeping last night, I’ve eaten my breakfast and made sure the Prospect also had something to eat. My shower was hot as hell, soothed my sore muscles, making me want to sleep. Getting out, I dried off and dressed in a leotard and tights, putting on a pair of sweats and a large tee-shirt to cover my outfit for dancing. Grabbing a bag filled with my shoes and anything else I may need for my day at the studio, I head out to make my way to my car.

Reaper bought me a brand-new car and had it delivered after he left on the run. A good move on his part, if I’m being honest, because I would have yelled and argued with him for countless hours. This is a major purchase we should have discussed and looked at together. I have more than enough money to buy my own car. I’m not saying I don’t love the SUV he got me, I do. It’s black and filled with all the bells and whistles a vehicle could have. Tossing my bag in the backseat, I climb into the driver’s seat as Greg straddles his bike and prepares to follow me from the house to my studio.

The poor guy is going to be so damn bored sitting outside the studio all day long. There’s really nothing I can do about it, though. Reaper is demanding someone be with me at all times when he’s busy or not here. At least for now. We have no clue what my father’s next step is because I’m not doing anything to help Troy get out of jail. I testified at his trial against him. I’m not conforming to my family’s demands. I’m old enough to make my own decisions and decide what the hell I want out of life and where I see my life going. My father may be able to control my mother, but I’m no longer under his thumb. For the first time in my life, I’m happy, and I’m going to protect what I have with Reaper with everything in me.

Pulling up in the shopping complex, I park directly in front of my storefront and shut the engine off. Getting out, I grab my bag, head to the door, and unlock it before heading inside. Greg stays outside and remains on his bike while I walk in and make sure everything is taken care of before the girls start showing up for their class in about ten minutes. This is what I’ve been dreaming of for so long now, and I can’t wait to begin. As I walk around the studio, making sure everything is perfect and cleaned up from the grand opening party, I had to introduce everyone to the studio and what I plan on doing. Now, my dream is becoming a reality, and I hope nothing is going to derail my dreams now that it’s becoming a reality. I’m in charge of my own studio.

Walking back up front, I make my way to stand by the door. I won’t be able to stand by the door every day to greet the girls as they walk in. Today, since it’s the first day, I will be making sure everyone comes in and is greeted with a smile. I need to let them know I’m going to be extremely involved here and will be here from the time the doors open until they close at night. Or the evenings depending on the day and how many classes I have for that day. My next project will be to hire someone to help me out. Rebel won’t be able to be here daily to help me because she has work to do at the clubhouse, and that’s her main focus.

Just before the starting time of the class, several little girls from my beginners class show up and pour through the door. I’ve got fifteen girls in this class, and they all seem excited as they come through the door and race to put their bags along the wall in the dance room where I’ve directed them. Some mothers remain and walk to the waiting room while others check the time class will be over and then head out to run errands or whatever else they have to do. I have no problem with the moms leaving if they have other things to do; things easier done if their little ones aren’t with them.

When all the girls are here, I make my way onto the dance floor. All the little ones are waiting for me to instruct them on what to do first. Putting some quiet music on, I begin stretching and showing the girls how to warm up and stretch so they don’t get hurt. Our class is an hour-long today, and I know it’s important for them to stretch their little muscles so they don’t get hurt. It’s one of the most important parts of dancing. We spend a good amount of time stretching and warming up before I begin to show them the first few dance steps they’ll learn. Steps they can put in whatever routine they’re going to perform.

Turning my attention to the window where moms are sitting and watching their daughters, a few have their phones out and are snapping pictures while others are writing things down with a notebook and pen. I’ve never seen anything like it before in all my years of dancing. The smile covering my face only grows as I realize how serious these mothers are about dance. My body warms in pride and knowing I’m doing the right thing in my life at this moment. I turn back to the girls to help them work on the moves we’re currently on, along with showing them how to combine them to make a small dance.

Laughter fills the room as the girls dance and twirl around in the room. I can’t help but join in on the laughter and make sure these girls have the best time they can during class while making sure they learn something too. As I go to teach them another dance move, a loud commotion comes from the front of the building as I start to change the song for us to dance to. What the fuck is going on?

“Excuse me, girls. I’ll be right back,” I tell the little ones, flashing them a smile of apology.

Walking to the front of the room, a ton of cops are standing around and looking behind the pictures I’ve hung on the walls. What the hell?

“Can I help you?” I question them, quickening up my steps to make it to the closest officer.

“Are you Alejandra Torres?” he gruffly asks as Greg makes his way inside, his eyes searching frantically until they land on me.

“I am. Again, what are you doing in my place of business?” I question, my voice turning harsh at his refusal to answer my question.

“We have a warrant to search the premises for drugs and weapons,” he says, handing me over a piece of paper.

The officer talking to me begins instructing the other cops about where to search and what to go through. Honestly, there’s really nothing in here other than the bags belonging to the girls.

“Do you realize I have a class going on right now?” I question him, looking over the piece of paper in my hand.

“That’s of no consequence,” he barks as Greg walks over to me.

“Eagle’s on his way,” he states just as an officer tells him to get on the floor and place his hands on the back of his head.

Turning my attention to the waiting room, I make my way there to let the parents know class is over. There is no way I want these girls in here with all these cops tearing the place apart. Literally.

“Ladies, there’s a situation going on, and I’m going to have to cancel today’s class. We’ll add the time onto the next one if you choose to come back,” I tell them, knowing my business is about to fail with the place swarming with police officers.

“Is everything okay, Alex?” one of the moms asks me.

“No, not really. There are police officers here searching the studio. I assure you they’re not going to find anything. I just don’t want the girls to see this if they don’t have to. I’ll completely understand if you all want a full refund and to cancel bringing your children here for lessons.”

“That’s not going to happen. We all know you’re a new business, and things have been going on in your life. The trial was all over the news. I’m sure I speak for the parents here when I say we’ll be back as soon as the next class is scheduled. It will be Friday?” one of the moms says, making me smile slightly.

“Thank you all so much,” I tell her, filling with gratitude.

The mothers in attendance collect their belongings and make their way to gather up their daughters. With the remaining girls, I gather them and their belongings up in order to take them outside the doors to wait for their moms to get here for them. Several cop cars fill the parking lot, blocking my SUV as I stand with the girls. Their lights are still flashing as one of the officers makes his way outside to stand with me while we wait. Though, I have no clue why he’s so concerned with me waiting outside. Still, I keep my attention from him and locked firmly on the little girls standing with me. It’s not as if I’m going to run away with five little girls standing with me. About the only thing I’m going to do is make sure their moms know what’s going on and that they need to be picked up earlier than anticipated.

By the time the cops finish destroying my studio, the little girls have left, and Eagle has shown up to find out what the hell is going on. He calls their lawyer, Mr. McAllister, to get down here and help me figure out what’s going on. We all know this is happening because of my father. There is no way he’s going to let things go since I haven’t helped Troy, and he’s not letting me off the hook. Tears fall down my face in frustration. He is hitting me in the lowest possible way he can. My father knows this has always been a dream of mine since he started allowing me to take classes.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance