Page 38 of Touch Me

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Chapter Twenty


THE LAST THREE months have been busy as hell. When I told Reaper and a few guys I wanted to open a dance studio here in town, we got busy getting it done. There was an empty storefront in the small shopping complex where I first got something to eat in town. The guys helped me work day and night, making it fit my needs and installing the dance floor, mirrors, speakers, and bar. I set up an office so I can do all the bookkeeping and other paperwork, along with a small reception area and waiting area for the parents as their children are in class. I love how everything turned out.

Walking in, there’s an entryway with thick grey carpeting. I’ve placed an award case against the outside wall. My office is to the right of the entryway. To the left is a small storage room for any costumes and a few set pieces we can use for recitals. I’ve purchased leotards, shoes, and tutus in various sizes for little girls to use who may not have the money to purchase everything necessary. There’s a small bathroom in between the storage room and waiting room. My waiting room has the same thick grey carpeting and bench seats they can sit on while watching their little ones dance and learn new moves. In the dance room, the floors are polished and made of light-colored wood. Mirrors line the back wall as we turned the wall facing the waiting room into windows. I want the parents to watch their little ones but not yell and try to correct them as I work with the little girls. And boys if they want to take dance.

We painted the walls a light blue in the waiting area and the entryway. I’ve placed pictures of various dancers on the walls. Some are in color, while others are in black and white. They’re in various dance poses or flying through the air. Pictures I’ve fallen in love with over the years because they have such style and grace about them. Women are poised and graceful without a care other than the music filling their bodies and mind. The way I used to dance. I’d allow the music to take over as I forgot about everything outside the four walls of the small dance studio I practiced and rehearsed. The only difference is I will not allow the parents to demand perfection and unattainable goals to be set and reached at such young ages. Not the way my father demanded things of me.

As I walk through my studio, the quiet of the building surrounding me as I look at all the small touches I’ve put into this space, I think about when I used to dance. I loved getting lost in a song and letting my body flow and move to the beat of the music. Those were the only times I was truly at peace and didn’t worry about my parents and what their current demands of me were. This is how I want each little person who enters my studio to feel and think as we learn new moves and routines, and put everything together with music. When I was dancing, I always dreamed of opening my own studio. My father laughed at my dream while my mother rolled her eyes and laughed along with him. They told me how stupid it was since I’d be the wife of someone of their choosing, and he likely wouldn’t let me work or open any damn dance studio. Tony, well, he hated anything to do with dancing. He thought the leotards were too revealing and didn’t want me to have anything to do with dancing from the second we were married.

Now, I have a man at my side who encourages and helps me make my dreams become a reality. Reaper didn’t laugh at me or try to make me feel stupid or foolish because opening a dance studio and teaching little ones to dance was my dream. I have more than enough money to open the studio, help a few kids pay for the classes with ‘scholarships,’ and run this the way I want to. To hire anyone I choose to hire because they believe in what I’m doing and want to help me make things even better. All the men in the club support me and have helped me in one way or another to make this dream a reality. These men are my family now, and I’ll do my best to support them as they have me. It’s all thanks to Reaper, a man I love more than anyone on earth.

The door will open to Rhythm and Grace in a matter of hours. Little girls and boys will flood the building, and I’ll show them just a little bit of what I’ll be teaching them. I’ve planned a dance routine to Say Something by A Great Big World featuring Christina Aguilera. It’s not going to be the entire song because I just want to showcase some of the things I’ll be teaching. Sometimes parents need a visual, and that’s the only way I could think to provide one. Other than the old tapes I’m planning on having played in the waiting room and entryway of the dance studio. Some of the recitals are ones I was in when I was little, while others are from various recitals you can find online.

I’m going to have tables set up with some snack food, cookies, cupcakes, drinks, and things like that. I’ll even have some veggie trays for those who want to snack on healthier food. Personally, I have a sweet tooth, and I’m not afraid to admit it. Rebel is also going to come over in a little bit to help me set everything up and make sure things are perfect tonight. I’ve got flyers printed out with the pricing of classes, where to apply for ‘scholarships’ for those who need to make use of it, and the days and times of classes. I’ve also thought of adding on some private lessons if parents want to go that route for extra help as well. So many ideas are bursting through my head, and I don’t know where to start with what I want to offer, if I’m being honest.

“Where’s my dancer?” Reaper’s voice fills the entryway of the studio as I stop in the waiting area.

“Back here,” I call out, turning to meet him as we walk toward one another. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to check in on you. See if you want to go grab some lunch.”

“I’d love to. I don’t think there’s anything else I can do here until the tables are delivered, and the food gets dropped off,” I say, leaning up to kiss him.

Reaper leads me from the studio, and we climb on his bike. I love riding behind him as he becomes one with the machine between our legs, handling it as if it were an extension of himself. He exerts such control and power over the powerful bike without hesitation or a second thought. There’s nothing sexier if you ask me.

After eating lunch with Reaper at Burger Stop, I head back to meet Jameson and Trax with the tables. Rebel and another Prospect will be getting the orders I’ve placed with all the food, and I’ve got the bottles of water and ice to keep in coolers which will be placed at the ends of the tables for easy access to everyone wanting a drink. Still, I walk through Rhythm and Grace to make sure everything is absolutely perfect. Not only to prove to myself I can do this but to prove it to my parents. Even if they never know about my studio, I’ll know it’s a success, and I’m more than a woman who is supposed to take orders from a man I’m married to. A monster who only cares about dictating orders to me and doling out punishments when I don’t do as told and wanted.

“Alex, we’re here,” Rebel says, rushing through the doors with Jonas on her heels.

They’re each carrying large boxes of desserts and other goodies. Jonas only has eyes for Rebel as she walks directly up to me.

“Where do you want us to place these boxes?” Jonas asks, looking around for the tables that haven’t arrived yet.

“Um, I guess we can set them in my office for now. The tables should be here any minute. Are there a lot more in the truck?” I answer, looking through the door at the truck parked right out front.

“There’s about four more boxes and then the veggie trays. Does anythin’ else need to be picked up?” Jonas responds.

“I don’t think so.”

Rebel and Jonas take everything into my office after I open the door for them. There’s really not a lot of room to place things on, but we’ll make it work until the guys get here with the tables. Sitting in my chair, I take a minute to just sit and breathe. All of the hard work I’ve put in over the last few weeks is going to pay off today. Between working in the studio to get it ready, advertising on social media, and putting up flyers throughout town for the grand opening, I haven’t had a day off since this project started. I wouldn’t change a single thing about it either. This studio is my baby, and I don’t plan on stopping until I’ve got clients and teaching multiple classes a day.

“Alex, we’re here,” Jameson calls out as he enters the studio's main room.

Taking a deep breath, I stand up from my chair and make my way out where Jameson and Trax are standing, looking around. Trax is staring at some of the pictures hanging on the wall of various dancers with questions in his eyes. Jameson has a smirk on his face letting me know I more than likely do not want to know what’s going through Trax’s mind as he looks at the photos.

“You can really contort your body in all these different positions?” Trax finally asks as Jameson just shakes his head.

“Yes, I can,” I reply with a laugh because I know exactly what he’s thinking.

“Fuck! Reaper is one lucky son of a bitch,” he mutters, following Jameson outside to grab the tables.

Rebel makes her way back inside with large drinks for both of us. Accepting mine from her hand, she makes her way to my office before the two guys walk in with tables and set them up just down from the empty award case. Once the tables are up, and I have them covered with the tablecloth I picked up earlier, Rebel and I begin filling the platters with the goodies. We’ll keep an eye on the platters and fill them as needed with any excess treats we have. Staggering the treats with the veggie trays, I make sure the tables are completely ready to go before we start filling the coolers with ice and water. The only thing I have left is to set up the small table with the sign-up sheet and other informational items I’ve made and printed for today.

With five minutes to spare, everything is done, and it’s time for me to change into a leotard I have for the small performance I’ll put on. Rebel continues to work while I change in the bathroom and put my hair up in a bun as I’ve always worn it while dancing. It’s so long, and the easiest way I can keep it out of my face. I splash some water on my face before leaving the bathroom and making sure the door is closed behind me to find people already walking through the doors. Young girls with their parents enter and begin to look around as Rebel takes my bag from me to stash in my office. She’s also changed to a dark pair of dress pants with a red dress shirt that doesn’t show off too much skin. No make-up covers her face, and her hair is piled up high on her head as she smiles and greets everyone on her way to my office.

“Welcome,” I greet the parents and children already inside. “Feel free to look around, grab a snack and bottle of water. I’ve got a sign-up sheet on the table with other information you might need. If you have any questions, I’ll be walking around.”

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance