Page 37 of Touch Me

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“You can’t do that, Reaper,” Hoover whines, standing up on her heels as they stick in the grass.

“I can do any fuckin’ thing I want here. I’m the President of the club, and you have been causin’ more shit than any of us want to fuckin’ deal with,” I grind out as Alex comes up and rests her hand on my lower back.

Hoover doesn’t take her eyes off Alex as she wraps her body around mine with a large smile on her face. I’m not waiting until later to do what I have planned for the day. Looking at Eagle and giving him a nod, he rushes inside to grab what I need. Well, part of it. Remaining where we are in the yard, I turn to face my woman.

“Alex, everythin’ seems to be happenin’ at warp speed between us. Why bother changin’ shit now? Alex, I want you to be my ol’ lady in the eyes of the club. Will you accept my rag?” I ask as Eagle reaches my side and hands over a plain white box.

“Yes, Reaper. I’d love to be your ol’ lady,” she answers, a lone tear sliding down her face as Hoover huffs and puffs behind me.

“I’m not done with just makin’ you my ol’ lady, though. When it comes to you, Alex, I want everythin’ you’ll give me. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms, wake up with you draped over my chest, plant my babies in your belly, and love you for the rest of our days. I want to raise our children together and watch as they raise our grandbabies. I love you, Alex. Will you do me the honor of becomin’ my wife?” I question her, pulling out the ring I bought for her a few days ago.

The ring is platinum with a small skull on each side of the diamond. In place of the eyes of the skull, delicate rubies rest. Scribe work wraps around the band in delicate vines. Alex doesn’t take her eyes off the ring as Eagle helps her slide the rag over her shoulders. Before she can give me an answer, an ear-piercing screech sounds from behind me.

“Reaper, you’re mine!” Hoover yells, stomping and stumbling over to my front and right next to Alex.

Hoover pushes Alex out of her way and holds her ring finger out for me to slide the ring on. This woman is more delusional than I thought she was. Tears fall down Hoover’s face as I turn my attention to Alex standing in stunned silence. Her face is turning a bright shade of red, and I know she’s about to explode.

“Bitch, I don’t know why the hell you’re holding your hand out to. I don’t believe your name is Alex. Last I knew, it was one of a few; cum dumpster, skank, Hoover, and a list of others I’ll be glad to name for you. I’m the one Reaper wants because I don’t spread my legs for every single one of his brothers or make an ass of myself the way you are right now,” Alex says, stepping in between Hoover and myself.

“You’re the fucking skank. Last I knew, you were still married. Yet, you’ve managed to come in here and trap our President. A man who was planning on making me his ol’ lady before he fell into your trap. You’re nothing more than a man-eater who has no intention of staying long-term when things are shitty, and there is nothing you can do but sit on your ass while Reaper goes out and does what he wants. Including cheat on you with women from other clubs. Don’t you know that what happens on a run stays on a run?” Hoover says, trying to put doubt in Alex’s mind about me and what I feel for her.

“Hoover, that’s enough!” I bellow, my voice carrying on the wind. “You’re done here. You don’t get to collect anythin’ on your way out. Titan, get Jameson to help you get rid of this bitch. You’re out bad, and no other club we’re affiliated with will allow you to enter their clubhouse. You had a few jobs here and can’t manage to do them. Any of them. This is a lesson for the rest of you Fallen girls. If you can’t get off your lazy asses and do what’s expected, you’ll find yourself out on your asses too.”

“Reaper!” Hoover screams as Titan and Jameson begin to drag her from the backyard.

She’s kicking, biting, and trying to hit each man as they drag her around the corner of the clubhouse. I turn my attention back to Alex to get her answer to my proposal.

“Yes, Reaper, I’ll marry you,” she says, pulling me in for a kiss.

When I finally pull my mouth from hers, I turn to find Round standing just outside the clubhouse door. He’s got a large smile on his face, a diaper bag hanging from his shoulder, and his arms are holding a small pink blanket. After sliding the ring on Alex’s finger, we make our way over to Round as Jay tells him the small canopy is set up for him and the baby.

“Round, who do you have here?” I ask, a smile on my face as Alex helps him by taking the diaper bag from him.

“Pres, Alex, I’d like you to meet my daughter Marsha,” he responds, adjusting his hold on his small baby girl so we can see her face.

Alex is so excited as she looks at the small bundle of pink, she’s bouncing on her feet. Round’s little girl has a head full of bright red hair with those chunky, round baby cheeks. Her little fingers are small and slender like the rest of her small body. With a smile on his face, Round hands his daughter over to my fiancé. She looks up at him with awe on her face at his trust in holding his little one. My brother just made a best friend for the rest of his life, it seems. I’m not going to say my woman doesn’t look amazing holding a baby as she keeps her eyes downcast on the little one she’s holding close to her body.

“You guys go do guy things. I’m going to sit here and hold this little one,” Alex says, not wanting to give Round’s baby up for any reason.

Round and I laugh as she sits in the lounge chair Jay brought her. The two of us head out and make our way to get some food and drinks while Round’s eyes continuously glance back where my woman is holding his daughter.

“She’s fine, Round,” I tell him as we make our way through the line.

“I know. Lisa is the only one who’s been with Marsha other than me. It’s a lot harder than I thought it’d be. Especially with Marnie gone,” he tells me. “Alex looks good holdin’ onto a baby, though. You thinkin’ of havin’ kids with her?”

“I’ll take as many as she wants to give me,” I respond, turning my own attention to my ol’ lady.

“I’d say she’s on board with that,” he laughs as we begin to make our way back under the small canopy.

I grabbed Alex a plate of food as Rebel follows us over with her own and a bottle of water for my woman. The four of us talk, eat, and laugh while Alex remains holding Marsha. She even stops eating to feed her a bottle so Round can continue eating his food. As I look around the room, everyone is eating, sitting in small groups, talking and laughing, and having a relaxed afternoon with no worries or concerns. This is what we all need right now. Especially as Jameson turns on the music; quieter than we’d usually have it blaring with the baby here. It’s a good day and will only turn into a better night as we celebrate and spend time together as a family.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance