Page 39 of Touch Me

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I get several smiles from the parents as excitement fills the air from the little girls whose eyes are glued to the pictures on the walls. Moving to stand just inside the door, I’m surprised when Reaper’s truck and several motorcycles pull up. My man gets out of the driver’s side of his truck wearing his standard jeans with a dark grey button-down shirt under his cut. Instead of heading for the doors, he makes his way to the passenger side and opens the door. With the help of Eagle, his grandma gets out of his truck and makes her way to me, where I stand.

Elenor pulls me in for a hug with a large smile on her face. I’m still shocked by the club and Reaper’s grandma showing up today. With a kiss on my cheek, Elenor pulls back and takes in the front of the studio.

“What are you guys doing here?” I ask as Reaper leans down to kiss me.

“We’re here to show my ol’ lady and fiancé support. Gram wouldn’t dream of missin’ your big day, and the guys will be here because of who you are and their respect for you. Even got them to dress semi-decent,” Reaper replies with laughter as the guys all grumble behind him.

“Thank you all so much,” I say, accepting a hug from each man as they pass me.

Reaper stands at my side, growling and grumbling the entire time the men briefly wrap their arms around me. I can’t help but laugh as more and more people fill the studio and walk around. After an hour and a half of talking to potential clients and answering all their questions, I make my way into the studio itself, where people have lined the walls and fill the waiting room to watch as I pick up the remote and turn on the song I’ve chosen to perform to. As the opening beats fill the studio, I block everything from my mind and let the music take over. Moving across the floor, I don’t look at anyone but keep my eyes closed. I’ve been rehearsing in here for the last week and know exactly how far I can move, even with the addition of the people filling the room.

Since I’m not going to perform the entire song, I stop my routine halfway through and pick up the remote control for the stereo system again. With the music no longer filling the room, I turn to the parents.

“That’s just a small bit of what I’ll teach your children and what they’ll accomplish with practice and dedication. I’m not expecting anyone to dedicate their entire life to dancing or making them give up their friends and other interests. However, I will do my absolute best to ensure I teach your children the best I can. We’ll perform at least two recitals a year. One of those being at Christmas time. I’ll help with the cost of costumes and make any changes we need to those your child will wear,” I tell them, looking around the room. “I’ll be here if you still have any questions. Thank you all so much for coming out today for the grand opening of Rhythm and Grace.”

Men and women begin clapping as I take a bow and walk from the middle of the room. Stopping at the door, I accept the bottle of water Reaper is holding for me.

“You move so amazin’,” he tells me, pressing a chaste kiss against my lips. “You might have to show me more of those moves later tonight.”

“Thank you, babe. I’ll be more than happy to show you all my moves.”

“Fuck!” Trax groans, walking away from us as the men surrounding us laugh.

Taking a drink of my water, I turn to talk to the parents and children. When I finally manage to walk out to the table with the information and sign-up sheet, I notice we’re now on the third sheet of client names. This is even better than I anticipated. No one can take the smile from my face. Not today when it’s been one of the best days of my life.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance