Page 36 of Touch Me

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Chapter Nineteen


ALEX DIDN’T SURPRISE me one bit when she sat on the stand in court and testified against her husband. Even as he glared daggers at her the entire time and his eyes promised retribution, my woman didn’t glance in his direction as she stared at me and shared her years of abuse from her husband. When his lawyer tried to shred her and make her change her story, she didn’t waver or let him intimidate her in any way. Alex sat there, answered his questions with the truth, and relived her past as if it were still happening to her. She shed tears because it was her natural reaction and not to gain the sympathy of the jury. Then, she told her father and brother off. After just learning she had a brother. I’ve never been as proud of anyone in my entire life as I am of her standing up for herself and making sure her husband stays in jail where he belongs.

The day took a toll on her, and she slept the entire way back to Clinton. I don’t blame her at all. She barely stirred when I picked her up from the SUV and carried her into our home. I let her sleep for a while and talked to Eagle in the living room. None of the guys are happy with her past and want to kill the fucker Troy on her behalf. They’re all proud as hell of her and she’s gained their respect. My best friend stayed for a dinner Alex made when she woke up and started to get to know the woman I’ll be claiming as mine in the eyes of the club very soon. Hawk also stopped to let me know he’s already made contact with several of our allies and friends to ensure Troy has a welcoming party no matter what prison he’s shipped off to. We have friends everywhere.

Today, the club is having a cookout, and Alex has been busy preparing the food with the help of the Fallen girls and Rebel. Well, some of the fallen girls. Hoover and a few others haven’t lifted a finger to help her out, and we’re all paying attention to that shit. These women won’t be lasting long here because they’re showing their true colors with the first ol’ lady of the club in years. We don’t have room in our family for bitches who want to do nothing more than cause trouble and start shit because they aren’t getting their way. That’s petulant child bullshit and doesn’t belong anywhere in a clubhouse.

“Reaper, can I talk to you for a second?” Rebel asks, her voice soft and gentle as she stands behind the bar.

Rebel has been with us for almost two years now. Pound found her getting the shit beat out of her in the parking lot of the shopping complex here in town. After taking care of the fucker abusing her, her fiancé, he brought her to the clubhouse, cleaned her up, and she’s been with us ever since. She’s twenty-two years old now with a toned body from all the kickboxing classes she takes. Her long blonde hair has streaks of dark red in the strands. Those strands usually change colors once a month and have been all sorts of rich, vibrant colors. She has startling violet eyes and doesn’t wear make-up caked all over her face because she doesn’t need it. Rebel is a natural beauty with a heart of gold.

“What’s goin’ on, sugar?” I ask her as Alex walks up and wraps her hands around my waist.

“Well, I wanted to see if I could take a few days off at the end of the month. I need to get out of town and take care of some things,” she asks, her voice wavering as Pound storms through the entrance of the clubhouse and stalks through the common room without paying attention to anyone else as he slams his way upstairs.

“Everythin’ okay?” I question her as her eyes are in the direction of the staircase Pound just disappeared through.

“Yeah. There’s just something I need to take care of,” she says, her voice wavering still as she finally looks at Alex and me.

“You got it. If you need anythin’, we’re here for you,” I assure her as Round walks in the common room looking haggard and as if he hasn’t slept in weeks or months.

“Thank you, Reaper. Alex, I’m almost done back here. I’ll meet you in the kitchen to finish the prep while the guys start the grills and begin cooking the meat,” Rebel says, pasting a fake smile on her face.

Nodding my head, I kiss the top of Alex’s head and make my way over to Round. Telling him we need to talk, we make our way to my office so I can find out what the hell is going on with him. Round closes the door behind him and sits in front of my desk while I take the seat behind it. Something has definitely been off with him, and I’ve tried to stay out of his personal business, but his head isn’t in the game where it needs to be. That’s what can get one of us hurt or worse, killed.

“Round, you know, like anyone else, I don’t meddle in the personal lives of the members. However, your personal life is affectin’ the club. You’re exhausted, your head isn’t here with us, and the way you spoke out against the shit with Alex proves somethin’ major is goin’ on. I told you I’d be there for you to talk, and you haven’t. Now, I want to know what’s goin’ on,” I state, trying not to force his hand but knowing I need to at the same time.

The man I’ve known for years, and has been one of the hardest men I know, breaks down in front of my very eyes. His head drops to his chest, and he starts crying. Silent tears fall down his face, hitting his jeans and the floor beneath him. Shock fills me at the outpouring of emotion Round is displaying at this moment. Getting out of my chair, I walk to stand in front of him with my hand on his back. I let him get his emotions out and wait until he’s ready to talk about what’s going on. After several minutes, he begins to talk.

“I’ve been seein’ someone for over a year now. She didn’t want anythin’ to do with the club, and I respected her decision. Marnie got pregnant a few months after we started datin’. I was over the moon happy and filled with excitement to become a dad,” Round says, more tears falling down his face. “However, she’s been sick and stopped her treatments in order to carry our little girl. I have a daughter, Pres. The day she gave birth to our baby girl, I lost the love of my life. She didn’t get to hold her, see her, or even name her. Since then, I’ve been a single daddy tryin’ to take care of my daughter. She’s only two months old. My neighbor helps me when I have to be here, and has been a Godsend. When I can’t get little Marsha to stop cryin’, Lisa stops over and helps me. I’m so out of my element and don’t know what to do.”

I’m fucking floored. This is the last piece of news I expected to hear right now. My heart goes out to one of the strongest men I know.

“Here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna bring that beautiful baby girl to the clubhouse for the cookout today. We’re gonna have your back and give you all the help you could ever want. Alex will be more than willin’ to help with anythin’ you need. We’ll get your room set up for Marsha to stay here when you’re here on business. You’re not in this alone, Round. You could have come to us at any point in time after losin’ your woman. Brotherhood above all else,” I tell him, still not moving my hand from his shoulder in silent support. “Go get your girl, and I’ll make sure the guys know today is to be toned down so we don’t scare your baby.”

“Thank you, Pres. I’ll be back soon,” Round says with a small smile as we make our way from the office and out into the common room.

Without another word, Round leaves the clubhouse. I search out the members and bring them all to the common room along with the Fallen girls, Alex, and Rebel. When everyone is in there, sitting at various tables, I let them all know what Round just told me. Not a single person can believe he’s been dealing with all of this on his own. We all agree to keep today as light and family-friendly as possible. Especially if Round brings his neighbor with him to help with the baby. We all have no problems making sure Round’s baby is cared for and showing him we’ll all be there for him no matter what he needs.

“Today, we’re goin’ to show Round we’re all here for him. Jameson, can you set up a spot for the baby outside so she can be in the shade? I’m not sure what else to do for her other than that,” I ask the Prospect who does everything we ask of him.

“On it, Pres,” Jameson responds, leaving the common room as minimal talking resumes amongst the men and woman.

Alex rushes to my side. Tears fill her eyes at the story I just filled them all in on.

“What can I do to help? I want to make sure Round knows we’re there for him. And I’d love to see his daughter. Do you think he’ll let me see her? Hold her?” she shoots rapid-fire questions at me, causing me to chuckle.

“I’m sure Round won’t have any problem lettin’ you hold his daughter and seein’ her. We’ll all make sure he knows we’re here for him in any way we can, darlin’. Now, let’s get this show on the road,” I answer her, pulling her in for a kiss before I head out back, and she makes her way back into the kitchen.

When we have church again, I’ll be bringing up the Fallen girls who didn’t help Alex and Rebel get anything ready for today. Lazy bitches only concerned with fucking aren’t going to last long here. I’ll make sure of it. Each person, no matter what role they have in the club, plays an important role, and if they aren’t going to pull their weight, they don’t need to be here. It’s about more than fucking if you’re a Fallen girl. Their role is to take care of us no matter what we need. This includes cleaning, cooking, stocking, helping get ready for cookouts, and anything else we need them to do. It shouldn’t fall solely on Alex, Rebel, Kori, Tits, and Nails.

Accepting the beer Jay hands me, I sit at a table in the shade, so I’m not sitting in direct sunlight for the next several hours. Jameson is putting up a smaller canopy where we can set up the baby, so she’s not in the sunlight. Alex and Rebel begin carrying out trays of food to set on the tables under the larger canopies. Jay and Jonas start bringing out cases of beer, bottled water, and soda to fill the tubs of ice with them. Still, the women who have been sitting on their asses aren’t doing a damn thing to help. Even the members are making sure everything is ready for tonight. I’ve had enough of this shit, and I’m putting a stop to it.

Walking closer to where the women are sitting in the sun, working on their fucking tans, I whistle loud enough to gather everyone’s attention. When the talking and laughter die down, I begin speaking.

“Since these bitches haven’t lifted a finger to help since we started gettin’ shit ready for this cookout, they will no longer be allowed to fuck any of you guys. They aren’t goin’ to be participatin’ after the sun goes down and will instead be cleanin’ and providin’ drinks to whoever wants them. Rebel, you have the rest of the day off since more than one of these bitches can stand inside behind the bar,” I announce, letting everyone know my feelings on their laziness.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance