Page 18 of Touch Me

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“You ain’t gonna do shit. If you do, you’ll land right back in here before heading for prison. The guards will make sure your life is hell when that happens,” he says, trying to sound tough even though there’s a slight waver to his voice.

“We’ll see about that,” I answer, looking down at the man as I tower over him. “Walter, I’ll have all your information by the end of the day. I’ll know every single infraction you’ve committed and each and every name of your family members. Who knows? Maybe my brothers will pay a visit to the women in your family,” I taunt him, knowing none of my guys will ever lay a hand on any member of his family.

Walter actually swallows hard at the news I’ve just given him. He knows I’m not fucking around. The man behind me doesn’t make another sound as he lets me collect what little I have in my cell before leading me to collect my clothes and other belongings. He doesn’t touch me other than to uncuff me before rushing back through the doors separating him from me. Signing my name on the form, I’ve gotten everything I walked in here with. I toss the pen back in the slot for the guard to pull through to him. Stepping up to the doors, I wait for the loud buzzing sound to assure me they’re unlocked before pushing through them.

The sight greeting me is none I’ll ever tire of seeing when one of us gets out of lockup. Each member of the club is sitting astride their bikes, waiting for me to get to them. At the end of the row sits my bike waiting for me to get back to it. By these men showing up, they’re letting me, and everyone else, know they have my back and will not let the shit stand that happened. We don’t go after anyone innocent. All the cops and guards we’ll be getting our hands on will suffer for their actions. For choosing to side with an arrogant prick who believes he’s untouchable.

A loud cheer goes up when Hawk and Eagle turn to face me as I walk closer to them. Each man stands from his bike and makes their way over to me. We exchange man hugs, and I feel as if I’m getting out after doing a longer stint than just overnight. Still, I’m not about to say a damn word because this is what our club is all about; having one another’s back and being there when we need someone the most.

“Let’s get the fuck outta here. I want to know where Alex is and what’s goin’ on. Not sure if McAllister filled you in on anythin’ happenin’ inside either,” I say, looking at my VP as he takes in my face up close.

“We heard a little while waitin’ for you,” Eagle responds. “We’ll make sure they know how bad they just fucked up.”

“Let’s ride,” I yell out, straddling my bike and tying my bandana around my head without worrying about my helmet right this second.

Starting my engine, I take a minute to let the rumble of my bike fill me. All the guys are looking at me as I hold one hand in the air and make a round motion, signaling it’s time to ride. McAllister remains by the gate I just walked out of with a smile on his face. I nod as I ride by, revving the throttle and heading back into town. This is what I love the most; riding free with my brothers at my side. The only thing hampering my enjoyment of this moment is not knowing where Alex is and what’s going on with her. Until I know that, I’m not about to calm down or get out of my head.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance