Page 19 of Touch Me

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I’M NOT SURE exactly how much time has passed between falling asleep in the chair and Troy showing back up to get me. He shakes me awake, harder than necessary and to the point, I feel I might have whiplash now. Troy walks around the room as if he owns the place while I try to wake up and head to the bathroom before we leave here. He hollers at me because I’m holding him up and doesn’t allow me to close the door as he stands watching over me like some sort of creeper. When I stop to wash my hands, he shows me the error of my ways by slamming my head into the mirror in front of me and holding me there while screaming at me. His abuse and treatment of me are getting out of control and worse than I ever believed it would be.

When Troy finally lets me go, I turn to find Carver standing in the doorway. This only tells me my punishment is not over with. Carver will ensure no one else comes in the room while Troy does his worst damage to me. My punishment today is for being insubordinate because I had to go to the bathroom after my nap and wasn’t ready to head out as soon as he walked through the door. It’s a small infraction, but I’ll receive a punishment, nonetheless. As far as I’m concerned, he can kiss my ass because I’m not his property or a damn dog who will obey his every whim. The only thing I want to do is find a way to get away from him again and make sure Reaper’s okay before moving on once more. There’s no way I can stay with the man whose touch has been burned deep into my soul.

The beating Troy gave me in the hotel's bathroom was so bad that he had Carver carry me to the car. Carver picked up my battered, bruised, and bloody body bridal style and carried me from the room as Troy casually strolled behind him. When we got to the elevator and stepped in, Troy stood in front of us so no one could see the damage done to me. The last thing he wants is for someone to call the cops on him because I’m beaten up. Not every person has a price they’ll accept for him trying to buy them off and turn their head the other way.

Troy lays into me some more as soon as we’re in the car. He makes sure I wouldn’t be able to move well enough to easily get away from him. With Carver driving, he sits in the backseat with me and rained punches down on my head, face, side, and legs. With being in so much pain already, I wasn’t fast enough to protect myself from the further damage being inflicted on me. This is a fact my husband knows and takes full advantage of whenever he can. I’m usually quicker with blocking his hits, but not today. My body is sore, and I’m so damn tired.

He wants to watch me break. Again. Troy is a sick bastard who likes seeing my tears and hearing my screams of pain. The only thing I can do right now is not give him that satisfaction. I keep my mouth glued shut and my eyes open as much as they’ll stay open with the swelling already closing my eyes. He’s waiting for me to cry out and beg him to stop. At the cost of bringing more pain on myself, I don’t give him what he wants. I’ll never do that again. Troy will not break me in the ways he wants to because I know his game now and will never be the weak woman he’s used to me being.

I finally pass out from the damage caused to my body. Letting the darkness take me away from the torture that’s only beginning. Once we get ‘home,’ the torture will be much worse, so I’m taking the freedom of the darkness for now. He won't let me pass out in his torture room at the house. They throw freezing cold water on me to get me to wake up and take all the punishment. It’s another way he’ll try to break me, one he’s used many times in the past.

When I come to, I see I’m in the house Troy moved me into as soon as he could. This is his home and nothing more than a fucking place of hell for me. It means I’ve been out long enough for him to get to an airport and then drive to the house. At this point, I’m not sure he didn’t drug me with something while I was passed out. It’s the only thing that makes sense because he wouldn’t have let me be passed out from the pain that long. Not when he can use the opportunity to beat on me without any witnesses other than Carver. Carver will never say a word because he usually has Troy’s back no matter the cost to his conscience.

I try to move so I can get up and go to the bathroom, but I can’t move. My arms and legs are chained as the heavy metal rattles in the room, and panic begins to take over. Looking around the room as quickly as I can, I’m in my room at the house. Yes, we have separate rooms because Troy can’t stand to be in the same room with me for longer than it takes to rape me. I’m spread eagle on the bed with no clothes covering my body. Thick chains are attached to the cuffs from all corners of the bed.

“What the fuck?” I mutter to myself, flopping back on the bed beneath me.

My mouth feels like cotton has been stuffed in it. I need a drink and to go to the bathroom. Yanking my arms and legs, I try to break free to no avail. What am I supposed to do now? I’m not sure how long I thrash around in the bed trying to get free. There’s no point in calling out to anyone because most of the rooms in the house are soundproof, and no one would hear me. So, I stop when exhaustion begins to take over my body again, and my bladder begins to scream out in pain.

Calming myself down, I try to think of a way to get out of this. I need to get someone in here and let me loose before I make a mess of everything. I’m not going to be able to hold myself from going to the bathroom for much longer. Troy wouldn’t want me to stain his mattress and bedding either. Sooner or later, someone has to come in and let me loose to go to the bathroom. Closing my eyes, I lay back and try to think of anything other than needing the bathroom and being trapped in this damn prison once again.

Reaper fills my vision. I wonder if he’s still in jail where he doesn’t belong. Even with the threat of jail, he still chose to try and fight for me. To save me from the hell I’ve known for two years now. Even longer than that if my father were here with my husband. My father has never once loved me. I wasn’t born a boy to take over the family business, and he couldn’t train me to rule in his place should he ever want to step down. I’m just a female, and my mother couldn’t have any more children after me. The reason was never stated to me, and I didn’t care enough to dig deep.

It’s not long before the door of my room is unlocked. The turning of the lock clicks and echoes in the room that’s been my prison for longer than I’d like to admit. I watch in horror as my door is flung wide open, and another man stands next to Troy. He’s got greasy dark hair, beady eyes, and scruff on his face. His clothes are rumpled, and there are a few stains on his white dress shirt. This is not a man my husband usually does business with, and I’m not sure why he’s choosing to now. It must be something extreme for him to gain if he’s bringing this guy around.

His beady eyes roam over my body, making me feel dirtier than I do at this moment, and my skin crawls. They roam from the top of my head over my chest and torso down to my feet, then slowly back up again. Not like when Reaper looked at me; he made me feel beautiful, sexy, and protected. Troy also trails his eyes over my body with a sinister smirk on his face at the damage he’s caused me.

“What happened to her?” the man asks, his voice made of steel even if it’s somewhat higher pitched than any man I’ve ever heard.

“She’s been a little disobedient. I’ve had to put her back in her place several times since getting her back,” Troy answers, smugness filling his voice as he looks over his handiwork.

“I see. And is this the normal treatment of her?” he questions, finally taking his attention off of me.

“Only when she needs it. Unfortunately, I have to say she’s disobedient more often than not, and I have to teach her to submit. I broke her once, and I can do it again. You can certainly have the pleasure of taking your own turn if you’d like,” Troy offers the man as if I’m not a human who has rights and deserves to be treated fairly.

“Now she’s going to have to stay here. I don’t want damaged property. I warned you when we made this deal I wanted premium product. The deal’s off,” the unknown man says, his voice full of quiet hostility. “I don’t have to beat my women to get them to willingly submit to me. There are other ways to break a person’s spirit than torture and beating the shit out of them.”

He walks off as I watch Troy’s face turn so red it’s almost purple. Veins are beating out on his forehead and neck as he stares at me. I’d laugh if I didn’t know the hell that’s about to reign down on me. It’s going to be horrid and worse than anything I’ve ever felt in my entire life. The look on my husband’s face assures me I’m in for one hell of a beating. Troy’s eyes are now about to bulge out of his head at the knowledge he just fucked up with the deal my father and him were counting on. I can read between the lines enough to know this was a vital deal they needed to go through.

“Do you see what you’ve done now? This is all your fault, you stupid fucking slut!” Troy bellows out, picking up a metal pole. “Now I have to start all over again and get another deal lined up.”

There’s no time between his words and when he begins to hit me repeatedly with the pole. Almost immediately, I black out from the pain being inflicted on top of the pain I’m already in. Troy doesn’t give a fuck what I’m feeling or going through at this moment. All he cares about is blaming someone for his fuck up. One my father is assuredly going to hear about and yell at the man who married me for my money alone. The man who became the son my father always wanted. There is no way in hell he’s going to let me go unpunished for the crimes he feels I’m committing against him.

Waking up again, I can’t open my eyes at all now. I have no clue the damage that’s been done to me or how long Troy beat on me this time. All I know is this man who has been my husband for the last two years is now not only my warden; he’s my executioner. There is no doubt in my mind Troy means to kill me if he can’t find someone else to take over whatever deal has been broken because he couldn’t keep his hands off me for a few days.

My body is on fire from the amount of pain filling me. The blackness is threatening to suck me back under. However, the voices in the room make me become more alert. Even if I can’t see them, I can hear perfectly fine.

“Have you found anyone else to take the place of the asshole?” a man asks, his voice harsh and sounding like my father.

“No, I haven’t. I’m working on it,” Troy responds, the frustration evident in his voice as he replies to my dad.

“Not fucking fast enough. We need to get our hands on that money, and she’s the only one who can make it happen. Not just the money from the sale of her, but the money we’ll gain access to from her death,” my father declares, giving me more information than I had in the past. “Now, you’ve brought up more problems than I want to fucking deal with, Troy. I knew I should have fucking dealt with this myself. Not only making the deal but with extracting my daughter from the fucking biker trash. You always manage to fuck shit up.”

While this is not an ideal situation, knowing my father and husband are going at one another in hate soothes something rooted deeply in my soul. Troy will continue to fuck things up, and my father will grow to hate him more and more. My father doesn’t deal well with people who don’t follow his orders and promises that are made to him. Troy has promised to get this deal to go through, and now he doesn’t seem to be able to handle this on his own.

“What problems have I brought up by getting my wife back from that biker scum?” Troy demands to know from my father as I try to keep my breath even so they don’t pay attention to me.

“We’ve got a man by the name of Pedro looking into us now. Did you not believe the biker when he told you he had his own ties to the fucking cartel? He’s the right-hand man of the fucking boss, you asshole. It’s my family he’s now looking into because you couldn’t manage to catch my slut of a daughter on her own. No, you had to attempt to grab her from a biker you know nothing about. A man who has ties and takes down his enemies with ruthless abandon. Why the hell do you believe they call him Reaper? It’s not because he sits down at fucking tea parties with his enemies,” my father grounds out, a shuffle ensuing from the sounds bouncing off the walls of my prison.

“There’s no way this biker has the power to get a cartel on his side enough to threaten the Garcia family. Maybe this Pedro is looking in on you because of your own careless mistakes,” Troy says, only serving to anger my father even more.

“I don’t fucking make mistakes. That’s your department, Troy. You manage to mess up every small, simple task you’re given and not let the deal go through. All you had to do was keep your hands to yourself for a few days, and you couldn’t manage to do that. Now, you’ll suffer for what you’ve cost my family.”

It’s not long before the bedroom door slamming resonates in the room. Huffing and puffing from Troy fills the room as I try to pay attention to where he is in the room. It seems the sounds he’s making are coming from my bed's end. Troy’s pacing back and forth in his attempts to blow off the anger filling him. My father has never once been a man to mince words, and he especially lets out his anger when it comes to Troy. He never wanted me to marry him. Troy’s promise to get the job done and help improve my father’s business has proven to be a lie. One Troy is going to suffer greatly for, whether he believes it or not. I let the blackness take me back under when I know he’s not going to leave this room anytime soon.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance